I am the Way of Heaven: Creating the Strongest Chaos World

Chapter 42 Completely burying the sect's holy land

It was just a bit of bad taste.

At this time, the Heavenly Court was invincible and possessed absolute military force. It could suppress all unrest and could not shake its rule in the slightest.

It was just disgusting to Dao Wuchen and the top immortals of the Heavenly Court.

Because they could not explain it clearly, the more they explained, the more it seemed to be covering up.

After all, they could not produce evidence that would convince all the spirits.

They could only try to appease the endless creatures from top to bottom, suppress all unrest, and use force and time to smooth it out.

At the same time, they also divided their energy to clean up the remnants who were secretly pushing and unwilling to submit to the Heavenly Court.

But it was impossible to completely clean them up. Even inside the Heavenly Court, there were many who temporarily surrendered due to force and waited for opportunities.

It can only be said that Dao Wuchen and the Heavenly Court have always been powerful, and their thoughts will only be kept in their hearts, and those who are outside can only be stinky rats in the dark.

But once Dao Wuchen and the Heavenly Court are weak...

It is useless to say more. At present, Dao Wuchen and the Heavenly Court have absolute dominance over the Tianwu Realm.

It is also because of their absolute strength that even if the rumors make countless lower-level people resent the newly established Heavenly Court, they have to survive under the laws of the Heavenly Court.

It can only cause some minor disturbances that are not painful.

The Heavenly Court, which was transformed from the Taihao Immortal Dynasty, firmly controls the entire Tianwu Realm and promotes the authority of the Heavenly Court and the new system bit by bit.

In less than a year, the disasters brought by the world's promotion were completely solved by the Heavenly Court.

With the supply of a large amount of elixirs and cultivation materials, the fourth-level creatures that were difficult to survive were all ripened to the fifth level.

And then they became the bottom cattle and horses again...

As they were transferred out of the protective formation, the various regions of the 10 billion miles of Tianwu were once again filled with intelligent life, and order and people's livelihood were restored.

But the Tianwu Realm did not develop peacefully, but was in turmoil again.

Or it can be said that it was the authority of the Heavenly Court and the first fire to establish a new order!

If it weren't for dealing with the disaster brought by the world's promotion, Dao Wuchen might have started to act long ago.

A decree was issued by Dao Wuchen, the Lord of the Heavenly Court, and was forcefully executed despite the ineffective opposition of many immortals and gods.

The sects and holy places of the Tianwu Realm have ushered in the real end!

All the sect secrets must be handed over, and you can keep a copy for yourself, or each person can keep a copy, and even all the property can be taken away.

But only the documents about ancient times must be handed over.

If an individual keeps it, he will be killed without mercy!

At the same time, you must also register your cultivation without reservation. If you don't cooperate, you will still be killed without mercy!

Since the Heavenly Court has been established, it is a brand new year. At this time, Dao Wuchen also gave up the idea of ​​ascending.

From now on, he will be the most noble existence in the world!

Then, the history of the Tianwu Realm should also start with him, the first emperor of heaven since ancient times!

Cut off the past and the present, from now on, there is no ancient times in the Tianwu Realm, let alone the sects and holy places, and the ancient Taoist traditions.

Only the Heavenly Court that rules the world and the supreme Heavenly Emperor!

The past history and past glory of the Tianwu Realm should no longer exist and be completely buried!

In order to make the authority of the Heavenly Court permanent, the sect holy land should no longer exist, and everything will be ruled by the immortals and gods appointed by Him.

Everything in the Tianwu Realm should belong to the Heavenly Court.

This also includes the mountains, rivers and lands where countless sects are located, as well as all the creatures in them!

Under the decree, all sect holy lands will be disbanded on the spot, and the disciples and disciples will be free. If they are unwilling, or anyone dares to stop them, they will be killed without mercy!

The sect resident is under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court and is not allowed to stay.

Simple and crude, direct and bloody!

