I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 225: torn face

"You should be thankful you weren't executed by them!" Dracula the Destroyer said to Rocket.

"Do you need to buy some batteries?" Rocket opened his pocket and slowly revealed a pocket of energy batteries.

Destroyer Dracula laughed when he saw it, as expected of a rocket, this is really enjoyable.

A few people returned to the Predator Guardian of the Galaxy, and the rocket started the engine of the spacecraft and said, "Okay, let's leave this disgusting planet quickly! This time it's a full reward!"

"I'm Groot!" Groot was also very happy.

"It is indeed a rewarding experience, I hope we can leave alive." Arthur said something in a side speech.

"Leaving alive? What does that mean?" Rocket asked.

"You know what I mean." Arthur closed his eyes after he finished speaking.

"No one can stop me if I want to go!" The rocket muttered, and then controlled the spacecraft to fly into space.

Quill took a shower, changed his clothes, came to Gamora and said, "Who she thought she was when she said what my father said."

"I know you're a little sensitive about this," Gamora said.

"It's nothing sensitive, I just don't know who he is, if I look like I'm flirting with Ayesha, I don't mean that." Quill immediately explained to Gamora what was going on in the hall, and he saw Kamora Mora was a little unhappy.

"I don't care if you mean it that way!" Gamora turned and left.

"I think you care! That's why I have to apologize, sorry," Quill said loudly to Gamora who was leaving.

"Gamora is not your thing, Quill!" Dracula the Destroyer suddenly appeared next to Quill, startling Quill.

"You're everywhere!" Quill said while looking at Dracula.

"There are two kinds of people in the universe, those who can dance and those who can't dance. The first time I met my love was at a war rally, and the people in that village loved dancing, only One woman is the exception. My Orret, I knew right away that he was my darling! Even with the most beautiful music in the world, she wouldn't lift her foot to beat. Completely indifferent, others thought she had It's dead." Destroyer Draculah was talking about his love experience.

"Sounds sexy." Quill said insincerely.

"I was congested underneath!" Dracula the Destroyer drove with a serious expression.

"Okay, I get it, that's right! I can dance and Gamora can't," Quill said.

"You just need to find a woman who is as out of shape as you are." Draculas the Destroyer said, looking at Quill.

"Okay." Quill replied disapprovingly.

At this moment, the spacecraft alarm suddenly sounded, and everyone walked towards the spacecraft control room.

"It's weird, there's a fleet of Sovereigns approaching us from behind, why are they doing this?" Quill looked at the screen that showed behind their ships, a large Sovereign ship and a dense crowd of small Sovereign ships Assembling.

"What do they want?" Gamora also opened the seat and sat on it.

"Look, I said it's hard to leave today." Arthur said lazily beside him.

"What do you mean?" Quill asked, turning to look at Arthur.

"Probably because the rocket stole some of their batteries," said Draculas the Destroyer.

"Dude!!" Rocket immediately yelled at Dracula, saying how to help me keep a secret and how to turn around and sell himself, Dracula couldn't stop it.

"Well, he didn't steal the battery, and I don't know why they're chasing us, it's really strange." Destroyer Draculas explained far-fetched.

Suddenly Quill yanked the joystick to the right, and the ship immediately fell to the side.

Streams of yellow energy shot toward the Guardians of the Galaxy from the Sovereign spaceship behind.

"They're actually here!" Rocket and Quill maneuvered the spaceship to dash left and right to snakeskin in space, avoiding Sovereign's attack behind.

"What's on your mind?" Quill asked the rocket as he maneuvered the spaceship.

"Brother, those batteries are really easy to steal." Rocket said with a laugh.

"Is that your reason?" Gamora also asked Rocket sternly.

"Come on, you saw that high priest standing tall, I have to give her some color to see!" Rocket said loudly.

"I didn't expect your motives to be so selfless. No wonder those Sovereigns didn't understand your good intentions! They still want to kill us." Quill sarcastically said to Rocket.

"You're right!" Rocket said.

"Don't you understand that I'm mocking you?" Quill exclaimed.

"No! You should use a sarcastic tone, or you'll make me look like a fool now." Rocket exclaimed, too.

"I said can you wait until after this space war is over?" Gamora yelled at the two of them.

"I think the Rockets did the right thing, it's time to give them some color!" Arthur said.

"I'm Groot!" Groot also agreed with the Rockets.

"It seems that someone is still on my side." The Rocket said happily.

"Then how are you going to deal with these enemies?" Quill asked, pointing to the densely packed small spaceships in front of him.

"You can kill with confidence! Leave the safety issues to me!" After Arthur finished speaking, he put his hand on the wall of the spaceship, and the red energy spread along the wall and instantly wrapped the whole spaceship.

"Then let's kill it!" Rocket laughed, driving the spaceship toward the hundreds of spaceships on the opposite side, and the energy cannons fired continuously, destroying the enemy piece by piece.

The energy of the Sovereign ship hit the Guardians of the Galaxy and was neutralized by Arthur's red energy.

The Guardians of the Galaxy was like a no-man's land, rushing and shooting everywhere among the countless Sovereign spaceships, and the countless Sovereign spaceships exploded piece by piece.

"You didn't kill anyone, these ships were piloted by remote control!" Gamora said to Rocket.

"Indeed, the Sovereigns are really good at protecting their clansmen." Arthur also said.


In the military base of the Sovereign star, more than 2,000 golden-skinned Sovereigns are sitting on machines that look like electric toy motorcycles, watching the big screen, controlling and attacking the Guardians of the Galaxy as if they were playing a game. team's spaceship.

The remote control machine of the person who was blasted would turn red, and the Sovereigns shouted angrily, saying that the Guardians of the Galaxy spacecraft had energy protection and could not be broken at all, it was simply re-opening!

"What are you still dawdling at? Fleet commander." Ayesha stood at the high control console and watched as the army below flickered with red lights, the spacecraft was destroyed, and the Guardians of the Galaxy spacecraft was still unscathed . Ask the commander next to you.

"Master High Priest, those batteries are extremely flammable and explosive, and they might destroy our entire fleet! And their spaceships have some special energy protection. They are not so easy to break." The commander replied in a low voice.

"What I care about is their disrespect to us. Hiring them and not letting them steal our things is the greatest blasphemy!" High Priest Ayesha said with a grim expression.

"All fleets obey orders! Hit the fire and kill the target!" the fleet commander commanded loudly into the loudspeaker.


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