I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 178: Leaked Alien Weapon

Peter Parker stuck to the ground with his left hand and resisted the suction of the strange instrument, and then shot a bunch of spider silk from his left hand and stuck it to the table behind "Captain America" ​​and pulled it hard.

The table flew over and smashed the "Captain America" ​​who was controlling the instrument and flew out. Peter Parker suddenly released the control, and he punched the "Hulk" who wanted to attack him with a gun.

"Where did you get this kind of equipment?" Just as "Iron Man" raised the three-claw instrument again, Peter Parker stuck it to the wall with spider silk and the instrument.

"Sea King" took a hard heart, picked up the purple energy ray gun, adjusted the energy to the maximum, and shot at Peter Parker.

"Wait!" Peter Parker grabbed Iron Man's clothes at the last minute and took him to the ground, dodging the blow.

However, because of the recoil, "Sea King" was not able to hold the purple energy gun steadily, and the energy ray swept an arc in the air, not only cutting off the ATM bank, but also giving Peter Parker's shop to buy sandwiches every day. Cut crosswise.

When the purple energy ray hit the gas pipe of the sandwich shop, it exploded instantly, and the entire sandwich shop caught fire.

"No, Mr. Dalmore!" Peter Parker saw the mess in the sandwich shop opposite, and thought that Dalmore might have been accidentally injured.

"Mr. Dalmore!! Where are you? Is there anyone? Is there anyone?" Peter Parker put down a few robbers and turned around and rushed into the sandwich shop quickly, looking for Dalmore everywhere.

In the end, Peter Parker rescued Dalmore and his cat who had fainted on the ground, but found that the four bank robbers had fled, and the police car not far away had already driven here.

"I have to leave first." Peter Parker handed the cat to Mr. Dalmore, turned and left the scene, now it would be another trouble if he was seen by the police.

Peter Parker jumped to the roof and dialed Tony Stark's number. If Peter Parker encounters any difficulties in New York, he can contact Tony Stark first.

"Hello, Peter? What's the matter with you?" Tony Stark answered Peter Parker's call.

"Mr. Stark, I just encountered a very strange thing. A group of people robbed an ATM bank with high-tech weapons." Peter Parker said quickly.

"Speak slowly? What high-tech weapons?" Tony Stark said.

"It looks as if they were made by themselves. One can emit blue energy to control objects in the air, and the other is an energy gun that emits purple light, which can emit purple energy rays, which are not small," Peter Parker said.

"Well, where? Has anyone caught it?" Tony Stark asked.

"At the ATM bank at 365 Manhattan, I was just trying to save people and let the robbers run away," Peter Parker said.

"Okay, I will pay attention to this matter, if there is nothing else, you can go home, you know that I am being watched by too many people now, so I may not be able to help you much, but you also don't take risks alone ..." Tony Stark said.

"Okay, then I'll go back first, and I'll contact you if there is anything else." Peter Parker hung up the phone, and he could only helplessly run towards the house.

Stark Tower Laboratory

"It's Peter Parker?" Arthur, who was sitting opposite Tony Stark, asked.

Arthur now has the convenience of going to Tony Stark's laboratory, so he comes to chat with Tony when he has nothing to do, and see the progress of Tony's new armor.

"Yeah, something strange happened to him, a robber robbed a bank with an energy weapon," Tony Stark said.

"The energy weapon robbed the bank? Well... I seem to know what's going on." Arthur was silent for a while, thinking that there seemed to be such a plot.

"What's going on?" Tony Stark looked at Arthur in amazement. Does Arthur even know this?

"I don't remember the details. It seems that a private team secretly took the alien weapons of the Chitauris who stayed in New York, and researched and manufactured the energy launcher." Arthur told Tony Stark said.

"It turned out to be the case. We did hire a private team to handle the finishing work at that time. It is normal for one or two things to be stolen. This is a small matter. Peter Parker should be able to solve it by himself." Tony Stark knew Peter Parker has improved a lot since the Wakanda war, and he should be able to handle it himself.

"Okay, if he needs help, you can help him. I've been thinking about Thanos' next move recently. I guess he will go to the void to find the soul gem!" Arthur said to Tony seriously.

"Void Land? Where is that? Do we need to take the Soul Stone first?" Tony Stark asked with interest.

"I don't know where the void is. It is said that the soul will eventually go there after death. It is not easy to get the soul gem. You must use the person you care about the most as a sacrifice. !" Arthur told the secret of the Soul Stone.

"The person you care about the most as a sacrifice? It's so evil, how do we get the soul gem?" Tony Stark asked.

"No way, we can only guarantee that Thanos can't get it." Arthur continued.

"Make Thanos out of reach? Do you know who Thanos cares most?" Tony Stark asked.

"Of course I know, and she is still my friend. They are called the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the female member Gamora is the daughter of Thanos, who is the person that Thanos cares most about." Arthur said.

"You mean Thanos is going to take Gamor's hand?" Tony Stark asked.

"Not necessarily, Thanos wouldn't know in advance that the soul gem needs to be sacrificed to get it. If Thanos goes ahead, he will probably use his other daughter Nebula as a sacrifice." Arthur said.

" Thanos has a daughter?" Tony Stark asked.

"Yes, but I don't know if Nebula is so important to Thanos, so I want to find Gamora in advance to prevent them from attacking." Arthur said his plan.

"Where are you going to find her, don't you mean they're venturing around in the universe?" Tony Stark said.

"It's fine for me to try my luck, so things on earth are left to you, and I need to be away for a while," Arthur said.

"Okay, we will protect the earth, you still have to tell everyone before leaving." Tony Stark said helplessly.

"Of course!" Arthur replied.


Peter Parker returned to his home to find Ned waiting for him in his room.

"Hi! Why are you here? Didn't you tell me in advance?" Peter Parker looked at Ned in surprise and said.

"Didn't you make an appointment to build Lego together? Where have you been and are you back now?" Ned asked, looking at Peter Parker.

"Um, I'm going to do something..." Peter Parker hesitated to discuss this at home.

"Are you going to fight criminals?" Ned asked.

"Shhh! Be quiet, I can't let Aunt May hear this, I was walking around the street." Peter Parker said, covering Ned's mouth.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about that, I brought the toys, let's play together." Ned pulled out a Lego Star Wars puzzle.

"Okay, let's play, then." Peter Parker sat down with Ned and started assembling LEGO models...


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