I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 275: Infinity War (4)

Arthur looked at Thanos with a serious expression, his power gem was still too strong, and there was energy that could destroy the planet in his gestures. Arthur could only rely on the reality gem to fight against him.

Thanos continued to wield his two-edged sword and slashed towards Arthur, the energy of the Power Stone wrapped around the blade, and each slash seemed to tear the space apart.

Arthur kept dodging silently, how could he still play the domineering entanglement of armed colors, why didn't I think of this method.

Arthur also wrapped the energy of the Reality Gem around the golden trident to fight Thanos. The two of them fought very well. Thanos' close combat was not a blow, and Arthur could only barely parry.

Fortunately, Wanda was assisting Arthur on the side, and the dark red chaotic magic bullets continued to shoot at Thanos, and Thanos could only be distracted and used a two-edged knife to resist.

Wanda kept his distance from Thanos and continued to kite him, while Arthur was melee combat with Thanos. If there was another nurse to add blood, it would be like playing a game of boos.

On the battlefield, the Avengers still had the upper hand, and Iron Man Tony Stark and Electron Max Dylan resisted Chitauri's air force.

Atlantis and Wakanda were frantically harvesting alien monsters again, and Ebony Maw was pressed and beaten by Stephen Strange, Wang, and five Kama Taj mages.

Black Dwarf has been killed by Drax the Destroyer, and General Deadblade and Proxima are in a precarious situation under the siege of Steve Rogers and Natasha, Black Panther T'Challa and Falcon Sam.

Hulk and Venom, two huge monsters, smashed in the Chitauri army. They are both rough and fleshy, and Chitauri's energy weapons can't hurt them.

Quicksilver Pietro harvested the most people on the battlefield, and the targets he aimed at fell in pieces in an instant.

Rocket, Groot, and Bucky the Winter Soldier, armed with high-powered weapons, smashed in the enemy's siege, and the three of them suppressed hundreds of Zeta Swiss soldiers.

Nebula is not Gamora's opponent, and was easily subdued by Gamora, with the help of Quill beside him.

The most interesting is Valkyrie, the Valkyrie, riding a winged Pegasus, holding a sword in the air and killing five Leviathan alone.

Arthur's dragon mount also cooperated with Valkyrie in the sky to attack Leviathan.

Seeing that all of Thanos' army was at a disadvantage, Thanos couldn't help seeing this situation. If all his men died, he would face the joint siege of countless people.

"All artillery fire!" Thanos ordered loudly.

"Master, our army is still on the ground..." Ebony-throated said loudly.

But the next second he was blasted away by Stephen Strange's magic flame bomb, and at this moment, the huge spaceship in the sky fired with artillery.

boom! !

boom! ! boom! !

Countless energy cannons attacked the ground indiscriminately, and everyone was blown up on the ground, unable to raise their heads.

Quicksilver Pietro also ate a cannonball, and was blown out and smashed to the ground for a long time, unable to get up.

The Avengers were all affected, and they could only run towards the mages of Kama Taj to avoid the artillery fire under the magic shields supported by the mages.

Kama Taj's mages raised huge magic shields to protect the people around them, and Arthur's feet were also hit by a cannon, and Arthur was blasted out on the spot.

Wanda immediately held up the magic shield for Arthur to resist the attack of the energy cannon flying over his head.

Arthur suddenly looked up at the sky, someone was coming! Arthur waved his hand to revoke the mirror magic of this space, exposing Thanos' huge battleship to Earth's field of vision again.

At this moment, a beam of golden light in the sky flew towards Thanos' battleship, and all the artillery fire of Thanos' battleship turned towards the sky.

"What are they attacking?" Tony Stark said, looking up at the sky.

"Something is coming!" Hawkeye Barton said looking at the sky.

I only saw a fireball hit the super battleship of Thanos in an instant, penetrated the cockpit of the battleship in an instant, then turned and rushed towards the engine of the battleship.

Thanos' huge battleship was completely destroyed by the continuous impact of this red fireball, and it fell towards the sea with burning fire.

"Yeah! Great!" The members of the Avengers were cheering.

It was only now that everyone saw clearly that the one just now was not a fireball, but a person, a woman with a burning body.

Only Arthur and Steve Rogers knew this woman, and she was the first Avengers member to arrive on Nick Fury's message, Captain Marvel Carol Danvers.

Thanos watched the battleship that fell into the sea and couldn't speak for a long time. He didn't expect that there would be so many strong men on a small earth.

Everyone has special abilities, and it's no wonder that a trivial planet can hold four Infinity Stones.

Although Thanos was a little surprised by the power of the Avengers, he didn't think he was going to lose.

Thanos has participated in too many wars in his life, and this situation is not the worst for her. Now he only needs to grab the two Infinity Stones from the man on the opposite side and the situation will be reversed.

Thinking of this, Thanos raised his right fist with an infinite glove and slammed it to the ground! The rocky lands of Wakanda were torn apart by Thanos' purple energy.

Thanos raised his hand and pushed, and a huge stone was wrapped in purple energy and smashed towards Arthur and Wanda.

Arthur and Wanda stood up together, and raised two magic shields, one red and one blue, to resist the attack of the huge rock.

At this moment, the rock suddenly shattered into small pieces, and a huge purple energy pierced through the rock and blasted towards the magic shield.

The two magic shields shattered after only one second in the face of the devastating blow of the power gem. Arthur pulled away Wanda in front of him, raised his right hand, and the red energy instantly wrapped it toward the purple energy beam.

Thanos' purple energy beam turned into a purple butterfly the moment it touched Arthur's reality gem energy, and flew away into the distance...

"Reality gems are really hard to deal with!" Thanos said while looking at Arthur, he couldn't take Arthur for a while.

"If I want, I can play with you here for a year!" Arthur looked at Thanos playfully and said that he wanted the Reality Gem so much to fight against Thanos' Power Gem.

If the strongest attack of the Infinity Stones is the Power Stone, then the strongest defense must be the Reality Stone, and all attacks are ineffective under the ability of the Reality Stone.

Thanos suddenly rushed towards Arthur, and the double-edged knife in his hand was wrapped in energy and slashed at Arthur again, and Arthur raised his trident again to resist.

But this time Arthur didn't resist, and was blasted out by Thanos with a knife, and he couldn't stand up for a long time...

"Arthur! Are you okay?" Wanda anxiously watched Arthur crawling on the ground and panting in confusion. What happened to him?

"I'm fine..." Arthur replied with a pale face.

Arthur only felt that his soul had been hit hard. This feeling was indescribable. It was as if he saw something terrible and was frightened. His blood pressure soared and his heart was beating. This is going deep into the soul. Fear of attack?

Arthur crawled on the ground in discomfort, and Thanos continued to walk towards Arthur with a double-edged sword.

When Wanda saw that something was wrong, he raised his hand and grabbed at Thanos. The dark red chaotic magic energy instantly wrapped Thanos, and was tearing at him, trying to tear Thanos' body in half.

Thanos endured the pain, his right hand clenched his fist with difficulty, the purple power gem instantly glowed, the energy exploded instantly, and Wanda flew out screaming.


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