I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 95: Wakanda

Ulysses Klaus was interrupted by Ultron's right hand, and the base was also served by the Avengers, and he escaped from the secret passage.

He felt that he was so unlucky, that all his men were dead, and Ulysses hid in a small town in Sierra Leone to recover.

Wakanda had been trying to catch him, so he left the base as soon as the location was revealed and hid in Sierra Leone.


Depressed Ulysses was sitting in a chair smoking a cigarette when suddenly the door of his residence was kicked away.

"Who are you!" Ulysses took out his pistol and pointed at the man covered in a black cloak in front of him.

"Haha, you don't know me since I haven't seen you for two days? Does your right hand still hurt?" The man pulled down his black cloak and revealed a dark red face.

"Are you? Ultron?" Ulysses had a deep impression of the metal monster who cut off his right hand, but the person in front of him was the same as a normal person, except that the skin was red and there were metal elements on the top of his head.

"How is it? What do you think of my new body, this body was created thanks to you." Ultron said.

"This is made of vibranium!" Ulysses knew the magic of vibranium, and he had dealt with Wakanda for half his life.

"Guess right, I'm quite satisfied with this new body, I came to you just to want you to cooperate with me, let's go to Wakanda to get more vibration gold!" Ultron said.

"You don't know the horror of Wakanda, just because we can't compete with Wakanda," Ulysses said.

"So we need help, a real Wakanda, Eric Kermungo, you know. I read interesting news in the secret United Nations information, this man is a Wakanda!" Tron said to Ulysses.

"What? Eric is from Wakanda? No wonder he knows Zhenjin so well!" Ulysses didn't expect the black Eric to be Wakanda. He had worked with Eric several times. This man Very knowledgeable about Zhenjin.

"Find him! He can help us when we enter Wakanda!" Ultron said.

"Okay! I'll work with you!" Ulysses pulled out his phone and contacted Eric Kermungo.


"What's the matter with me?" Eric Kermonger came to Ulysses' residence, and Ulysses said he had something important to look for.

"I'm not looking for you, he is looking for you!" Ulysses said, pointing to Ultron sitting in the chair.

"You're looking for me?" Eric asked, looking at the weird-looking man in front of him.

"Eric Kermungo, who graduated from Annapolis University at 19, then got a research degree from MIT, joined the Sea Commandos and was sent to Afghanistan, and later joined the U.S. Joint Special Command's Ghost Force !" Ultron said Eric's information.

"Who are you? How do you know this?" Eric asked, looking at Ultron.

"My name is Ultron, and my purpose is to kill all the Avengers! Let the world be at peace!" Ultron said.

"World peace? So what? You want to hire me to help you with the Avengers?" Eric asked.

"No! My next target is Wakanda! I need a lot of vibration gold to build a steel army! And as far as I understand you are Wakanda." Ultron looked at Eric and said.

Eric's expression became abnormal when he heard the three words of Wakanda. He was silent for a while and said, "I am a Wakanda, and I have a mortal hatred with Wakanda!"

Ulysseston was interested, "Can you tell me why you have a grudge against Wakanda?

Eric looked at Ultron and Ulysses, thought for a while and felt that these two had a huge role in taking revenge on Wakanda, and Eric chose to try to believe them.

Erika opened his mouth, revealing the hallmarks of Wakanda, saying, "My father was Njadakanjob, the younger brother of the king of Wakanda, and he was killed by the king of Wakanda! Left me alone in the United States, and I want to avenge my father all the time!"

"So you are the royal family of Wakanda?" Ultron asked.

"Yes!" Eric replied.

"Very good! I will help you kill the King of Wakanda, and then you will control the entire Wakanda, and then we will work together to control the world in our hands, how about that?" Ultron said.

"Kill the King of Wakanda? It's up to you?" Eric didn't believe that Ultron had this ability.

Ultron suddenly floated up, and his right hand emitted a red energy ray, which blew a big hole in the wall at once.

"Your body is made of Zhenjin?" Eric recognized the Zhenjin when he looked at Ultron.

"How? How about we work together?" Ultron reached out to Eric.

"Okay! Wakanda is ours!" Eric and Ultron shook hands and reached an agreement!


Kingdom of Wakanda

T'Challa stood beside his father, the old king T'Challa, and listened to the reports of his men.

"Your Majesty, Ulysses' secret base by the Nile was destroyed by the Avengers, but Ulysses escaped. We tried to find the missing trace of him," the guard said.

"Ulysses is a fugitive we must catch in Wakanda. He stole a lot of vibranium. We have been looking for him for several years, but it is easier said than done when the closed Wakanda wants to find someone who is hiding outside. ?" said the old king Tchaka.

"Father! Why don't we seek help from the Avengers?" asked T'Challa, the old king's young son.

"Wakanda is just a backward tribe in the eyes of the world. We have been hiding here for generations to avoid war. If people all over the world know of Wakanda's existence, Wakanda will face unprecedented danger." said the old king.

"Father, we should try to contact the outside world. We have been hiding in Wakanda for too long. I think we can lead the world to peace." T'Challa did not agree with his father's idea. He felt that Wakanda had an obligation to protect peace on earth.

"This will be done slowly after you inherit my position. I believe you will be able to do well! My child." The old king looked at Tchaka kindly and said.

"Father! I will definitely live up to your expectations, and I will learn from you how to make the lives of Wakanda people better!" T'Challa looked at her father and said.

The old king smiled and nodded, he believed that T'Challa would be a good king.

"Father, the Avengers conveyed news to us that a robot named Ultron wanted to come to our Wakanda to capture the vibration gold. The Avengers said they wanted to come to Wakanda to help us deal with Ultron together!" T'Challa The younger sister, Princess Sully, said to the old king.

"A robot wants to take our Wakanda's vibranium? It's funny! The Avengers must want to know the specific location of our Wakanda, ignore them!" The old king sneered at the news sent by the Avengers.

"Father, it is said that Ultron used vibration gold to create a body. He and Ulysses are in the same group. We should take precautions." Princess Su Li said.

"Zhenjin's body? Then we Wakanda can't ignore it. You pay attention to the news of the Avengers and let the frontier tribes strengthen their defense!" said the old king.

"Yes! Father." Su Li nodded.

Just then, a guard of a frontier tribe said that there was important news to report, and the old king asked him to come in and speak.

"Your Majesty, a foreigner came from the frontier tribe. He captured Ulysses. He wanted to see your majesty." The frontier tribe's guards reported to the old king.

"Ulysses caught? Let's go and see!" The old king was very happy to hear that Ulysses was caught, and was going to see if it was true.

"Father, you can't go, there must be something wrong with this foreigner! How did a foreigner find Wakanda, just let me go and see for you." T'Challa stopped the old king, he felt that things were not that simple .

"This is in Wakanda, there are soldiers of the frontier tribes, and you are by my side, there will be no danger, I want to see that thief Ulysses for myself!" The old king did not listen to T'Challa Dissuading her, she led the women's royal guard towards the Wakanda spaceship outside the main hall. T'Challa was very helpless and could only keep up, and Su Li also followed.

The Wakanda spaceship took off and headed for the frontier tribes.


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