Lin Bai was just about to get up and leave his seat when he noticed something moving in front of him.

Turning around, a boy wearing a short sportswear and goggles on his head was standing at a table talking to two adventurers.

Isn't this the only six-star god of war in Genshin, known as Bennett, the god of fire in Mond!

"No, no, no, we don't join..." The adventurer was embarrassed and refused Bennett's invitation.

"Hey, what are you doing?" offered Lindbergh.

He is the person who has Bennett not long after the game starts, Bennett 0 lives available, 1 life evolution, 5 life complete body, 6 life break the rule to evolve into Vulcan, which can be said to be the ceiling of the four-star character.

Therefore, Lindbergh was naturally also the first batch of brainless blowers who blew Bennett.

This crossed to Tivat and met Ban Shen, this must not know a wave?

Seeing Lindbergh who took the initiative to come up, Bennett immediately introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Bennett, my Benny Adventure Group is recruiting, do you want to join!"

"Oh, well, I just became an adventurer and I want to join the adventure group." Lindbergh read it with a blast.

"Hey, hey, hey!" one of the adventurers on the side immediately pulled Lindbergh to the side, and reminded in a low voice: "You quickly regret it, you can't add this adventure group!" "

Why?" Lin Bai couldn't remember exactly, but he remembered that the game seemed to say that Bennett was very unlucky.

"You are from Liyue, you may not know it. Bennett is a very evil person!" "

Oh?" "It seems really unlucky?" "

I'll tell you..." This adventurer told Lindbergh that a friend of his was called Jack, and after Jack entered Benny's adventure group, he didn't know what happened, in short, he lost his soul, and then he didn't even become an adventurer.

Later, a few more examples were told, which made Lindbergh stunned.

Lindbergh listened to the adventurer's story, looked at Bennett, and thought to himself what a cow the god of Ben was. To be honest, Lindbergh heard the example of the adventurer, and if he hadn't known Bennett's supernatural ability, he would probably have been retreated.

Bennett became more and more frustrated, he saw Lindbergh's startled expression, and guessed that Lindbergh would regret it, so he lowered his head and turned around and prepared to leave.

"Okay, okay, thank you for your kindness.

After Lindbergh finished speaking, he walked up and patted Bennett's shoulder.

Bennett turned his head to look at Lindbergh and said, "Well, I know you repented, it'll be fine." I'm used to it..."

"Don't, I'm not going to regret it." "

Okay, then I won't bother..." Bennett turned his head in disappointment, then jerked back with an expression that thought something was wrong with his ears.

"What did you say?"

"I said I joined."

"Really! Don't lie to me!"

However, I may not be stationed..."

Bennett's face was full of excitement, took Lindbergh's hand, and actually cried: "It's okay, it's okay if you don't reside, as long as you join, don't hesitate to ask for anything!

But if you think about it, the rumors I just heard are indeed quite terrifying... There are capable people who are unlucky to be like this, but Lindbergh is a little unconvinced.

I'm a crosser out of ten thousand, how can this luck neutralize Bennett's bad luck

!" "I join a request, can I say!"

Bennett nodded frantically, looking at the expression, even if Lindbergh said to let Bennett sleep with him, Bennett would probably agree.

"Can the name of the adventure group be changed? "

Benny Adventure Group, it sounds like Ban You Adventure Group. Banck you off, you say how good luck can be.

"Okay, what's your name?"

Lin Bai inexplicably remembered this name in his mind, and remembered that it seemed to be a team name in Dragon Ball.

"Team Kinut?" Bennett read several times, the more excited he became. "Great, just call it that, by the way, what's your name!"

"Okay, Brother Lindbergh. "

Adventure?" Lindbergh thought for a moment, remembering that today's task had been completed, and said that there was something to do today.

"Big brother, then, there is another member of the group who will come right away, or will you see him before leaving?" Bennett was so happy that he had a new member, and the whole person kept smiling.

"Anyone else?" Lindbergh thought to himself, which unlucky ghost besides himself was so bold that he dared to join Bennett's adventure group.

"He came right away, we made an appointment and there were 2 minutes left.

Lindbergh nodded and agreed, and began to think about a question in his heart, what was the subsequent outcome of Team Kinut?

After thinking for two minutes, Lindbergh still didn't think about it.

"Over here!" Bennett, who had been staring at the door of the Adventurers Association, saw a person coming in, and immediately stood up and waved and shouted.

Lin Bai looked up and a mouthful of old blood was about to spit out, good fellow, I said which unlucky bastard who is not afraid of death, it turned out to be Lei Ze...

Leizer walked over, saw Lindbergh, and asked strangely: "Why are you there?"

Lindbergh understood when he saw Lei Ze, and ordinary people were probably afraid when they heard Bennett's unfortunate deeds. But Leizer won't think much about it, he lives with wolves all year round, where do he understand these people's feelings....

"Brother Lindbergh, Bennett is very unlucky, you won't be dragged into the adventure group by him. When Lei Ze said this, Lin Bai's eyes widened.

"Do you know he's unlucky?"

Reiser nodded and said, "Yes, I've known him for a week, and every day I'm either injured, or the trap for catching prey is broken..."

Bennett touched his head and giggled on the side, embarrassed.

Lin Bai found that he did have a bit of a stereotype of Lei Ze, always cared about the identity of the wolf child, and habitually regarded Lei Ze as a child who did not know the world.

In fact, Lei Ze's age is exactly fifteen or sixteen years old, originally in the period of physical development, and his brain is very flexible. Although I was not accustomed to human society at first, I learned quickly.

In addition, Lisa is also a powerful master and teaches a lot of things.

"Then why are you still in the group..." Now Lindbergh became curious.

Reiser paused, looked at the gazes of the adventurers around him at their table, and said: "Because they are not with me either, only Bennett does not care, I am the same as Bennett." He is already my friend, and I will not leave the group.

Lin Bai was stunned, and then smiled heartily. Reizer came to Mond because of previous rumors, and was recognized again, many people knew that Rezer was the child of a wolf, so they did not dare to take the initiative to approach him, or were afraid to contact Rezer.

"It's good, I'm also a weirdo, so our Kinut team is a weirdo adventure. Saying that, he picked up the water cup and touched a glass with the two.

"Team Kinut?" Reiser was confused when he heard the name, and Bennett immediately explained to him.

"This is Big Brother Lindbergh, who just gave us a new name for the adventure group. You see, Kinut, Kinut, exactly three words. I'm the youngest, and I also have a special in my name, so this special is me. Then Reiser you are in the middle, and you are New.

Lin Bai, who was drinking water, was stunned and felt that something was wrong.

"Hehe, Brother Lindbergh, naturally it is the foundation.

Lin Bai spewed out a mouthful of water, all sprayed on Lei Ze's face.

", you're the key..." Lei

Ze got used to the expression and wiped the water off his face.

"Look, there's so much bad luck..."

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