But the Heavenly Court has this strength at this time, and anyone who dares to stop it will be ruthlessly crushed to death.

Even among the top immortals and gods in the Heavenly Court, many of them have connections with the sect holy land, but they are powerless to stop it, or even dare not stop it, and can only suppress it in their hearts.

Dao Wuchen's move may seem to cause unrest in the entire Tianwu world, but in fact it is as stable as an old dog.

As the only true immortal in the Tianwu world at this time, he is a "clean" human immortal from the uppermost level of the Heavenly Court, which is almost the original Taihao Immortal Dynasty.

Even if some not-so-clean immortals and gods have ties with the sects and holy places, they are all beneficiaries at this time.

Therefore, the unrest will only be limited to the bottom and will basically not spread to the upper level of the Heavenly Court.

It's just a little killing...

Dao Wuchen is not a complete exterminator. He began to build martial arts academies and martial arts heavenly palaces in various places, most of which were located in the resident sites of the sects and holy places with a long heritage and blessed mountains.

Uh, it feels like whipping corpses...

But this is not important.

The important thing is to arrange for those warriors who have lived in the sects all their lives, or most of their lives, and suddenly cannot adapt.

Young disciples with potential can join the army and departments under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court, or join the martial arts academy, and then join the Heavenly Court after they have achieved success in martial arts.

The older people in the sect, those with strong strength can pass the assessment to become martial arts masters of the martial arts academy, and the weaker ones can be responsible for miscellaneous tasks.

But the premise is that they must accept the deployment, and it is impossible to stay in the original sect.

Unless, buried in the sect...

There are indeed many buried.

Change is bound to be accompanied by killing. This move is to completely bury the sect's holy land, and even completely erase it.

Naturally, there will be some people who are unwilling to see the sect's inheritance cut off and sacrifice their lives for the sect, and their passion will become a bright color on the earth.

But they can't resist Dao Wuchen's will at all.

This is also Qin Yu's will, and it is also the reason why he let Dao Wuchen become the Emperor of Heaven.

Although it is easier for him to do it himself, he is less willing to do it after becoming the Heavenly Dao.

He even enjoys the process of gently touching a trivial thing and changing the fate of all living beings.

Perhaps this is how the Heavenly Dao should be.

But he still took action...

Because some people from the sect hid the documents and sect records passed down from ancient times.

It is almost impossible for Dao Wuchen to find and destroy them all, and it will take too long to wait for them to slowly disappear in the Tianwu Realm.

He can only take action himself to make those records of the information before he came to the Tianwu Realm disappear silently, or guide them to be found by people in the Heavenly Court.

The reason for doing this is that the ungrateful wolves who are still in the Changqing Immortal Realm after the Tianwu Realm ascend.

He does not want the creatures of the Tianwu Realm in the future to have any connection with those ungrateful wolves.

The Dao Sect is completely destroyed!

All traces left in the Tianwu Realm where they are are wiped out!

Another way to cut off the long river of time and space!

When he counterattacks the Changqing Immortal Realm, the strong men born in the Tianwu Realm will not hesitate against them.

At the same time,

Dao Wuchen is also taking action against the family forces.

There are not only holy places with endless years of inheritance in the Tianwu Realm, but also some ancient clans with long-standing inheritance.

For such ancient clans, Dao Wuchen's methods are even tougher. If you don't obey, you will be exterminated!

Or it can be said that he is going to exterminate the clan.

It just gives you a chance to survive in humiliation. If you can't grasp it, you will die and your clan will be exterminated.

The reason is that these ancient clans are less harmful. They have been too stable compared to the sects in the past few hundred years and have not been rectified by the three major immortal dynasties.

In terms of strength and inheritance, they are relatively intact, and at the same time they value the inheritance of their ancestors more. It is difficult for them to obey the laws of the Heavenly Court in their mentality.

At this time, the Heavenly Court has absolute military power and no external enemies, so it naturally chooses the simplest and most violent, but also the most effective way.

Once and for all, let all the ancient clans surrender!

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