Billions of thunders roared, countless space cracks appeared and disappeared above the sky, the earth shook violently, and the sky wept.

Billions of lives were panicked, as if death was coming, looking up at the sky in fear and confusion.

Tianwu Realm.

In the deep space of the origin of the heavenly way.

The two world origin rules were fiercely clashing.

No, it was one-sidedly destroying the other's origin rules, and then swallowing, merging and growing stronger.

The speed was so fast that it was unimaginable, like a drop of ink dripping into a basin of clear water, and the infection was visible to the naked eye.

This drop of ink was naturally Qin Yu. He was the Great Thousand World. Even if the origin rules were one or two trillionths, they were not something that a small world could resist.

The gap between the Great Thousand Rules and the Small Thousand Rules was incalculable.

Moreover, this small world was his lower world, originally of the same origin, and was considered a part that had originally separated from him.

It was a natural process to swallow it.

After a moment, the origin rules of the Tianwu Realm were all shattered, and the instinctive consciousness of the Heavenly Way dissipated.

In an instant, the sky collapsed, the sun and the moon cried together, the stars dimmed, and endless sadness filled the hearts of billions of creatures.

However, all the strange phenomena disappeared in an instant.

Only the creatures with tears streaming down their faces were left.

The origin rules collapsed, the way of heaven fell, and the world should have been destroyed, and all the creatures should have died.

But this is not applicable here.

Because Qin Yu is the way of heaven in the Changqing Immortal Realm, and the upper world of the Tianwu Realm, taking over by Him will not cause all the creatures to die.

In the Changqing Immortal Realm, there are still many small worlds that have ascended at this time. The small worlds where they were born have long been annihilated, and the ascenders are still safe and sound.

At this time, Qin Yu swallowed up the Tianwu Realm and took over completely, which is equivalent to all the creatures in the Tianwu Realm "ascending"!

Returning to the origin!

However, Qin Yu is not ready to do this. What He needs is not to swallow up the Tianwu Realm and become a part of the Changqing Immortal Realm.

Therefore, after the Heavenly Dao of the Tianwu Realm was annihilated, He shattered his own origin rules, turned into pure origin power, and merged into the fragments of the origin rules of the Tianwu Realm.

Then he repaired the origin rules of the Tianwu Realm and took over the magpie's nest!

From then on, He was the Heavenly Dao of the Changqing Immortal Realm and the Heavenly Dao of the Tianwu Realm!

It seemed to be the same, both of them controlled the two worlds and became the Heavenly Dao of the two worlds.

In fact, there was an essential difference.

He now seemed to have two "bodies", which were closely connected to each other, but relatively independent.

Like a clone, closely connected but relatively independent, if the distinction between the upper and lower worlds is not counted, there would be no primary and secondary.

From then on, even if the origin rules of the Changqing Immortal Realm collapsed and the world was destroyed, He could be safe and sound as the Heavenly Dao of the Tianwu Realm.

Well, it can't be said to be safe and sound.

If the Changqing Immortal Realm was destroyed at this time, He would really be just the Heavenly Dao of the Small Thousand Worlds.

It can only be said that he would not die.

This can also be regarded as taking precautions.

At the same time, cut off the life of those ungrateful people...


In the origin space, the origin energy that was close to exhaustion is increasing at a very fast speed.

In a very short time, it is like a small pond where the origin energy is about to be exhausted, and it is quickly filled up, and then transformed into a small lake.

This is the remaining origin energy after the collapse of the origin rules of the universe and the restoration of the origin rules of the Tianwu Realm.

At the same time, the gate of creation deep in Qin Yu's consciousness is also overflowing with the aura of creation, and converted into origin energy.

Let the origin energy of the Tianwu Realm rise at an unimaginable speed.

How much is the energy of the universe with ten thousand times?

How much is it compared with the ordinary small world in the Tianwu Realm?

At least trillions of times!

Enough to upgrade the world in a short time!

This is exactly what Qin Yu thought. Instead of falling into the quagmire of the Changqing Immortal Realm, it is better to develop the small account of the Tianwu Realm.

