I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 183: heart of bossa

The six of them swam in the direction Groot pointed, and they looked at the huge trees with leaves of various colors below and felt that this place was really magical.

"Look! What is that!" Quill yelled, pointing to a hill ahead.

There are colorful plants growing on the hill, which is very beautiful, and it is particularly obvious that there is no plant in a circular open space on the hillside of the hill, exposing a red rock, and a blue crystal is embedded in the center of the rock. .

This blue crystal is about the size of a basketball and emits a dazzling blue light. Arthur and the others have seen the existence of this crystal from afar.

"It's the Heart of Bossa!" Gamora shouted happily looking at the blue crystal.

"I can't believe it was so easy to find, this mission is really easy!" Destroyer said while looking at the blue crystal.

"It's not easy. Without Arthur, it would be very difficult for us to dive to such a deep bottom." Rocket looked at Arthur and said.

But Arthur didn't speak, just looked at the blue crystal suspiciously as if thinking about something.

"My experience over the years has taught me that it's not that simple, and we should be careful!" Quill told everyone.

But the Destroyer ignored Quill's reminder and swam straight to the blue gem, and he swam to the blue gem halfway up the mountain.

"Haha, you are just too nervous, look I have nothing!" The Destroyer stood in front of the blue gem and laughed.

"Drax! Watch out!" Gamora shouted suddenly.

Just when the Destroyer turned around, he suddenly saw that Sitting Xiao "Mountain" opened its huge mouth, with three rows of sharp teeth in its mouth, biting towards the Destroyer!

The Destroyer turned around and ran, but the huge mouth of the small "mountain" was too big, and when it was closed, the Destroyer was surrounded by it.

At this critical moment, the action of the small "mountain" suddenly stopped, and the destroyer successfully swam out of the gap in the mouth of the small "mountain".

"Scared me to death!" Destroyer was shocked and said in a cold sweat.

"What's wrong with it? Why isn't it moving?" Gamora asked cautiously, looking at the small "mountain" in the distance.

"It has been under my control, and all creatures in the sea must obey my command." Arthur said with his arms crossed.

"What, you have controlled it?" Quill looked at Arthur in surprise and asked, such a big creature was restrained by Arthur in an instant?

"Yes, there is no danger now." Arthur nodded and said.

"I finally know why there are no creatures nearby. It turns out that this is its territory, and the surrounding creatures must have been eaten by him!" Rocket said, looking at the motionless little "mountain".

"Then what is this thing? How can there be such a big mouth that looks so terrifying." Destroyer asked, looking at the small "mountain" in the distance.

"It's easy to know what it is, I let it climb out and we'll know." Arthur said while controlling the small "mountain" to let it sit up.

Suddenly the bottom of the sea shook. It was this huge creature that moved. He sat up and spread out his body.

It was not until everyone realized what this creature was. It turned out to be a frog, but a creature like a frog with horns. Its back was covered with colorful plants. When it climbed on the seabed, it looked like a small "mountain".

"It's been a long time and it's been a frog. I thought it was something weird." Rocket said, looking at the huge strange frog in front of him.

"Then why does it have the heart of bossa on it?" Quill looked at the strange frog and couldn't figure it out.

"I know why the blue gem on it is called the Heart of Bossa." Gamora said suddenly.

"Why?" Everyone looked at Gamora, waiting for her explanation.

"Because that gem is its heart, the reason why the crystal emits a dazzling blue light is because it contains all the energy of the strange frog, and the strange frog also uses the crystal to attract those who have ideas about the crystal. The reason why hearts are so rare is that no one can get the heart by killing the monster frog under the sea." Gamora explained to everyone.

Everyone nodded and felt that Gamora's analysis was correct. This kind of creature is a special creature on the planet Poza, and the heart of Poza must be its heart.

"Then what do we do next? Kill it and take its heart?" Quill asked, looking at everyone.

boom! !

A blue energy shot from Arthur's hand directly penetrated the head of the strange frog. The strange frog lost its vitality without making any noise. The strange frog slammed heavily on the seabed.

The fall of the strange frog caused a huge vibration on the bottom of the sea, but this vibration came and went quickly.

"It's done, go and take down the Heart of Bossa and our mission is complete." Arthur said to the five.

"You are really resolute, well, the next thing is left to me." Quill took out a claw-like instrument and swam towards the blue crystal.

The blue crystal did not lose its light because of the death of the strange frog, and it still sparkled as always.

The claw instrument in Quill's hand shot out three red laser beams, which completely cut the entire blue crystal from the monster frog's body.

The whole crystal looks like a cone, deeply embedded in the monster's body. Quill tied the blue crystal with a golden rope and held it in his hand.

"Show it to me!" Arthur took the Bossa Heart from Quill's hand and felt a huge energy in it in his hand.

Arthur fired a red laser from his finger and cut a palm-sized piece from the entire blue crystal.

"What are you doing?" Quill asked, watching Arthur's strange behavior.

"I'll take one, I'll use it!" Arthur handed the blue crystal back to Quill, then carved the palm-sized crystal in his hand.

In less than a while, a square blue transparent square appeared in Arthur's hand, and Arthur nodded with satisfaction.

"This is it?" Gamora looked at the blue cube in Arthur's hand, especially the image of something she had seen in Thanos.

"Does it look like a cosmic cube?" Arthur asked everyone while holding the blue cube.

Quill, look at me, I look at you, in fact, they have never seen what the universe cube looks like.

"I have seen the information on the universe cube in Thanos, and it is exactly the same as the one in your hand. It can be faked." Gamora said looking at the blue cube in Arthur's hand.

"Haha what I want is to be able to turn the fake into the real, and I will use it to exchange the real cosmic magic when I get a chance!" Arthur laughed while looking at the blue square in his hand.

"Okay, now that we've achieved our goal, let's get out of here," Quill told everyone.

Under the leadership of Arthur, everyone returned from the original road and rushed towards the sea.

This adventure was a near miss, the six people came and left completely, and they also brought a blue crystal the size of a basketball, which was considered a complete victory.

Several people returned to the spacecraft, and everyone had a smile on their faces. This time they really made a fortune!


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