I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 258: see through disguise

Thor looked at the countless flame creatures surrounded by him, and could only helplessly pick up Thor's hammer and fly.

The fire dragon stood up immediately without the suppression of Thor's Hammer, spread its wings and chased towards Thor.

In this way, Thor was flying in front, and the flame dragon was chasing behind, one person and one dragon chasing over this planet full of volcanoes.

Just as the flame dragon was close to Thor and opened its mouth to swallow Thor, a beam of colored beams fell from the sky, and the Rainbow Bridge finally opened!

In the teleportation temple, Shi Keji and the two beauties looked at the shining portal, Thor, the **** of thunder, rushed out, and then a huge dragon head also teleported over.

The dragon head was split in half by the rainbow bridge energy, and a large pool of dragon blood and brains came out with the dragon head. Green dragon blood gushed out from the portal, splashing Shikeji and the two beauties.

The two beauties screamed and were disgusted, they got up and ran out of the teleportation temple together.

"Wait...beauties..." Shi Keji shouted loudly, but the two sisters ran away without looking back. Shi Keji was also quite helpless. A good date was ruined like this, and they could have had an in-depth exchange.

"Okay, look at this guy who suddenly rushed in, scared my girlfriends away, and made my studio full of brains, thank you so much!" Skorjee looked at Thor sarcastically said.

"Who are you?" Thor asked, looking at the bald head in front of him.

"You don't remember me? I'm Squirrel, and we fought side by side at Warnerheim." Squirrel looked at Thor speechlessly and replied.

"Well, where is Heimdall?" Thor continued.

"The traitor? No one knows where he is, he's a wanted man now," Skorjee replied.

"Traitor? Heimdall?" Thor asked strangely. Heimdall is Odin's most trusted and respected subordinate. He said that he would betray Asgard. Who would believe it?

"Yeah, God King Odin accused Heimdall of dereliction of duty, but Heimdall disappeared before the trial. After all, he can see everything in the universe, so it's still hard to catch him." Thor explained.

"Okay..." Thor turned around and was about to leave.

"Please wait a moment, I should announce to everyone that you are back..." Thor flew away before Shi Keji finished speaking, Shi Keji sighed and trotted after him.

Thor flew to the square in front of Asgard Asgard, and he saw an incredible scene. At some point in the square, a huge golden statue of Loki was built.

Thor looked at the statue of Loki with open hands and remembered what Surtur had said to her before, Odin was not in Asgard!

Is Loki not dead? He also played a game with himself? Thor walked towards Asgard with a sullen face.

Just in the garden of Asgard, there were many people gathered around here as if watching the performance, Thor squeezed into the crowd and saw a scene that made him speechless.

The two actors were performing the scene of Loki's sacrifice in the dark world at that time, and Thor knelt on the ground and hugged his brother Loki.

The performance is quite exaggerated, Tor five is more regretful, and Loki has been blaming himself. On the seat in front of the stage, the god-king Odin was lying there watching the performance happily.

There were also several maids serving and serving Odin with food and wine. Odin was lying on the seat and enjoying the performance.

Thor saw at a glance that the person lying on the seat would never be his father, Odin. Thor had never seen Odin enjoy such pleasure since he was a child, and he has always been serious.

The person in front of him was definitely pretending to be Loki. He was saddened by Loki's death for a long time, but he didn't expect him to deceive himself again and play around with him.

He asked himself to go to Muspelheim to deal with the flame giant. As a result, he attacked Heimdall while he was away, and he still didn't know where Heimdall was hiding.

Thor kept suppressing the anger in his heart, patiently waiting for the performance to end, and Thor came out of the crowd after the crowd dispersed.

"Damn it!" Odin, who became Loki, saw Thor suddenly appear and almost choked on the wine. I don't know if Thor saw anything, so he could only continue to perform helplessly.

"My son Thor is back! Welcome back, my boy!" Odin stood up and shouted to everyone, and the crowd around him applauded Thor's return.

"This show is quite interesting, what's the name?" Thor asked Odin.

"Asgard's death, this is people's deep memory of Loki." Odin replied.

"They should do this. I like the statue at the door. It looks much better than when Loki was alive, but it smells a little bit sinister and cunning, and his hair is not as greasy as Loki's." Thor sarcastically sarcastically said. .

Odin disguised as Loki was run down by Thor's words and didn't know how to answer.

"Do you know what this is?" Thor asked, picking up Surtur's crown.

"Surtur's skull, that is a powerful weapon, you actually killed him, as expected of my child!" Odin replied with a smile while sitting in the seat.

"One thing, please, lock this in the treasure house, lest he turn into a big monster and destroy the entire planet." Thor handed Surtur's crown to the guard next to him and said.

"So what are you going to do next? Do you want to go back to Earth and see?" Odin stood up and asked Thor.

"This dream I had recently is still bothering me. Surtur was easily solved by me, but I don't think it's that simple, so I decided to go out and investigate." Thor told Odin Speaking of.

"What I see is chaos and disorder in the Nine Realms. Asgard's enemies are on the move, plotting to kill us! And you, Odin, as the guardian of the Nine Realms, are drinking and eating here in your nightgown. Grapes." Thor rebuked Odin while throwing his hammer high.

Loki was terrified by Thor's hammer. He knew that he was afraid of being exposed, otherwise Thor would not be so presumptuous in front of him! Forget it, reveal it. Enjoy it for a while and don't lose it!

"Aren't you drunk all day long before? I think we should still respect the freedom of our neighbors." Loki retorted to Thor.

"Yes, that's right, just sit back and watch them get slaughtered... Nothing can stop the Thunder Hammer before it returns to my hands, not even your stinky face." Thor threw the Thor's Hammer far away , grabbed Loki by the neck and asked him to speak in front of him.

"You're completely insane! You...you're going to be executed for this!" Loki struggled.

The surrounding guards could see that something was wrong, what is your Highness Thor doing? Does he want to kill the king?

Thor's Hammer appeared in the distant sky again, flying towards Loki at high speed.

"Okay, I give in!" Loki shouted after he changed back to his original form before Thor's hammer slammed into his face.

Thor pushed Loki out and caught Thor's Hammer with his right hand.


The people around were exclaimed, what's going on, how did their god-king Odin become the dead Prince Loki?

Odin is Loki in disguise? Where is the real god-king Odin? Everyone is chatting about...


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