As time goes by.

The overall strength of the Tianwu Realm is getting higher and higher.

Transcendence is no longer rare, but common, and the process is accelerating.

On average, there are people who transform themselves into immortals almost every day, which makes human immortals no longer transcendent.

Although it is not true immortals as numerous as clouds, human immortals are everywhere.

But the once transcendent immortals have also been integrated into the mortal world again, and are not so alienated from ordinary creatures. The separation between immortals and mortals is no longer clear, and they can often come into contact.

There are even "robbers" in the fairyland!

Yes, you heard it right, the immortals have become robbers! Become "mountain kings"!

The reason is naturally that there are more and more fairylands.

When the Heavenly Court was first established, as long as you were a human immortal, you would definitely occupy a high position, and many meritorious ninth-level immortals could obtain imperial edicts.

But now is different from the past. With the number of human immortals exceeding 100,000 and moving towards one million, there are simply not enough positions for immortals and gods in the Heavenly Court.

If you join the Heavenly Court, you can only get an ordinary position. It is very difficult to get promoted.

Therefore, many people did not join the Heavenly Court immediately after becoming immortals, but began to seek other ways out.

In this regard, the Heavenly Court completely rejected it at first, and resolutely did not let the immortals wander outside the Heavenly Court.

But those who forcefully obtain it can only get the body, but not the heart...

These immortals are small officials in the Heavenly Court, and their hearts are not there, so naturally they do not work or make efforts, and even do not care about things at all, making the responsibilities or the areas under their jurisdiction chaotic.

They are just occupying the toilet without doing shit, taking the immortal salary given by the Heavenly Court without doing anything.

In short, freeloading!

The Heavenly Court can punish them, and has punished them, but the effect is minimal.

It is impossible to send all such immortals to the Immortal Execution Platform and return to heaven and earth with one knife, right?

This is probably because they think there are too few people who want to overthrow the Heavenly Court?

And these immortals are not without connections, and they are more or less involved with the immortals and gods of the Heavenly Court.

Even if there is no connection, many immortals are willing to help them get away with it, establish a good relationship, and seek a good reputation.

It is difficult to punish them severely.

Dao Wuchen, as the master of a world and the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, does not want to stand on the opposite side of more and more immortal realm powerhouses.

In the end, he can only dismiss these immortals and expel them from the Heavenly Court.

In the future, they can choose whether to join the Heavenly Court.

This is also unavoidable. The Heavenly Court cannot take all the immortal realm powerhouses into its pocket. The luck, resources, and status are simply indivisible.

It is enough to take in those with outstanding talents and huge potential to maintain the power and majesty of the Heavenly Court.

In this way, the immortal realm powerhouses began to find their own way out.

As for the robbers.

At first, they were the remnants of the sects who did not respect the rule of the Heavenly Court and had been avoiding encirclement and inspection in the dark.

They could not stand in the open and obtain cultivation resources according to normal rules, so they could only rely on hard robbery.

After grabbing, they fled far away. Anyway, they have been searched and besieged by the Heavenly Court all the time, so it is no different.

Then they saw that it was profitable, followed suit, and followers gathered to participate in this industry that could quickly obtain resources.

Even in a short period of time, it spread to the entire Tianwu world.

In places with harsh or barren environments, as well as the vast outer space, there are not many strong men stationed by the Heavenly Court, and burning, killing and looting began to become frequent.

The number of people involved is far more than ten times, dozens of times the number of remnants hiding...

The ruling position of the Heavenly Court is still unshakable, but the chaos at the bottom has grown, and the struggle at the top has begun.

Although it was expected, Qin Yu still felt a little emotional, and at the same time, he felt that he needed to do something.

With a thought,

Deep underground, the life form formed by the condensation of countless negative soul fragments suddenly stopped growing.

This was what He was originally preparing to breed, a congenital god with the strongest talent and foundation.

Now He has changed his mind.

It was just a thought that came to mind for a moment, and it didn't really have much effect. Now Qin Yu thought of the significance of the existence of this innate god that was being nurtured.

The origin space, like the ocean of origin energy, exploded with waves and sank into the origin rules.

Suddenly, the rules of Tianwu Continent changed a little.

A huge space was opened up deep underground, in which the laws were chaotic and collapsed, and the spiritual energy was gone.

The remnant evil thoughts that originally floated between heaven and earth no longer returned to heaven and earth with time, but began to be attracted and slowly sank into the depths of the earth.

The same is true for the blood of the creatures of various races that have been infecting the earth for many years, which slowly sank into the ground together.

At the same time, the negative obsessions and evil thoughts that remained between heaven and earth also went deep into the ground like young swallows returning to their nests.

When these arrived, the innate god that was being nurtured suddenly split into countless parts of different sizes.

Then each part turned into a body, began to absorb the remnant evil thoughts and blood, and became a brand new life form.

A stream of original energy continued to be injected into the space, converted into energy that other creatures in the Tianwu Realm could not absorb, helping these new life forms to grow rapidly.

Soul-eating blood beast!

Qin Yusui gave it a very appropriate name, which will be the name of this tribe from now on!

An innate god turned into a race!

It feeds on the souls and blood of living beings and the negative obsessions between heaven and earth, and is naturally in line with the laws in this regard, giving birth to innate magical powers.

It can be transformed into a soul body to dissolve most of the physical damage, or it can be transformed into a blood soul semi-entity, with strong strength.

If we talk about race, the Soul Devouring Blood Beast will be the strongest race in the Tianwu Realm after it is born!

But it is not without flaws.

It can even be said that the flaws are so great that no intelligent life would want to become a Soul Devouring Blood Beast.

Under the order of the Great Dao, living beings are balanced.

There are gains and losses.

As a race, it is impossible for the wisdom, understanding, talent, reproductive ability, etc. of its creatures to be top-notch in every aspect.

There can be the strongest individuals, but there will not be the strongest race, and there must be some flaws.

The Soul Devouring Blood Beast has no spiritual intelligence, and its soul is full of chaos, bloodthirstiness, killing, madness and other evil thoughts.

Even if it is stronger, it is difficult to give birth to spiritual intelligence.

Or, this is a defective life form.

The upper limit of the growth of the race is destined. After reaching a certain limit, it will be unable to make any progress and stop moving forward.

This upper limit is still a celestial being in the small world.

But the upper limit of the big world is only Taiyi Jinxian.

Even if an individual is born with spiritual intelligence, it still cannot break this limit!

This is a flaw in the essence of life.

It is almost impossible to break!

If this shackle is really broken?

Qin Yu will take it in as a worker...

He created the Soul Devouring Blood Beast not for the purpose of adding another race to the Tianwu Realm.

But to use it as a whetstone and nutrient.

It is to create a valuable enemy for all the intelligent creatures in the Tianwu Realm. While being sharpened, they can also gain huge benefits and grow twice as much.

There is only one force that governs the world in the Tianwu Realm, which is not what he wants to see.

A countless number of forces stand side by side, and the chaos between the attacks is also not what he wants to see.

All of the above will only cause endless internal friction.

If this goes on for a long time, it may cause a large number of strong people or forces in the world to become enemies who will never die.

In this way, when facing external enemies, the internal blood feud may not be able to be put down, and endless changes will arise.

Therefore, Qin Yu's move is to prepare a common enemy for the intelligent creatures in the Tianwu Realm to reduce the fight between each other.

It is also a better whetstone!

However, now is not the time for it to be born...

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