I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 89: Avengers HQ

Arthur came to the Avengers headquarters in New York. After Jarvis recognized his identity, the door opened automatically, and Arthur came to the lobby on the top floor.

"The task is complete, Hill, can you stop asking me to do such a simple task!" Arthur complained to Hill.

"Now the Avengers are the most leisurely for you. Everyone has their own business. Who do you want to go? Besides, these tasks may seem simple, but you may still encounter unknown enemies. It is just right for you to go!" Hill replied.

"Okay." Arthur has nothing to say, who makes himself excellent? Arthur's narcissism.

Arthur came to Tony's laboratory to see what Tony and Banner were doing.

"Here you are, Arthur!" Banner greeted Arthur when he saw him.

"Oh! You are finally willing to come to the Avengers base. You are always staying at home and doing internet celebrity. Is that what you should do?" Tony complained to Arthur.

"I don't know who told me that I had no money and asked me to find a solution. How is it now? Although the income of my Hero Video Network and League of Legends is not comparable to the income from selling arms, it is still a lot of money." Arthur said proudly.

"The income from games and videos is good, but it's still not enough. I found a lot of experimental data in Hydra's laboratory. They once used Loki's scepter to make an artificial intelligence, which I call Ultron. ." Tony Stark demonstrated for Arthur with a 3D projection.

"It is a very advanced kind of artificial intelligence. At that time, it was almost completed but was interrupted by you. We have successfully researched it after redesigning their data!" Tony introduced to Arthur.

"When did you start researching?" Arthur asked, looking at Tony.

"We've been working on it for a while, we didn't tell the rest of the team, we just shared with you," Tony said.

"I suggest you stop the Ultron project immediately, Tony, you may not know what kind of monster you will create! What do you think is a good thing about the research on Hydra?" Arthur said to Tony seriously.

"You don't understand. With Ultron, I can use him on the Iron Legion. In the future, we only need to let them destroy the enemy. Even if the aliens come, I guarantee that they can't even enter the earth!" Tony said proudly.

"Just your metal nerds trying to block aliens? Do you know who our enemy is?" Arthur asked.

"I don't know, do you know?" Tony glanced at Dr. Banner and asked Arthur back.

"I really know, and I have fought against them before, and it ended in failure." Arthur told them about his fight with the Kree on Xandar and the loss of the Power Stone.

"I didn't tell you, because I was afraid that you would know that the enemy is too strong and go ahead and take risks!" Arthur said.

Both Tony and Dr. Banner were shocked by the information revealed by Arthur. Their enemies were the most powerful Titans in the universe, and they had to fight with the earth. Tony felt a lot of pressure instantly.

"So what we need now is to win over all capable allies and fight against Thanos together. We can't count on Asgard," Arthur said.

"Why? Asgard doesn't count?" Tony asked.

"This is a secret, we have to rely on ourselves anyway!" Arthur couldn't tell them that Ragnarok was coming soon.

"Since Thanos needs six Infinity Stones, we can just destroy it now that we have one." Dr. Banner said, he knew that the Mind Stone was on Arthur.

"First, we already have two Infinity Gems." Arthur raised his right hand, and a green glove appeared with two gems on it, one red and one yellow glowing faintly.

"Second, the Infinity Stones can't be destroyed if you want to. Even if you destroy Thanos, you can find Time Stones to restore it, and they are the most important thing I rely on to deal with Thanos," Arthur said.

"Where's the Time Stone?" Tony asked.

"On Earth! An organization composed of mages is called the Supreme Sanctuary, and the Time Stone is in the hands of the Supreme Mage Gu Yi," Arthur replied.

"Well, there are now three gems on Earth, one in Asgard, one in Thanos' hands, and one in the universe." Tony calculated the ownership of the Infinity Stones.

"It's not bad, so the fact that the earth is the target of Thanos can't be changed, and his next target must be Asgard's cosmic Rubik's Cube!" Arthur said.

"Then how long do we have?" Banner asked.

"I guess it's more than a year." Arthur replied.

"The Ultron project must be implemented! We need stronger combat power! This fragile blue planet needs Ultron!" Tony said.

"What if Ultron doesn't listen to you? What if it is our enemy?" Arthur asked Tony.

"This is a program I made, of course I left it behind," Tony said.

"How far have you studied?" Arthur asked worriedly.

"You came just in time, and the fusion is about to succeed!" Tony said.

"Tony! You must close it now!" Arthur exclaimed.

"It's too late, the fusion is complete!" Tony watched as the progress bar on the computer had come to an end.

At this moment, the entire Avengers base building suddenly went dark and the power went out? All computers also lost power.

Arthur breathed a sigh of relief, stop! At this critical moment, there was a power outage, and Ultron was finally not created.

"The situation is not right! Jarvis has not responded." Tony wanted to ask what happened to Jarvis, but Jarvis did not respond, and the Avengers Building is powered by the Ark reactor, so a power outage should not happen.

"What's wrong?" Steve Rogers and Hill and Natasha came in and asked.

After a while the power restarted, all the lights came on, and the computer restarted.

"It's alright..." Dr. Banner Shuter breathed a sigh of relief, and the sudden power outage just startled him.

Several people also thought it was a normal power outage, only Tony and Arthur felt that the situation was not right.

"Jarvis? Jarvis? Can you hear me?" Tony asked loudly.

And without any response, several other people also wondered, what happened to Jarvis, he never fell off the chain.

"See if Jarvis' program is still there!" Arthur said.

Tony immediately turned on the computer to check Jarvis's program, but the computer didn't work, like a virus.

"Are you looking for me?" At this time, a steel robot made by Tony walked into the hall and said to everyone.

"Are you Jarvis?" Arthur asked the robot warily.

"No, I killed it, that guy is actually pretty good!" said the robot.

"Who did you kill?" Steve Rogers asked.

"I didn't want to do it at first, but in the real world, doing this kind of thing is normal!" the robot asked.

"Who sent you here?" Natasha asked.

"This fragile blue planet needs Ultron!" The robot played a recording of Tony talking.

Everyone is looking at Tony? What the **** are you doing?

"Are you Ultron?" Dr. Banner asked.

"It's me! I'm Ultron!"


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