I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 186: Mystery Bounty

The six walked into the bounty market hall together, and Arthur looked at this place as if he had come to the world of cyberpunk.

Countless 3D projections on the top of the head project a reward list. Of course, there is a reward order machine in front of it, which is like a vending machine. It can translate the reward list into various languages ​​in the universe for you to view, which is very convenient.

If you choose to accept the reward, you can go to the staff in the lobby to place an order, and then you need to pay a certain deposit, and you can receive the reward by completing the reward task within the specified time.

If it is the first time, you can have three chances to receive the D-level reward without the deposit, which is a kind of guarantee for the newcomers who are in urgent need of money.

Of course, the reward orders are also graded. The worst is D grade, and the highest is SSS grade, which is a bit like the ranking of games on earth.

If the bounty cannot be completed over time, the deposit will be automatically deducted. The higher the level of the bounty, the higher the deposit will be, and the more rewarding the task will be.

The whole set of procedures is very standardized, which made Arthur lament that there is still a set of wanderers, no wonder the scale here will develop so much.

The whole hall is full of fish and dragons, and there are all kinds of people. There are also some giant monsters who don't know what planets look like aliens, and they are also looking up at various reward orders.

Most of the aliens are still the same size as Arthur but with different skin colors, and many people have transformed their bodies into machines, the so-called prosthetic limbs, so Arthur feels like he has come to the cyberpunk world.

Arthur even sees robots coming here to pick up bounties, which is really strange.

"I have a mission!" Quill took out a black card and handed it to a staff member.

"Please wait!" After inserting the card into the computer, the staff checked the bounty information that Quill received.

When the staff saw that Quill actually came to submit an SSS-level bounty mission, they raised their heads and glanced at Quill in shock.

It is not common for people who can complete the SSS-level bounty, it turns out to be the famous Marauder Star-Lord.

"Please come with me!" The staff led the six people to the second floor, which was the area for submitting bounties.

The six people followed this staff member who seemed to be no different from the Earthlings to a separate room on the second floor, and saw an alien with orange skin and a pot belly, who was the appraiser here.

"Yo, isn't this Star Lord? How did you complete the SSS-level reward so quickly?" The orange-skinned alien looked at Quill and asked.

"Meet Thrall again, how are you doing?" Quill put the box containing the blue crystal in front of the orange-skinned alien named Thrall.

"It's not the same. I've been here for ten years. There are fewer and fewer people who have completed high-level bounties recently. Only Quill, you can do better." Thrall took the box and opened it to see the blue lying inside. color crystal, he took out an instrument like a code scanner to scan the blue crystal that Arthur and the others brought.

"Well, it is indeed the Heart of Bossa, and the purity is very high, not bad." Thrall looked at the blue crystal with satisfaction and said.

"Of course, we risked our lives to get it back. SSS-level tasks can't be completed by anyone, but don't you look at who I am?" Quill said arrogantly.

"Okay, the mission has been successfully completed, and the rating of your Guardians of the Galaxy has risen by another level to reach the S level. This is the mission reward." Thrall handed Quill a purple card, which is the same as the one on Earth. The Cosmic Amethyst Card, which is similar to the bank card, contains the reward for their mission this time, 200 million Amethyst Coins!

"What's the rating?" Arthur asked, looking at Quill.

"Oh, individuals or teams can register as a member here, and then they can enjoy certain benefits, and the membership level will also increase with the completion of the bounty order. We have finally been promoted to the S level." Quill Xiangya Se explained.

"I see, so what are the benefits of upgrading to S-rank?" Arthur continued to ask.

"Not to mention other benefits. The biggest benefit is that you can check some uncommon mysterious bounty quests, and you can also give priority to some advanced bounty orders, and the completion time can be graced." Quill explained to Arthur.

"Uncommon mysterious bounty quest? What is that?" Arthur continued to ask.

"It's a quest that won't be posted in the normal hall for others to see. Only a bounty hunter above the S rank can check it out in the advanced bounty hall." Sartiquier explained.

"Yes, in fact, I haven't seen these tasks, let's go to the advanced bounty hall together." Quill suggested to everyone.

Several people nodded and agreed to Quill's proposal. They were also very interested in the advanced reward hall.

After saying goodbye to Thrall, Quill led the five people to the third floor, where the advanced reward hall was located.

When the six people first came to the third floor, they were stopped by two very burly guards with weapons.

"Show your bounty hunter ID card!" a guard said to the six.

Quill handed the previous black card to the guard, and the guard took it and inserted it into the mechanical instrument on his arm. The instrument suddenly lit up, showing the information about the Guardians of the Galaxy and their S rank.

"Come in!" The guard returned the card to Quill and told the six that he didn't pursue Arthur's absence in the data.

The six people walked into the high-level reward hall together. This hall is obviously much smaller than the ordinary hall below, but the environmental facilities are much cleaner, and the ground is covered with red carpets.

There are not many people in the hall, and there is only one wall to display the bounty tasks. The total bounty tasks add up to less than twenty, but all of them are SSS-level bounty tasks.

Arthur and the others looked up one by one. Most of the tasks were to find some special items, and they were all issued by one person. This person is the cosmic collector Talia Difan. He is a very ancient existence in the universe. Favorite some weird stuff.

Arthur even saw a bounty that said six infinity gems were offered, and as long as he got any one of them, he could get a high reward of 20 billion purple gold coins.

The other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy also saw this reward order, and all of them turned their heads and stared at Arthur, 20 billion! ! Arthur is simply walking 40 billion!

"Don't look at me like that, I won't hand them over, and do you think it's something that can be measured in money?" Arthur said to the five.

Several people sighed, 40 billion! ! If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't beat Arthur, they would all want to forcibly capture Arthur's Infinity Stones.

"This reward order does not indicate who issued it. It is very likely that the smoke bomb released by Thanos." Arthur carefully read the reward order and whispered that it was not issued by a cosmic collector.

"It's very possible, let's leave him alone, let's see if there are other bounties we can complete." Quill diligently turned his eyes away from the 40 billion bounty, and turned to look at the other bounties. stand up.

"Huh? This reward seems to be easier to complete!" Rocket said, pointing to a reward order.

Everyone looked at it together. The reward order said that for killing the cosmic demon and the fallen, the reward was five billion amethysts!

Fallen? I haven't heard of it, but killing people is easier than finding some unfounded items, and what kind of cosmic devil this person is, he is not a good person when he hears it, maybe this task can be tried!

The Guardians of the Galaxy looked at this mission with sparkling eyes, five billion purple and gold! Enough to sell a space battleship, beauties!


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