I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 210: gem reproduction

Gamora took Arthur to buy a lot of specialty snacks in the market, and also bought a lot of convenience foods and drinks, and also bought some fresh meat at Arthur's strong request.

"Why do we buy all this meat? There's no way to keep it, and it only takes two days for them to stink!" Gamora said, looking at the legs of a large **** alien monster in a box on the ground.

"This is the leg of the most delicious Kryptonian lamb in the universe that the boss recommended me to vomit blood. It is said that this kind of sheep can only be found on very remote planets. It is very rare." Arthur explained to Gamora.

"What about these chickens? This kind of chicken is the cuckoo chicken that can be seen everywhere in the universe. If you have a good one, you don't have to buy the freshly killed one." Gamora silently pointed to the four shedding chickens beside him. Clean and plump Cuckoo Chicken said.

"I want to eat spicy chicken and saliva chicken. When I make it, you will definitely cry." Arthur said indifferently.

"Then what are you going to do with them? This kind of food started to rot in two days, and we only have a small refrigerator the size of a box for drinking." Gamora looked at Arthur and asked.

"Isn't that simple?" Arthur stretched out his right hand, and the blue energy shot towards the whole box of fresh meat. In an instant, the chicken and mutton were frozen into ice cubes, exuding cold air.

"It's done, let's go, let's continue shopping, aren't we making a fortune?" Arthur put the frozen big box into the dimensional space and said to Gamora.

"Okay, let's go, you've earned so much money this time, buy what you want." Gamora said to Arthur helplessly.

Arthur looked left and right happily, and bought some nice decorations when he saw them, and gave them away when the time came. He also picked out a very beautiful dress for Wanda, which was inlaid with energy gems. Amplifying spell energy is the equipment used by mages in the universe.

Arthur also bought gifts for other revenge, and bought a super rare metal for Tony Stark, which is not only strong in defense but also can change color with the environment, and can achieve the effect of invisibility.

I bought Dr. Banner a pair of unbreakable trousers and a top, which are also waterproof and fireproof, and the appearance is quite sci-fi.

Bought a leather jacket for Steve Rogers, the kind that looks very techy, he likes riding motorcycles, and it fits perfectly.

I bought a bottle of hair dye for Natasha. This hair dye will not fade after using it, and it will turn into whatever color you want. She promises to like it.

Bought a pair of combat shoes for Sam and Bucky. Arthur didn't know what they liked. These shoes can adapt to people's feet and are very comfortable to wear.

I also bought Pietro a pair of shoes that are resistant to electric shock and high temperature, so that the shoes will not break when he moves at high speed.

I bought a portable computer for Peter Parker.

Bought toys for each of Patton's three children, and a pistol for Colonel Rhodes, the kind that does not use bullets to emit infinite energy.

Bought a walking and talking teddy bear for Scott Lang's daughter.

Bought a pair of flip-flops for T'Challa, his favorite is flip-flops, they are very comfortable to wear, and his sister, Arthur also bought her a pair of earrings, very beautiful big pearl earrings, Guaranteed she will like it.

I bought Stephen Strange a piece of clothing worn by a mage, which can also increase magical energy.

Bought a lot of alien snacks for Venom, which Arthur knew were the ones their symbiotes liked to eat.

As for Thor, he is a prince and has everything he wants, so Arthur bought him a blue mechanical prosthetic eye for future use.

Arthur bought gifts for each of the Avengers members, filling his dimension space, and himself Arthur chose a watch, which looks very special, the most important thing is that it has a communication function that can cross Interstellar connection, it will not be so troublesome to call the Guardians of the Galaxy in the future.

"Enough shopping, you've done a lot of shopping today." Gamora and Arthur were resting on chairs in front of a drink shop, drinking a bright red freshly squeezed juice.

"It's alright, it's really good to go out for a stroll, and I'll want to go and see all over the universe in the future." Arthur said lazily leaning back on the chair.

"In the future... do you think we can defeat my father? I always feel that the time for him to achieve his goal is getting closer." Gamora asked Arthur looking at him.

"Rest assured, we will definitely defeat Thanos, not just a few of us. The entire Avengers will fight against him together. I feel very confident." Arthur comforted Gamora.

"I don't know if the whereabouts of the soul gems I sent out have any effect. It seems that I have to find a way to continue to disclose the news." Gamora said while thinking.

"Of course, the soul gem is not so easy to find. Even if we reveal its location, the harsh conditions are prohibitive." Arthur said.

"Yeah, to sacrifice the soul of the person you care about is a decision that will make the person who gets the gem will die." Gamora murmured.

"Of course, even if someone gets it, they will have to face the tyrant's pursuit. At that time, we will pay attention and secretly disclose the news of the person who got the gem, so that the tyrant can find it." Arthur continued.

"Well, don't worry, leave it to us to deal with it, we will try to delay him as much as possible." Gamora nodded and said.


What they didn't know was that in Utege some time ago, rumors about the location of the Soul Stone spread here, and it became the talk of countless adventurers after dinner.

There are rumors that the Soul Stone is in the Void, but no one knows exactly where the Void is.

Of the six gems in the universe, only the location of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is public. It is said to have appeared in Missouri (the name of the earth by aliens), but it was later rumored that the Missouri defeated the Chitauri with the help of Asgard, And the Cosmic Cube was brought to Asgard.

For those who coveted the Cosmic Cube, they gave up and went to Asgard to grab the Cosmic Cube? Don't be kidding, Asgard is the legendary domain of the gods, and the god-king Odin is a legendary ancient and powerful figure in the universe, calling himself the god-king! Few dared to attack him.

So immediately after the news of the soul gem appeared, some people were excited, and the opportunity came! It is also the soul gem of the six gems in the universe. As long as you can get it, you can obtain infinite power.

Everyone was trying to inquire about the whereabouts of the soul gem, and just a few days later, the specific location of the soul gem was reported.

The so-called Void Land refers to the Vormir star, and there are already explorers looking for this planet called Vormir.

Immediately, the entire Utege and even the entire Katee Star boiled, and the whereabouts of the Soul Gem really appeared. Countless people immediately set off to Vormir Star, wanting to get the Soul Gem first.

Arthur and the others didn't know about these things until they arrived at Kady Star, and they will know the news when Gamora goes to the news shop.


A huge black planet in endless space, here is the temporary base of Thanos.

Thanos sat on his throne listening to the reports of his men, lowered his head and played with the purple gem in his hand, thinking, the soul gem appeared, and it was still so much fanfare, could it be a trap?

But Thanos can't control that much anymore. Whether it's true or not, the Soul Gem must be grabbed.

"Ebony throat, you pay close attention to the movement of the soul gem, if anyone gets it, you will use all your strength to help me bring it back." Thanos commanded the ebony throat below.

"As ordered, my master!" After taking the order, Ebony Mow turned and left, to continue to pay attention to the trends in the universe.


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