“With so much gold, I don’t know if I can buy a mother bear.”


When everyone heard this, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, and then they turned their heads to stare at Beibo.

“Yes… I’m sorry. Beibo reacted instantly, and quickly apologized.

“How fragile it has to be.” Everyone complained every day.

“Hey, Han Lin, what are you going to do with this gold.” Klockdar stepped forward and ran to Han Lin’s side and asked.

Han Lin shook his head, and said with some confusion in his eyes: “I don’t know how to use it, my strength is very strong, and I don’t know how to use these gold, after all, it can’t be used to increase strength.” ”

“Hey, aren’t you still confused and don’t know what to do.” Klockdar looked at Han Lin’s eyes and asked incredulously.

He and Han Lin have been with him for more than two years, but he didn’t expect that Han Lin was still a little confused about himself, which made him very worried.

The two years of getting along have made him identify with Han Lin, so he doesn’t want Han Lin’s goal to be confused, which is a big blow to the future road.

“How is this possible, I have already decided, first go to the new world to gain a foothold, and when my strength breaks through another layer, your strength will also increase, so that you can challenge the four emperors, I just don’t know how to use this money now, after all, I will only fight, not develop and so on.”

“That’s good.” Klockdar breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this: “You just need enough strength, those four emperors have a few who will develop the pirate group, all rely on their own team, and the reason why they are stable is because the captain’s strength is strong enough.” ”

“Yes, but do we have any use for this money?” Is it used to recruit troops or something. Han Lin nodded in agreement.

“Well…” Klockdar touched his chin and pondered for a moment before saying, “We can use this money to buy Devil Fruit for our future crew, and we can also use this gold to build a Hades.” ”

“You won’t forget about Hades yet, you still want to make Hades for so long.”

“Of course, I won’t forget this, and you won’t tell me that there are no drawings of Hades at all.” Klockdar looked at Han Lin fiercely, as long as Han Lin dared to say a word ‘no’, he would definitely ‘teach’ Han Lin.

“Of course not.” Han Lin glanced at Klockdar and quickly shook his head and said, “I do know where the design drawings of Hades are, right in the capital of seven waters, and when we get there, we can grab it with CP9.” ”

“The capital of seven waters? That’s fine, but if you dare to lie to me, I won’t let you go. Klockdar thought for a moment.

After that, Klockdar turned his head again and continued: “Hades is my dream, I want to get it no matter what, even if I don’t need it in the future.” ”

“Is it? However, the design drawings of Hades should be available, but I am afraid that we will not be able to make them, after all, it is a behemoth, and the world government may not let us make them. ”

Han Lin looked at the leaving Klockdar with a solemn face, I am afraid that snatching the design drawings of Hades can be concealed from the world government, but if you want to secretly manufacture it, I am afraid it is impossible.

After all, such a huge thing, it must take a lot of resources to make it, and with Han Lin’s future achievements, the world government will definitely focus on monitoring him, and I am afraid that it will not be possible to hide it.

“Don’t worry.” Klockdar stopped and said solemnly: “I just want to get that thing, and I don’t mind if I can make it.” ”

“That’s good.” Han Lin nodded, with a smile on his face, he could know that Klockdar had almost let go of his previous obsession in his heart, and he also recognized himself a little.

“By the way, Natsu, Luo, Daz, and Bebo, each of you will bring a part of the gold, and the rest will be hidden so that we can take it away next time.”

“This is not good, what should we do if we take all the gold here.”

“Huh.” Looking at a few people who were a little guilty, Han Lin couldn’t help but smile, obviously he wanted it very much in his eyes, but he also made an expression he didn’t want it.

“You can not, but then don’t blame me, you need to prepare your own food expenses in the future.”

“Ahhhhhhhh ”

After that, several people quickly packed a large bag of gold, put them all aside, and then looked at the remaining gold in confusion, not knowing where to hide.

Han Lin looked at everyone, shook his head, and with his feet, a huge hole appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

Han Lin pointed to the pit and said, “You put things in it, and then bury them with things, remember to bury them deeper.” ”

“Got it.” Several people nodded, put all the remaining gold jewelry in the pit, and then buried the hole with dirt.

Han Lin on the side looked at it, and found a corner of a huge building from the side, and placed the building on top of the pit to cover and prevent future exposure.

After doing all this, Han Lin patted his hands and said, “Okay, since everything has been done, then we will go back with gold now, take a good rest in the past few days, and tentatively schedule us to go back in three days.” ”

After that, Han Lin picked up a large bag and put it on his body, strolling away from here.


On the other side, the realm of the empty island gods, on a huge mountain, a man shirtless, carrying several big drums behind his back, holding a golden rod in his right hand, and an apple in his left hand and constantly nibbling on it, stared at the king of Ganfort in the distance, not knowing what to think.

If this person Han Lin saw him, he would know who he was? He is the god of the future empty island, and the strongest ability of the thunder fruit in nature.

At this time, Anilu had just destroyed his hometown of Beka and came here, intending to completely occupy this kingdom of gods and become a god here.

“There is only one god here, and that is I, Anilu, and the others can only be regarded as false gods.” Anilu said to himself, and then left the mountain and walked towards the kingdom of God.

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