I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 219: start again

Arthur and the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy spent two days repairing the city of Utegaard on the Katee Star. Quill and the Rockets slaughtered the Quartet in the casino. Finally, they won back the last time they lost, and they were finally proud.

Dracula the Destroyer taught the blind challenger a lesson in the arena. Arthur and Gamora also bought all the supplies. Arthur went to the massage shop last time to rest for a good night. ...

The next day, the five members of the Guardians of the Galaxy and Arthur went to buy upgrade parts for the spaceship. This time, they wanted to upgrade the Predator Guardian of the Galaxy.

The rocket was picking through a pile of materials in the spaceship refit factory, and Quill was looking at something different from the rocket. Quill was looking at the sound.

Listening to music was Quill's favorite amateur hobby, so he thought it necessary to upgrade the sound on the spacecraft.

The Rockets have purchased the materials he needs, and Quill is still hesitating in a large room of stereos.

Arthur followed Gamora to visit around, there is no place on earth that sells so many high-tech parts.

The tree Groot and the Destroyer Dracula were bored and closed their eyes and rested. Rocket couldn't wait any longer. He drove directly to Quill and said to the two audio bosses pointing to the ground: "No need to choose. Just these two!"

"Hey, I haven't thought about it yet, why did I decide to have these two?" Quill looked at the Rockets in confusion and asked.

"You know the shit, these two are the most powerful of all speakers. I will re-adjust the power supply for you to ensure that you are satisfied." Rocket said disdainfully with his arms crossed.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you! I'll trust you once." Quill thinks about it right, he still has no rocket expertise in these mechanical things.

The rocket filled out the order list, paid the deposit, and waited for the boss to deliver everything directly to the spacecraft.

The six of them left the spaceship modification factory together and walked towards the parking lot.

"Thrall has already contacted the Sovereigns, we just need to go directly to the Sovereign star, and their high priest will send someone to receive us." Quill said to everyone.

"Why do I get more and more unreliable about this matter? The Sovereigns have always been a race with their noses up in the air in my impression, why would they come to such a place to release a mission." Rocket said to Quill.

"Who knows? Maybe they're just stupid and rich," Quill said with a shrug.

"Do you think a race that talks about being the perfect gene in the universe all day long will be a fool? Just talk about it here, if they hear it, all six of us will be dead!" Ra looked at Quill and warned.

"I think there is only one possibility, that is to ask us to be cannon fodder. It is estimated that the mission will be very dangerous, so I asked the bounty hunter to complete it." Arthur touched his chin and pondered for a while.

"No matter what, we are bound to get the reward of 20 billion, and we have Arthur's help. No matter how strong the enemy is, as long as Thanos isn't coming, we don't have to be afraid." Quill patted Arthur's shoulder and said, Arthur smiled bitterly, brother, you really look down on me.

"Let's first listen to what they want us to do and then decide whether to take this task or not. If the conditions are too harsh, we will give up. Life is more important than money." Gamora said to everyone after thinking.

"Okay! That's it, let's go! Sovereign!" Quill shouted...

The six people returned to the Marauder spaceship in a small spaceship, and the spaceship modification parts they ordered were also delivered, and the rocket paid the balance after counting the number.

Under Arthur's magic, several large boxes of modified parts of the spacecraft flew into the cabin automatically, and everyone got on the spacecraft and set off towards Sovereign Star.

"It's a long space voyage again, this is your daily life, isn't it?" Arthur asked lazily on his seat.

"It's good to get used to it. I've been this way since I was a child." Quill said to Arthur.

"Then your childhood was miserable, Gamora? How did you get through all these years?" Arthur asked Gamora.

"Me? I follow my father, planet by planet to practice his so-called mercy, so killing is numb to me." Gamora said expressionlessly.

boom! !

Dracula the Destroyer punched the armrest of the seat and said viciously: "If Ronan hadn't obeyed Thanos's order to bloodbath my hometown, I wouldn't be left alone! The only goal is to avenge them!"

"Calm down, calm down, our goal is the same, sooner or later we will have a fight with Thanos, and we will avenge your relatives." Quill said to Dracula.

"I'm Groot!" Groot also comforted Dracula.

"Rest assured that we will succeed in the end, I promise you!" Arthur said, looking at Dracula the Destroyer.

"Hmph, I'll trust you once, then I will kill Thanos with my own hands to avenge my wife and children!" Destroyer Draculas said.

Arthur thought that if you want to take revenge with your own hands, you will probably be hanged and beaten by Thanos, but when I gather everyone's strength to fight against Thanos, I will be able to succeed!

"Where's the rocket?" Arthur asked Quill strangely, and the rocket disappeared as soon as he got on the spaceship.

"Where else can it be? I'm busy modifying the spaceship. It's just a hobby. I remember the first time I let him ride my spaceship and dismantled my spaceship." Quill said helplessly, and then suddenly the whole ship The spacecraft lost power while driving, and the lights in the spacecraft went out.

"What's wrong? Power outage?" Arthur asked strangely.

"What else could it be, it is estimated that the rocket turned off the main switch, don't worry, it will be fine as soon as it replaces the parts." Quill said indifferently, and the other people are used to it. It seems that Rockets do this a lot.

After a while, the spacecraft suddenly lit up again, and the engine was re-ignited. Quill immediately re-navigated and continued to set off.

"Look, will it be all right in a while?" Quill said to Arthur while operating the spaceship.

"The core components of the engine have been upgraded, and the next step is to upgrade the firepower part." The rocket sprang out from a maintenance opening under the floor, and then pulled out weapons one by one from a large box of parts stacked next to them. fiddling around.

"When did you get my stereo?" Quill asked the Rockets.

"What are you in a hurry for? I'll help you to debug it slowly when I've got all this done." Rocket said without raising his head.

"Okay." Quill could only reluctantly agree.

After the rocket replaced the core engine parts of the spacecraft, Arthur felt that the speed of the spacecraft was significantly faster. It seems that these hundreds of millions of purple gold are not in vain.

Quill is driving the spaceship to start the space jump. The Sovereign star is very far away from here, and six space jumps are required.

Arthur has completely adapted to space jumping, and Arthur, who watched the spaceship shuttle through the wormhole, is no longer airsick.

The Marauder Guardians of the Galaxy is moving in space, toward the legendary Alpine star Sovereign...


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