I am the Way of Heaven: Creating the Strongest Chaos World

Chapter 44 The most powerful technique, a qualitative leap

Heaven, as a power that governs the entire world, once again demonstrated its value at this moment.

At Dao Wuchen's command, thousands of immortals and top geniuses gathered together, and with concerted efforts, they could deduce powerful martial arts books almost every day.

Even Dao Wuchen often participated in the discussion, and the Five Great Emperors, the Three Great Immortal Lords, the Ten Directions Heavenly Lords and other top immortals often came to Tianwu Xianyuan.

The great collision of thoughts and martial arts bloomed brilliantly.

Even if there were selfish intentions, they could be said to have done their best.

After all, at this time, everyone's goal was the same, that is, to create a more powerful method.

It was far from the time to cherish the old broom.

In such an atmosphere, below the immortal level, the martial arts of the mortals who ascended to the ninth level of the immortal level, the old and the new were melted and integrated several times, and several levels of universal martial arts were soon derived.

And began to promote it to the entire Tianwu world.

Why is it called universal martial arts?

That is because this type of practice is neutral and peaceful, without any powerful and unique characteristics, but it is applicable to almost all intelligent creatures.

"Bu Yuan Jing" integrates the lowest level of practice, and the Heavenly Court opens it to the whole world for free, which is for all creatures at the bottom.

But don't think that "Bu Yuan Jing" is weak just because it belongs to the lowest level!

Strong and weak are relative.

Compared with the practice left before the ancient times, "Bu Yuan Jing" can be said to be terribly powerful.

Ordinary people can't practice it at all, only those monsters who are born extremely powerful are qualified to practice.

And now the creatures in the Tianwu Realm are all monsters compared to the ancient times!

They are born with the life essence of the fourth level, and they can reach the fifth level after a little practice, which is extremely powerful.

However, there is a major problem...

Life can adapt to the environment to grow and evolve, but it is not achieved overnight.

Normally, the steady strengthening of the Tianwu Realm is better. Once the world status is promoted, the surge in strength makes it difficult for creatures to adapt.

The Heavenly Court rescued some of those who were difficult to survive independently, even those who were at the fourth level, and even at the third level, and helped them become the fifth level.

But the fundamental problem was not solved.

The problem was the newborn.

If the mother was only at the fifth or sixth level, in order to adapt to the current Tianwu world, even if the new life was madly absorbing the mother's nutrients in the womb.

At birth, it was difficult to reach the fourth level of life signs, and usually there would be two lives in one body.

If it could not resist and eliminate some gravity, almost no newborns would survive.

In the past few years, pregnant people have almost all given birth to children and grown up in the shelters established by the Heavenly Court.

And the "Bu Yuan Jing" was created for this purpose, which completely solved the problem.

Practicing this method can greatly replenish one's own vitality, enhance the essence of life, and provide the nutrients needed for the growth of the fetus, so that the fourth level of life signs can be achieved at birth.

Of course, the "Bu Yuan Jing" is not created specifically for women to practice, it is also applicable to men, and most races can practice it.

Otherwise, how can it be called a universal method!

It is a common practice, but it is definitely not weak. It is comparable to those practices in ancient times that were innately powerful and could only be practiced by evil beings.

At this time, the lower-level creatures in the Tianwu world practice this practice. Under the condition that their cultivation level remains unchanged, their strength can at least increase several times!

"Guyuan Sutra"!

It is several times more powerful than the previous one. The Heaven Court has not yet opened it to all creatures, but to its members and the martial arts academy.

If ordinary people want to obtain it, they need to make certain contributions or go through some complicated negotiations...

"Guiyuan Daojing"!

This is a more powerful practice, so it doesn't matter whether it is open or not.

Because ordinary people can't practice it at all.

The practice requirements and difficulty are very high, and it is tailored for the geniuses.

Extraordinary strength, forging an extraordinary foundation!

But in fact, few geniuses practice it...

Because this is still a general version, which is applicable to most geniuses with deep background and excellent talent.

But it is not the most suitable for individuals.

As the top Tianjiao of Tianwu Realm, who is not arrogant and looks down on the world? Unless it is extremely suitable for themselves, they will not practice at all.

In Tianwu Immortal Academy, there are a large number of martial arts books, a large number of top Tianjiao of a world, and thousands of powerful human immortals.

Through joint discussion and deduction, countless martial arts have been created. The above three martial arts are actually weakened versions in order to be applicable to most creatures.

In order to be universal, most of the characteristics and part of the power are sacrificed.

As the top Tianjiao of a world, in such an environment, they can completely use this as a blueprint to create the most suitable and more powerful martial arts!

The blueprint, the essence of these three martial arts is like this.

The original intention of the Heavenly Court is not to let everyone practice these three martial arts.

Instead, after spreading them out, talented people practice to perfection and create diverse martial arts based on them.

Then collect them, smelt and integrate them, and create more powerful methods, so that there is a virtuous cycle.

Let the cultivation methods of the Tianwu Realm become stronger and stronger to correspond to the increasingly thick and tough heaven and earth, and the increasingly powerful new life.

With the efforts of the immortals and the geniuses, even two more powerful levels of cultivation methods have been created!

Be prepared for a rainy day and take precautions.

At this time, no one in the Tianwu Realm can practice it, but in the future, someone will definitely meet the requirements, and it may even become a method for everyone to practice like the "Bu Yuan Jing"...

Since then, the method of transcending the mortal world and ascending to the immortal realm has been deduced at this stage.

The next step is the method of difficulty that is hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands times higher than the immortal level.

In fact, it has been ongoing, but the methods above the immortal level require time and energy, and it is not possible to achieve subversive results in a few years.

It is still in the stage of research and study to complete the foundation.

Thousands of immortals want to create an immortal version of the "Bu Yuan Jing"!

No... At least it should be the "Gu Yuan Jing", or even the immortal version of the "Gui Yuan Dao Jing"!

In fact, these immortals who are at the top of the Tianwu Realm have something in common with the fifth and sixth level creatures who are currently at the bottom of the Tianwu Realm.

That is, they are also at the bottom!

The human immortal is only the first major realm of the fairyland.

It can also be regarded as the bottom of the fairyland, and relatively speaking, their foundations seem "weak".

Before they became immortals, they did not have the above three techniques, and not many people practiced techniques of the Bu Yuan Jing level.

As a result, their foundation was very weak compared to the geniuses of the Tianwu Realm at this time.

It can be imagined that when the geniuses in the Tianwu Realm Immortal Academy at this time have transformed into immortals, they will definitely crush them at the same level.

How can the immortals accept this?

You must know that they were once top geniuses, otherwise how could they stand out among the endless creatures and be the first to transform into immortals!

Being born early, they have taken the lead, transformed into immortals first, and occupied an important position in the heavenly court, enjoying the blessing of luck.

But because they were born early, their foundation is not as good as the geniuses born later.

Good and bad are interdependent.

It is imperative to repair the foundation!

No matter how difficult it is, even if it cannot be repaired as deeply as the geniuses at this time, it must be repaired as much as possible.

Otherwise, even if they enjoy the blessing of luck, they will be surpassed by the younger generation with stronger foundation sooner or later.

The method of transcending the ordinary and ascending to the immortal realm has been solved.

The immortals and gods in the Tianwu Immortal Academy have devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the derivation of the method above the immortal realm.

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