Let it quickly rise to become a world, or even a Hunyuan world. Then Qin Yu will take Tianwu Realm as the main one and devour two worlds.

Yes, including Changqing Immortal Realm!

Qin Yu is not going to take this big one.

They are all ungrateful. There is no need to keep them for the New Year. They are only worthy of recycling and conversion into source energy!

Qin Yu will also help this old enemy who has fought for endless years to recycle the group of ungrateful wolves in Lingxu Immortal Realm, and also re-convert them into source energy.

In fact, if the strength is sufficient, this is also a bloody business.

There are more than 200,000 Daluo Jinxian in two ordinary worlds, and there are hundreds of them above the tenth heaven.

Although there are huge losses.

But if all are swallowed and converted into source energy, it can barely be compared with a weaker top world.

It is equivalent to one of the two realms before the status is about to fall.

In this regard, even if he had ten thousand times the energy, he could be promoted to the world status by staying stable, but as long as there was something to be done, Qin Yu would never let go of those ungrateful wolves who were sucking the marrow out of the bones.

If he didn't kill them and let them feel endless despair, he would not be at peace.



The heavy and vast sound sounded in the sky, not just in one place, but at the edge of the Tianwu Realm at the same time.

The source energy was sufficient and continued to grow. The spiritual energy in the Tianwu Realm, which was originally in the last stage of the law and was gradually depleted, began to increase rapidly, and the world was also expanding.

The edge of the 10 billion li territory was like flesh growing buds, and new areas were quickly filled.

But after a moment, everything stopped.

This was the decision Qin Yu made after thinking for a moment from the perspective of "people".

The higher the world's status, the wider the mountains, seas and land inside it are. This is inevitable.

Because the wider the world, the larger the crystal wall of his world, and the more chaotic energy it absorbs and transforms.

This is almost the only source of the world's external source of origin energy.

But this seems unnecessary for him.

He has the Gate of Good Fortune, and the current ten thousand times is not constant. Just after replacing the Tianwu Realm, he can clearly feel that the energy of good fortune has increased by one...

Although the increase can be ignored, it also confirms that his intuition is correct. As he becomes stronger, the energy of good fortune will increase.

With the Gate of Good Fortune, he does not need to rely on the crystal wall of the world to obtain the origin energy.

Another benefit of the vast world in the world is that there are many living beings, and quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, which can create more strong people to protect the world.

Qin Yu thinks this can also be overcome.

From the perspective of the way of heaven, most of the difficulties can be attributed to the lack of origin energy...

And because of the special nature of the Tianwu Realm and the small number of living beings, this will not be a problem.

This is also the main reason why He did not choose to destroy the world and reshape it, so that all living beings can continue to survive...

The reason why he thought so much was that Qin Yu had a somewhat crazy idea after thinking about the destructive power of the Golden Immortal.

The Golden Immortal can destroy billions of miles of mountains and seas with one move?

Without the corresponding power to resist or limit, one person can destroy the world?

The battle of the same level is earth-shattering?

Then why can't we create a world where the Golden Immortal can only take a step of ten feet, can only break boulders with one punch, and can cut out a hundred meters of sword light...

Others have to say: It's so terrifying...

The more Qin Yu thought about it, the more excited he became, and at the same time he was constantly deducing the feasibility.

The core of the Heavenly Dao of the two worlds was running frantically to deduce.

There are no obvious defects...

It is feasible under His conditions!

If it really doesn't work, it doesn't mean that it can't be changed back!

Qin Yu immediately stopped the expansion of the Tianwu Realm.

The Golden Immortal can destroy billions of miles with one move, so what about the destructive power of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal?

Even higher?

How big a world is enough for them to create!!

Isn't that equivalent to tearing off a piece of flesh from Him from time to time?

Qin Yu felt a chill just thinking about it...

Do it, must do it!

He wants to be in his world, countless years later when someone evaluates the Golden Immortal of Daluo: A powerful Daluo can take a step of ten feet, can smash a huge rock with one punch...

So terrifying...

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