I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 195: Void Realm

in far space

After three days of voyages and five space jumps, the Predator spacecraft driven by the Guardians of the Galaxy finally came to the star field of the Void Realm.

On the spaceship, Arthur finally managed to overcome the airsickness problem after five space jumps, and he is now back in full spirits.

"I tried to hold your hand on a windy day, but the rain gradually became so heavy that I couldn't see you. How long will it take for me to be by your side, maybe I'll be better when it's sunny. Once upon a time there was someone who loved you It's been a long time, but the wind has gradually blown the distance so far, and it's hard to love one more day..." The spacecraft played the song Sunny Day by Chinese Jay Chou on Earth, which was played using Arthur's mobile phone connected to the spacecraft's stereo.

Although Arthur gave Quill an mp3 full of songs last time, but after listening to it for a few days, Arthur was going to vomit, so he took out his phone and played his own playlist.

"There was someone who loved you a long time ago..." Arthur sang along while holding a frying pan and frying the meat on the induction cooker.

Quill and the others all wondered if Arthur had a treasure chest, but he took out bottles of seasonings from his clothes and was making a bowl of sauce.

After a while, the table was filled with the things that Arthur took out of his body. There must be a dimensional space on Arthur's body, but why did he bring all the kitchen utensils? The five members of the Guardians of the Galaxy looked at Arthur and thought silently.

"How about a taste of the pot-wrapped meat I made?" Arthur took out another plate and poured out the pot-wrapped meat that had just been filled with the sauce, and said to a few people.

"What's the matter with you? Is your dream to be a chef in the future? Why are you carrying so many kitchen utensils?" Rocket couldn't help but asked Arthur.

"Before I went out, Wanda was afraid that I would not be able to eat well in space, so I brought these pots and pans and made some myself outside, so..." Arthur replied.

"Well, don't say that Arthur is really good at cooking, this pot-wrapped meat is very good!" Gamora picked up a fork and inserted a piece of meat into her mouth to taste.

"Really? Then I'll try it too!" Quill leaned over and picked up his fork to eat.

Several other people couldn't bear it anymore, and tried Arthur's craftsmanship one after another, nodding their heads, agreeing that Arthur's cooking skills are okay.

"It's not like you haven't eaten it. You forgot what you ate at my house when you sent me back to Earth last time?" Arthur looked at a few people speechlessly. Arthur did it once on Earth.

"Oh, you said that time, I remembered it, and the food that time was quite good." Rocket recalled the food he ate on Earth before.

Arthur rolled their eyes at them and continued to cook other food. Arthur almost vomited after eating the fast food that Katy Star bought in the past few days, and he had to cook a good meal today.

Arthur combined alien meat and Earth practices to create several nondescript dishes. Although it looks a bit strange, the taste is really good, making several people very happy to eat!

After the six people had eaten and drank, they sat on the seats of the spacecraft and chatted. Everyone was hesitant to look at the purple fog-covered space in front of them.

"This is the Void Domain? Why can't you see anything but the fog?" Arthur looked at the dark purple space in front of him.

"The characteristic of the Void Domain is this dark purple void mist. It doesn't know what material it is made of. It is non-toxic and tasteless. The biggest feature is that it is not light-transmitting. Be very careful, if you don't pay attention, you will be killed." Quill introduced the characteristics of Void Domain to Arthur.

"So once you go in, you become blind?" Arthur asked.

"Yeah, so we'll have to get ready to go in," the rocket said, pulling a circular radar from the cockpit.

"Dragon Ball Radar!!" Arthur looked at the radar in Rocket's hand in shock and asked. This radar is too similar to the Dragon Ball Radar in the comics, except that the color is not red, and the display effect is more delicate. It looks exactly the same as the Dragon Ball Radar. .

"What Dragon Ball Radar, this is the Void Radar! It's the only radar that can guide the way in the Void Realm. I once won it in a casino." Rocket said with the Void Radar.

Arthur looked at the rocket speechlessly. He won by gambling again. How much do you like gambling? You also won a mechanical eyeball, didn't you?

Rocket doesn't want to show everyone his little vault full of its secret treasures. The rocket turned on the radar, and a red dot on the radar showed where they were, and there was a green dot very far away from them.

"Red is us, green is other planets, is it clear at a glance?" Rocket asked.

It's obvious enough, and it won't show anything but a vague location, Arthur groaned in his heart.

"Okay, then we will officially set off and enter the Void Realm! Everyone sit down!" The rocket increased the power of the spacecraft and rushed towards the purple smoke.

In less than a while, the spaceship came to the purple smoke and plunged into it. Immediately after the spaceship entered the fog of the void, the environment around everyone was darkened, and the five fingers could not be seen.

The rocket turned on the lighting system of the spacecraft, but everyone saw that the high beams could only shoot a distance of two meters. It was like being in a sandstorm, where nothing could be seen, and the surroundings were pitch black.

"Damn it! It's too dangerous to drive the spaceship like this. You can't see anything. If we're going to be unlucky, we're going to die if we encounter a meteorite?" Quill scolded.

The rocket also slowed down carefully, looking at the direction marked by the radar, while Gamora, the Destroyer and Groot opened their eyes wide to see if there was any danger so that they could warn in advance.

"Don't worry, Rocket, just accelerate forward!!" Arthur said to Rocket with his eyes closed.

"What, how can I speed up in this situation? You want to die and we want to live a few more years!" Rocket yelled at Arthur.

"So what?" Arthur wrapped the entire search spacecraft with red energy, and then the red energy radiated out to mark the meteorites in the distant space with red energy, just like a 3D projection.

It turned out that Arthur found that his consciousness would not be affected at all in the fog of the void, and Arthur could still feel everything within five kilometers, so Arthur marked the environment within five kilometers with reality gem energy .

"Don't worry, with my reality gem energy package, even if the spacecraft is loaded with planets, it will be fine." Arthur said to the rocket.

"That's what you said? Since that's the case, I'm going to speed up!" The rocket still believed in Arthur, and drove the power to the maximum to the direction of the green punctuation on the radar?

"Be careful!!" Gamora warned when she saw a huge meteorite appearing in front of their spaceship.

But the moment the red energy cover outside the spacecraft touched the meteorite, the meteorite instantly disintegrated in space, turned into a mass of sand, and dissipated in space.

The hearts of Gamora and the others were all put down. They didn't expect Arthur's energy shield to be so powerful, so what's there to be afraid of? The rocket turned the engine power to the maximum and rushed forward.

This is probably the first person in history who dared to use such a fast speed to open a spaceship in the Void Realm.


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