I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 207: iron man rescue

The Vulture continued to target Peter Parker with his energy weapon, and Peter Parker jumped toward the upper deck, dodging the Vulture's attack.

Peter Parker jumped to the top deck and shot another web at the Vulture Freak, and he swung out from the web.

The Vultures kept firing at Peter Parker, who fell under his body, but never hit Peter Parker.

The moment Peter Parker swung back, he fired six spider silks that fixed the two steel wings of the Vulture Monster and prevented him from escaping.

Then Peter Parker jumped back onto the ferry deck, and the Vulture Man used the tips of his metal wings as scissors to cut the spider silk one by one, and then used his weapon again to target Peter Parker to kill him.

Peter Parker shot a spider silk ahead of time, stuck to the energy weapon in the hands of the vulture monster, and pulled it hard with the vulture monster.

The Vulture Monster also stepped back with turbines on his wings and Peter Parker engaged in a tug-of-war.

"Activate the shock web!" Peter Parker shouted, and suddenly the spider silk in his hand sent out blue shock pulses, which were sent to the Vulture Monster's energy weapon.

The vulture geek was instantly electrocuted, and the wires in many places on the metal wings were burned by the powerful electric shock, and many sparks appeared.

The vulture geek could no longer grasp the energy weapon, and the purple energy weapon was pulled over by Peter Parker and fell to the ground.

Because of the powerful electric shock just now, this purple-light energy weapon completely lost control, and it began to shoot randomly, jumping randomly on the ground.

Peter Parker saw that it couldn't go on like this, he had to stop it from shooting indiscriminately, or what if he accidentally injured others?

Peter Parker fired spider silk at the energy weapon, trying to stick it to the ground. A hair of spider silk wrapped the energy weapon, sticking to the ground and temporarily unable to emit energy.

"You are playing with something you don't understand, and you will suffer the consequences in a while!" The Vulture Freak said, and then left in the distance.

Peter Parker didn't understand what the vulture monster meant. Just when he was about to stop the vulture monster from leaving, the energy weapon behind it accumulated too much energy because it couldn't be fired and finally exploded completely.

A huge purple energy ray shot out from the energy core, shooting the entire ferry into thousands of windows and holes.

The passengers on the ferry were frightened by the sight, screaming and running for their lives, and the ferry was in chaos.

Not only did the energy core not stop, the purple energy rays became denser and faster, and finally exploded with a bang.

The characteristic of this energy core of the Qitarui is that the explosion explodes in one direction, so the entire ferry is directly cut in half by this energy core from the middle!

Peter Parker stood on the stern deck and looked at the crack in front of him. The whole crack extended to the bow. Peter Parker felt that he was finished this time! The joke is getting bigger.

Suddenly, a stream of sea water spewed out from the crack, and the whole ship began to crack from the middle, and it was cut very neatly.

The ferry began to slowly fall to both sides, the crack in the middle was getting bigger and bigger, the passengers on the boat were screaming loudly, the FBI people didn't know what to do, and the crew on the ship had never seen this happen. In this situation, I don't know where to organize people to escape.

"Gosh! What should I do? Karen, X-ray the whole ship!" Peter Parker said, and he had to do something right away.

"Cobweb grenades! Cobweb grenades!" Peter Parker kept shooting out the thickest spider silk, fixing the sides of the ferry with spider silk to stick the ferry.

Peter Parker kept moving through the cracks in the middle of the ferry, and arm-thick cobwebs shot out towards the walls on both sides of the ferry and fixed them.

In a split second, Peter Parker glued the middle of the ferry together with a dense web of spider webs, and he jumped to the bow, gasping for breath.

"Good job, Peter, you've succeeded 98 percent!" Karen said to Peter Parker, who was watching the ship and was indeed temporarily fixed and did not continue to dump.

"Great! Spider-Man is here to save us!" the people on the ferry began to cheer.

However, at this moment, Peter Parker's cobwebs began to break one by one, and the cobwebs still could not bear the heavy weight of the ferry.

"NO! NO! NO!" Peter Parker watched the ferry continue to dump, the sea water rushed into the cabin, and everyone began to scream in despair.

Peter Parker jumped out and shot a spider silk toward each side of the ship. He used all his strength to pull the spider silk while he fell in the middle of the air, trying to stop the ship from falling.

Peter Parker hung in the middle of the ship, roaring loudly, pulling the ship with all his strength to stop the ship from tipping over, but his strength was still not enough, the huge pulling force from both sides made Peter Parker feel that his body was about to be torn apart.

Suddenly, Peter Parker felt the tension loosen, and the ship not only stopped dumping, but also began to automatically regroup toward the middle.

"How could this be?" Peter Parker felt incredible, what's going on?

Peter Parker jumped back to the deck, he heard the strange sound of ding ding ding, then he turned around and suddenly saw Tony Stark's steel armor appear here, he was pushing the hull.

"Very good! Spider-Man, are you rehearsing with the band?" Tony Stark asked Peter Parker.

Tony was wearing a new set of steel armor that Peter Parker had not seen before, and a device like a small plane flew in the distance, with circular thrusters on it.

These circular thrusters automatically flew to the sides of the ferry and unfolded one by one to stick to the hull of the ferry.

The ferry, which was torn in half under the combined force of the steel armor and countless circular thrusters, rejoined and returned to its original shape.

"Great! Iron Man is here for us!" The people on the boat shouted again.

Peter Parker was very speechless looking at the grass on the walls. All my efforts just now were in vain?

Peter Parker ran outside and came to Tony Stark, who was using the energy from his arm to weld the split in the ferry.

"Mr. Stark!" Peter Parker chased after Tony Stark, Tony Stark's efficiency was too high, and all the cracks in the cabin were re-welded in an instant.

"Mr. Stark? What can I do for you?" Peter Parker shouted to Tony Stark, jumping to the top observation deck of the ship.

"You've done enough!" Tony Stark turned around and left, leaving only Peter Parker standing on the watchtower watching Tony Stark's masterpiece.

Countless rescue boats in the distance drove towards them, but they arrived a step late. The ferry was completely out of danger, and the people on board were cheering.

The ferry returned to the port smoothly, and Peter Parker was sitting on the roof of a building opposite the port, meditating.

What has he done today? The people who were going to catch the weapons were let them run away, and they almost put the whole boat in danger, and finally had to let Tony Stark wipe his ass.

Peter Parker was very upset. He wanted to prove himself to Tony Stark, but he screwed up in front of him.


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