I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 243: goodbye odin

"What happened?" Arthur asked, looking at Stephen Strange.

"A strange thing happened. The king of Asgard, Odin, the legendary father of the gods, appeared strangely in a nursing home on Earth." Stephen Strange replied with a strange expression.

"What?!" Wanda also cried out in surprise, the legendary character actually quietly descended to the earth.

"You don't seem to be surprised!" Stephen Strange said, looking at Arthur who was thinking.

"This is what I expected, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly." Arthur thought for a while and said.

"What do you mean?" Stephen Strange and Wanda looked at each other, Arthur actually knew that Odin would come to Earth?

"When I fought against the Dark Elf King with Thor, I knew that Loki was feigning death, and his real purpose was to control Asgard. And his father Odin would definitely be plotted by him, so I Not surprised to hear that," Arthur explained to the pair.

"You knew Loki would shoot Odin? Why didn't you tell Thor?" Wanda asked, looking at Arthur.

"I didn't help Thor see through Loki's plan, because this is what is bound to happen. Odin is running out of time, and the twilight of the gods is bound to come!" Arthur looked at the two and said.

"The Ragnarok of the Gods? What is that?" Wanda asked ignorantly.

"Everything that is going to happen in the universe has a certain number. Asgard is exhausted, and the **** king Odin has reached his twilight years. When he falls, Asgard is destroyed." Ya. Se continued.

"You mean Asgard is about to be destroyed?" Wanda said in disbelief. The Avengers have always used Asgard as their strongest backing. They are all legendary gods.

Now Arthur told her that the legendary Dominion was about to be destroyed, which made it a little difficult for her to accept.

"In fact, none of these matters. For us, when Asgard is destroyed, it is the day when our enemies invade the earth." Arthur continued.

"Enemy? You mean Thanos? Why did Asgard destroy Thanos and come to Earth?" Wanda asked Arthur.

"As I said, Thanos' goal is the two gems in my hand, and the Time Stone on Stephens' neck. The reason why he hasn't come to us yet. The first is that I said the soul gem. The whereabouts temporarily diverted his attention, and the second is that the existence of Asgard and Odin made Thanos a little jealous." Arthur explained to Wanda.

"You mean, without the protection of Asgard and Odin on Earth, Thanos will immediately invade Earth to **** your gems?" Wanda asked again.

"Yes, so we are running out of time to prepare." Arthur nodded.

"So is there a way to stop Ragnarok from happening?" Stephen Strange asked Arthur.

"This is something that will inevitably happen, just like the fall of the ancient one, it's all doomed, there's no way to change it." Arthur shook his head and said.

Stephen Strange sighed, yes, he is the guardian of the Time Stone, knowing that the order in the universe cannot be changed at will, otherwise it will cause serious consequences.

"Then what are we going to do?" Wanda continued.

"What else can we do? Of course, we are up to the challenge. Since the enemy is coming, we will entertain him." Arthur said with a sneer.

"Odin's nursing home is going to be demolished today, and I moved him to a place no one knows about. Do you want to go see him?" Stephen Strange asked Arthur.

"It's time to go and see him. In fact, he is still kind to me. I should visit him. Wanda, go with me." Arthur held Wanda's hand and said, Wanda nodded. .

Stephen Strange opened a portal for the two of them, and opposite the portal was an endless meadow.

Arthur took Wanda's hand into the portal, and Stephen Strange followed.

This is a beautiful place, with blue sky and white clouds, the breeze blowing slowly on the grass, it looks very peaceful.

After the three of them came over, Arthur saw the white-haired old man standing motionless on the grass in the distance. Arthur nodded to Wanda, took Wanda's hand and walked towards the white-haired old man.

Arthur and Wanda came behind Odin together, and Stephen Strange watched them from a distance.

"Your Majesty, I am Arthur..." Arthur said to Odin.

"Oh...Arthur, you're here." Odin's tone was particularly calm, like an ordinary old man.

"Your Majesty, do you need me to take you back to Asgard?" Arthur asked Odin.

Odin turned around and glanced at Arthur, then looked at Wanda beside him, and said, "Is this your wife?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, her name is Wanda, and she is my girlfriend. We haven't had our wedding yet." Arthur introduced to Odin.

"I've seen Your Majesty!" Wanda bowed to Odin, who was Thor's father and should salute him.

"Wanda, your body contains enormous magical potential, and you will be someone who can change the world in the future!" Odin is no more optimistic about Wanda's future.

"Thank you for your praise, Your Majesty." Wanda did not expect that Odin, the father of the gods, would rate him so highly, and thanked Odin.

"I'm not complimenting you...you and Arthur will be the ones who will change the future. Although I can't see what will happen in the future now, I believe you will be able to do it." Odin told Arthur and Wanda Speaking of.

"Your Majesty, I already know about Ragnarok. Is there any way to change this?" Arthur asked Odin.

Odin stared at Arthur for a long time, then shook his head and said: "It's all doomed and cannot be changed! But you and Thor together will definitely be able to help Asgard get through this difficult time. It's all up to you."

Arthur sighed, and he really couldn't change the outcome of Asgard's destruction, and said to Odin: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will save the people of Asgard from Hela's hands."

"You actually know Hela, and sure enough, I'm not mistaken, you are the man of destiny!" Odin stared at Arthur and said.

"What is a person of destiny?" Wanda asked immediately, she was worried that something bad would happen to Arthur.

"It is a person who can control his own destiny. No matter who it is, it is difficult to control his own destiny, because the universe has its own rules, and people of destiny can often do some unexpected things." Odin explained to Wanda.

"Whether I am a person of destiny or not, I will control my own destiny and find the answers I want to know." Arthur said firmly.

"It's best if you have this kind of determination. Let's go, my time is running out... Please bring Thor when he comes to Earth, I have something to tell him." Odin Turning around and looking into the distance, he instructed Arthur.

"I understand, Your Majesty, take care!" Arthur turned and left with Wanda, he knew that the final battle was coming soon, and in the next time, he would go back and arrange some things.


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