I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 216: metamorphosis

Peter Parker didn't expect that Adrian actually hit the Avengers with his idea and planned to rob the Avengers' transport plane directly. Whether he succeeded or failed, his end was very miserable.

So for the Avengers or for Liz Allen he has to stop Adrian.

Peter Parker drove the car to the place where Adrian was parked, and because of a problem with the cornering, Flash's car was turned over. Although Peter Parker helped it turn it back, the paint on the side was terrible, sorry. Yes, Flash!

"You keep trying to reach Happy!" Peter Parker said to Ned, before running towards Adrian's car.

"It's an honor, Spider-Man!" The lights in the computer classroom turned on while Ned was still happy to be Peter Parker's tech support.

A female steward came up to Ned and asked, "What are you doing here? There's a dance."

"Uh...I'm looking at...study materials..." Ned immediately closed the notebook and said to the administrator.

Peter Parker took back his mobile phone, went to the roof of the factory in the old park, opened the metal cover of the ventilation well, and entered the huge old factory through the ventilation opening.

I saw that there are a lot of computers inside, and the monitor also shows the production program of some weapons and the monitoring is Tony's Stark Building.

Peter Parker turned and looked back, and saw a pair of metal mechanical wings, which Peter Parker recognized as Vulture Freak's mechanical wings.

Peter Parker didn't act rashly, and continued to look around carefully. He saw an open door beside him. Peter Parker pulled the spider silk and jumped down and came to the door.

Inside the gate is a huge warehouse. On a workbench in the innermost warehouse, Adrian is repairing a turbine on a metal mechanical wing.

"Hey! I'm here! Surprise?" Peter Parker yelled.

"Oh, Peter, I didn't hear you come in," Adrian said, turning to Peter Parker.

"It's over, I got you." Peter Parker said loudly, walking towards Adrian.

"Peter Parker, I really, really admire your courage and I can see why Liz likes you. Really, I wasn't sure when you first walked into my house, but I get it now." Adrien Ann turned and put on her leather jacket and sat on the workbench to talk to Peter Parker.

"How could you do this to her?" Peter Parker asked.

"To her? I didn't do anything to her, Peter. I did it for her!" Adrian said, looking at Peter Parker.

"Huh, is that right?" Peter Parker shot out a ball of spider silk that stuck Adrian's left hand on the workbench.

"Peter, you're still young, you don't understand what the world is like," Adrian said.

"But I understand it's wrong to sell weapons to criminals!" Peter Parker interrupted Adrian.

"Then where do you think your friend Stark got the money to build that building? And his little toys? He can make so much money just from that computer game? Those high and powerful people Anyone can do whatever they want! And people like us, like you and me, don't care at all." Adrian said more and more excited.

"We paved the way for them, fought **** battles for them, but they don't care about us! The Avengers completely abandoned us after the dissolution of the Avengers! So we can only follow them now, and we can only eat their leftovers. The world is so cruel, so I know you know what I'm talking about, Peter." Adrian said, looking at Peter.

"Why are you telling me this?" Peter Parker asked.

"Because I hope you can understand, and it takes a little time to take off!" Adrian was delaying time. He took out a remote control and pressed it, and the mechanical metal wings automatically pierced the wall and flew towards Peter Parker.

Peter Parker jumped up, dodging the attack of the mechanical wings, but the mechanical wings turned a corner and continued to hit Peter Parker.

The mechanical wings kept attacking Peter Parker, smashing the surrounding pillars and walls into pieces, while Peter Parker dodged up and down.

"Sorry Peter!" Adrian said to Peter Parker.

"What are you talking about? This thing didn't touch me at all," Peter Parker said standing still.

"Yes, but I didn't intend to meet you!" Adrian said, looking at Peter Parker.

The mechanical wings continued to fly, smashing the remaining pillars together. When Peter Parker reacted, the top of the entire factory collapsed, and countless concrete slabs smashed towards Peter Parker, immediately burying Peter Parker.

"Boss, they've already started the engine, hurry up!" A companion's voice came from Adrian's walkie-talkie.

"Okay, I got it!" Adrian said into the walkie-talkie, and then looked at Peter Parker, who was buried in stones. Sorry, Peter Parker! Turn around and leave the factory.

Not far from the factory, the Stark Tower is very clearly there. On the top of the Stark Tower, a huge transport plane is preparing to take off...

In the ruins of the factory, Peter Parker lifted a stone slab and exposed his head. He was breathing heavily in the cracks of the stones. The situation just now frightened him a lot. Fortunately, he was not directly smashed by the boulders. die.

Peter Parker took off the mask and propped up his body with force, but the stones on his body were so heavy that he couldn't even move.

Peter Parker struggled, but did not shake the stone at all. Peter Parker screamed, his heart was beating so fast, and his whole body was shivering.

He is very regretful now that he is still too young. If Arthur encounters such a situation, he will never say a word to the enemy and give the enemy time to prepare.

Arthur once said that the villain died of a lot of words, but he didn't expect that he would be careless, and he didn't destroy Adrian's mechanical wings in the first time, giving him a chance to fight back against him.

"Anyone? Help!" Peter Parker cried loudly, hoping that someone would come to save him.

"Is there anyone? I'm down there, I'm stuck! I can't move, I can't move, I move..." Peter Parker calmed down slowly, he knew that no one could come to save him, he heard the whistle With the sound of running water, he looked up and saw his own reflection and spider mask in the pool of water in front of him.

Peter Parker remembered what Tony Stark said to himself: "If you don't have this suit, you're useless, and you don't deserve it!"

Peter Parker thought of Arthur, thought of Pietro, thought of the other members of the Avengers, why can't they do what they can do? What is a superhero who has been hiding under the protection of others?

"Come on, Peter! Come on, Spider-Man! Come on!" Peter Parker gritted his teeth and used all his strength to slowly lift the ten-ton boulder. (There is super-burning BGM here)

"Ah!!" Peter Parker shouted. He raised his hands with two huge stones, and stood up slowly, he did it! Peter Parker was completely transformed at this moment.

Peter Parker climbed out of the ruins, coughing violently, and looked up at a huge old billboard in the distance, where Adrian was sitting wearing mechanical wings, waiting for Tony Stark's large transport plane to take off.


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