I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 268: Battle of Asgard

Heimdall looked at the giant wolf standing like a hill in front of the teleportation temple, and shouted to the Asgardian people behind him: "Go back!"

The Asgardian civilians turned their heads in panic and stepped back, while Heimdall stayed behind to watch the giant wolf's movements.

The giant wolf Fenrir suddenly rushed onto the Rainbow Bridge, chasing after the crowd.

"Let's go!" Heimdall was worried, he would definitely not be able to deal with this giant wolf alone, but what should the people of Asgard do?

At this moment, a spaceship rushed out of the clouds, and the weapons on the spaceship suddenly fired at the giant wolf Fenrir.

Da Da Da Da! !

Countless bullets hit the giant wolf Fenrir. Although it could not break his flesh, it also prevented Fenrir from advancing.

When Heimdall saw someone came to his rescue, he breathed a sigh of relief and led the people of Asgard to slowly retreat along the Rainbow Bridge.

Valkyrie gritted his teeth and shot desperately at the giant wolf Fenrir. Many of her sisters died in the hands of this beast.

Valkyrie was very jealous when he saw the enemy, and Koreng, the stone man, was in control of the spaceship, and Jimmy, who was beside him, was sharpening his knife and preparing to go on a big fight.

The people of Asgard walked back when they suddenly found that the road ahead had been blocked.

It was Skorjee who led Hela's undead army at the other end, ready to wipe out the people of Asgard.

"Heimdall!!" Shkogee yelled at the crowd.

Heimdall turned to look at Shkeji, wondering why the traitor was calling his name.

"Hand over that sword!" Shkogee continued to yell.

Heimdall ignored him, pulled out the teleportation sword behind him, and looked at the giant wolf Fenrir rushing towards here, ready to attack.

Valkyrie is also helpless, this beast's flesh is too strong, his bullets are almost out, but it can't hurt it like scratching it.

The giant wolf didn't care about the spaceship until it could reach the spaceship, and continued to run towards the people of Asgard.

Just when the giant wolf Fenrir was about to rush in front of the crowd, the Asgard in the distance suddenly banged! The golden hall was suddenly bombed with a big hole.

A figure flew out of the hall and smashed into the lake under the Rainbow Bridge. Everyone and the giant wolf Fenrir were stunned. What was it that just flew over? It seems that a person has been beaten so far, so he is probably dead.

It turned out that it was Arthur who was sent flying. He was still no match for Hela, who possessed the infinite power of Asgard, and was smashed into the lake below by Hela.

The remaining Thor, the **** of thunder, was cut off by Hela in an instant, and Odin's scepter was cut off, and Thor's right eye was blinded with a backhand.

Hela grabbed Thor's hair and pressed him against the railing, let him look at the people of Asgard on the Rainbow Bridge, and said triumphantly: "Look, none of them can run away, I'll go get it Take that sword, and then drive out all of you people!"

Countless undead army rushed towards the people of Asgard, Asgard warriors with weapons rushed up, fought with the undead army, and protected the old people, children and women behind them.

The giant wolf Fenrir slammed into Heimdall, and Heimdall jumped to the side, dodging the giant wolf's blow.

The Divine Sword slashed towards the giant wolf's leg. Sparks appeared on the giant wolf's leg, and the Divine Sword could not cut its skin.

The giant wolf turned his head and took a bite towards Heimdall. Seeing that Heimdall was about to die on the spot, a huge water column rushed out from under the Rainbow Bridge and rushed the giant wolf Fenrir off the Rainbow Bridge. into the lake.

Heimdall looked into the lake under the Rainbow Bridge, a huge vortex formed on the lake, and the giant wolf Fenrir was sucked into the vortex and disappeared.

A figure rushed out of the water and jumped to Heimdall's side, it was Arthur.

"Heimdall, long time no see..." Arthur greeted Heimdall.

"You came to Arthur, thank you for saving me, now I have to start the teleportation temple and send these civilians away." Heimdall looked at Arthur and said.

"Don't be so troublesome, I'll just send them away first!" Arthur raised his right hand and drew a picture in the air. A huge portal was formed on the Rainbow Bridge, and on one side of the portal was a forest.

"This is a planet called Bocht that I have been to. Let the people of Asgard go there to hide for a while. Asgard is about to be destroyed." Arthur said to Heimdall.

"The people of Asgard! Get out of here from the portal! Let's all enter the portal together!" Heimdall shouted loudly to the people of Asgard behind him.

After hearing Heimdall's shout, the people of Asgard discovered that there was a huge portal behind Heimdall, leading to another world.

The people of Asgard rushed towards the portal, and Heimdall was the commander next to the portal.

Arthur finally breathed a sigh of relief when he watched the Asgardian people evacuating towards the portal. As long as these people left, they could start planning.

When the undead army saw that the Asgardians were about to run away, they panicked and attacked the Asgardian warriors who were blocking them desperately.

But Shi Keji, who was still taking the lead just now, had already put on a black suit, mixed in the crowd and prepared to follow everyone away secretly.

Arthur saw that the Asgard warriors were about to be unable to hold on, and Arthur stepped on the rainbow bridge and flew up, over the heads of countless Asgard people, and fell into the undead army.

The golden trident in his hand swung wildly, splitting Hela's undead in half one by one.

The lake water under the Rainbow Bridge was under the control of Arthur, and four water columns rose into the sky and quickly washed away towards the undead army that was rushing continuously from behind.

For a time, countless undead turned on their backs and were washed away by a huge water column from the Rainbow Bridge into the lake below...

Hela is now watching from afar on the balcony of the palace, the people of Asgard who are constantly leaving the portal, and Arthur, who is constantly attacking her undead army with water element magic.

Hela, who was gnashing his teeth, stabbed at Thor's back, who was pressed against the railing by him.

"Ah!!!" Thor screamed in pain, and was nailed to the golden railing by Hela's sword.

"Look at the good things you've done! I'm neither a queen nor a monster! I'm the goddess of death!" Hela said while pinching Thor's neck, ready to kill Thor.

Thor's mental power, who was about to suffocate, left Asgard, and he returned to the seaside of the previous earth, where his father, the god-king Odin, was still there...

Thor stumbled to his father Odin and knelt down, and Odin looked at his son kindly.

"Even if you have two eyes, you cannot see the essence of things," Odin said to Thor.

"She's too powerful, without the Thunder Hammer, I can't do it..." Thor said in a low voice.

"Thor, are you the **** of hammers? That hammer is to let you control your power and make you more focused, it's not the source of your power..." Odin said looking at Thor with hatred.

"I'm not as strong as you!" Thor said, shaking his head.

"No, you are stronger than me!" Odin said to Thor with a smile, then turned and left...

"Tell me, brother! Which **** are you?" Hela asked proudly, looking at Thor, who was about to suffocate.


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