I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 47: SHIELD headquarters

SHIELD headquarters in Washington

Arthur was wearing a black suit, white shirt and tie, black-rimmed glasses, and dressed very like a civilian staff member. He came to the gate of the SHIELD headquarters.

Arthur looked around the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. The guards were very strict. There were four sentry towers at the gate, as well as guards who checked in and out of the staff. The gate was a straight road with lakes on both sides, a bit like China. The moat of the ancient city.

There were quite a lot of staff entering and leaving the SHIELD. Arthur bowed his head and walked into the gate of the SHIELD headquarters, mixed in with the crowd and walked towards it.

Just as Arthur was passing through the inspection guard, he was stopped by a guard. "Excuse me, sir, please show your work card!"

Arthur looked around, took out his agent certificate and handed it to him. The guard next to him didn't pay much attention to him when he saw Arthur took out the certificate. Arthur took the opportunity to control the guard with his mental power.

"Sorry sir, please come in!" The guard returned the work card to Arthur and let him in. Arthur smiled at him and continued to follow the crowd to the SHIELD building.

Arthur came to the S.H.I.E.L.D. lobby, which looked like any other government agency, with a lot of staff, as well as a front desk and receptionist.

Arthur came to the elevator, and he pressed the 20th floor at random. After reaching the 20th floor, Arthur found that this was the archives room.

Arthur sneaked into a file room, and he felt a big head looking at the densely packed documents on the shelf. It was obviously impossible for him to find the whereabouts of the Mind Stone here.

someone is coming! Arthur heard footsteps outside, and Arthur hid behind the file room door, waiting for the man to come in.

It was a civilian male staff member with a file in his hand. As soon as he came in, he saw Arthur standing behind the door. "You are..."

Before he could finish, Arthur put his hand around his neck to prevent him from screaming.

"Look in my eyes!" Arthur looked into his eyes, mental power invaded his brain.

Arthur found out that this person was also a Hydra man. He was Sitwell's subordinate, the bald head with glasses in S.H.I.E.L.D., Arthur saw from his memory that S.H.I.E.L.D. had wanted Captain America. Steve Rogers, charged in connection with Nick Fury's death.

This person knew too little, just a small role, Arthur knew from his brain that Sitwell's office was on the twenty-second floor, and Arthur broke his neck with force.

Arthur took the elevator to the 22nd floor and found that this was the office of the S.H.I.E.L.D. action team. Arthur found Siskel's office, pushed the door and found no one, he was not here.

Arthur arrested two more people and failed to find out the whereabouts of the Mind Stone. It seems that only the top leaders of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury and Alexander Pierce knew about it.

Arthur came to Pierce's director's office on the top floor, and the beautiful secretary at the door asked Arthur, "What's the matter with you?"

"Oh, is the director here? I have something to report to him." Arthur said to the beautiful secretary.

"Sorry, the director has a trip today and is not in the office," the secretary said.

"Oh, okay, I'll see him again tomorrow!" Arthur turned away.

It seems that Arthur came here for nothing today. It is not so easy to find the Soul Gem. It seems that you have to ask Nick Fury.

The news that Nick Fury is dead must be false, Arthur still remembers that he is still alive, but Arthur doesn't know where he is hiding now.

Arthur left the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. and was not found by anyone. When S.H.I.E.L.D. found the bodies of those people, Arthur had already left.

Tony Stark Villa, New York

It took Arthur only forty minutes to get back to New York from Washington, and now he was moving faster and faster in the sea.

Arthur came to Tony's villa to ask Tony to ask him for help. Arthur opened the door of Tony's house with a password. Tony didn't change the password and came to Tony's studio on the third underground floor.

"Sir, Mr. Arthur is here." Tony at work heard Jarvis' report.

"Who are you talking about?" Tony thought he had heard it wrong.

"You still haven't changed, you only have this hobby!" Arthur said to Tony from opening the glass door and entering Tony's studio.

Tony was studying the new armor again, and Arthur felt speechless when he saw the parts all over the floor. How many marks did Tony achieve?

"Arthur! You're not dead!" Tony saw that Arthur thought he had not rested for too long and had hallucinations, rubbed his eyes and checked it carefully before realizing that it was not a hallucination, but that Arthur was really standing in front of him.

"What? You're disappointed that I didn't die?" Arthur joked.

"Yes, I'm so sorry you didn't die." Tony joked too.

"I heard you even erected a monument for me?" Arthur asked.

"Uh, yes, I also wrote all your scandals on it." Tony looked at Arthur, the two smiled at each other, and hugged each other.

"Welcome back!" Tony said sincerely.

Arthur looked at Tony, who looked haggard, and asked, "How long has it been since you rested?"

"Not long, just a week." Tony said indifferently.

"What! It's not long before a week, aren't you afraid of sudden death?" Arthur said.

"I feel good, by the way how long have you been back?" Tony asked.

"I just came back yesterday and came to see you today, enough friends." Arthur said.

"You came to me for something, tell me, what's the matter?" Tony saw through the essence of Arthur.

"Well, you know what? Nick Fury has an accident!" Arthur said.

"What, what happened to Nick? How is it possible? He stays in the old SHIELD camp all day, who can do him?" Tony has encountered more surprises today than he has encountered in the past few months.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.? Oh, S.H.I.E.L.D. is not Nick Fury." Arthur told Tony everything he knew about going to S.H.I.E.L.D. and that Alexander Pierce was a Hydra.

"You mean that SHIELD has been basically infiltrated by Hydra, and they not only attacked Nick Fury, but also wanted Steve?" Tony asked.

"Yes, I guess they are still preparing to attack our Avengers. I can't find Nick Fury and the captain now, but I know that there is one person who must know his whereabouts." Arthur said.


"Maria Hill! She is Nick Fury's most trusted person. Nick will definitely ask her for help after an accident! Do you have her contact information?" Arthur asked.

Stark glanced at Arthur and said to Jarvis, "Jarvis, call Hill!"

"Okay sir, I'm calling Maria Hill for you, beep... beep... beep... beep..."

"Hello? I'm Hill, is it Tony Stark?" Hill's voice came through the sound.

"Yes, I'm Tony Stark." Tony said.

"What's the matter with you?" Hill asked.

"Is something wrong with Nick Fury, is he with you?" Tony asked.

"...How did you know what happened to him?" Hill asked back.

"Don't worry about it so much, I'll ask you if he's with you?" Tony said.

"Yes, he's by my side," Hill admitted.

"Let him answer the phone, I have something to ask him." Tony said.

"Tony? It's me!" Nick Fury's voice came from the speaker, sounding weak.

"Where are you? I'm looking for you." Tony asked.

"What's the matter?" Nick Fury asked.

"It's not clear on the phone, I'll come to you and talk about it!" Tony said.

"..." Nick hesitated, but told Tony his location.

"Okay, leave the next thing to me, you need to rest and leave it alone," Arthur said.

"I feel good, let me go with you." Tony looked at Arthur and said seriously.

"You're sleepy Tony, I'll call you when I need you!" Tony closed his eyes and fell backward, and was caught by Arthur.

Arthur hypnotized him, Tony was too emaciated and should have gotten a good night's sleep.

Arthur picked Tony up and put him on the bed, and his hypnosis would allow Tony to sleep for three days.

"Jarvis, Tony estimates that he will sleep for about three days. Don't let anyone disturb him. After three days, prepare something to eat. It is estimated that Tony will be very hungry when he wakes up." Arthur ordered.

"Okay, Mr. Arthur!" Jarvis replied.

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