I am the Way of Heaven: Creating the Strongest Chaos World

Chapter 69: Fighting into Canglan, the sky collapses and the earth breaks

The army marched out, and the strong men surged.

Under the command of Dao Wuchen, many strong men and the army of the Heavenly Court took action first.

Then the idle strong men followed.

Led by Dao Wuchen and the Five Great Emperors, nearly thirty celestial beings stepped into the battlefield between the two realms with fighting and killing intentions.

Then came more than 30,000 true immortals, as well as tens of millions of strong men in the human fairyland, and hundreds of millions of elite troops.

The magnificent momentum, without any cover, the high fighting spirit rushed straight to the sky, as if to sweep away all the disobedients.

Advancing all the way, unimpeded, the strong men of the Canglan Realm in the battlefield between the two realms trembled, and fled in a hurry with their hearts and courage broken.

The increasingly high fighting spirit pressed on the hearts of all the creatures in the Canglan Realm like the sky falling, and the suppressed fear was spreading.

"Line up and meet the enemy!"

"Who dares to offend Canglan? Kill!"

The majestic and murderous voice of Emperor Canglan sounded, and at the same time, it brought the power to inspire people and eliminate the power of destruction.

The fear of many powerful people and the trillion-dollar army beside the passage between the two worlds dissipated, and they immediately performed their duties and began to line up to fight against the Tianwu Realm.

But the Tianwu Realm played a trick on them...

They did not directly kill into the Canglan Realm.

Instead, they began to build a large number of war equipment and countless defensive formations in a position very close to the Canglan Realm.

Just like the Canglan Realm before the war.

But it was more than ten times more excessive and more than ten times more arrogant.

Because the strength of the Tianwu Realm increased dramatically at this time, in the battlefield between the two worlds, the two sides were no longer at the same level of strength.

Nearly thirty Tianxian Realm powerhouses, each of them could fight against Emperor Canglan, and most of them could win the battle.

These Tianxian Realm powerhouses will be an uncontrollable force in the battlefield between the two worlds.

In the past few years, even though the strong men in Canglan Realm have become stronger, they can never compare with Tianwu Realm.

Therefore, the Canglan Realm knew that they were being teased, but they did not dare to set foot on the battlefield between the two realms.

They could only watch as Tianwu Realm built war equipment and defenses very close to Canglan Realm.

Both the strong men and the army were suffering, always alert that Tianwu would also come to kill them, and the aroused fighting spirit began to fade, and the desire to fight grew again.

But this was not entirely a tease.

It was that Dao Wuchen and the Five Emperors did not want to fight to the fullest. Anyway, they had to build the front line of the war, so they simply suppressed the morale of Canglan Realm.

Make the next war easier, so that their casualties would be less and achieve greater results.

Of course, this was mainly the intention of the Five Emperors...

This process lasted for a month.

Every day was spent in fear, and the mind was nervous, and the fear of uneasiness began to spread to Canglan Realm.

The best time has come.

On this day, as usual, it seemed that there was no sign, but the Tianwu Realm suddenly attacked!

With more than 20 celestial immortals as the first, they had already rushed in when the strong men of the Canglan Realm just reacted.

Then thousands of late-stage True Immortals and above also rose from the camp and rushed to the Canglan Realm at the fastest speed.

Finally, there were more than 30,000 slightly weaker True Immortals, tens of millions of Human Immortals, and hundreds of millions of troops.

They were mighty and powerful, conquering one world.


The sky and the earth turned upside down, the sun and the moon lost their color, thousands of laws broke, and the immortal light of destruction shattered hundreds of millions of miles.

As soon as the Tianwu Realm celestial immortals left the battlefield between the two worlds, their strength was immediately suppressed by one layer, but the power they burst out was ten times and a hundred times stronger.

The destructive power was thousands and tens of thousands times that of the Tianwu Realm!

It was like a source of destruction, and it shattered billions of miles of the Canglan Realm at the moment of attack, as if it wanted to return it to chaos.

The terrifying power was truly released in the small world.

Dao Wuchen punched out, and all the ways submitted, stirring up billions of miles of space. The might of the Supreme Emperor of Heaven cleared the universe, and the magnificent might of Heaven wiped out all living beings.

Dugu Weiyi slashed out with a knife, destroying everything. Wherever the gray-white blade light passed, it turned into nothingness, nothing could stop it, and it crossed billions of miles in an instant.

Cang Yuelan made seals with both hands, and a bright moon that seemed real and illusory appeared in Canglan Realm. The moonlight flowed and froze time and space, and the breath that froze the soul spread over billions of miles.

Jidao Guizu transformed into the Heaven-shaking God Mountain. The Dharma body of millions of miles was like a world, and it pressed down with the rules of unparalleled power. Before he arrived, hundreds of millions of lives had already exploded.

The Five Great Emperors, etc., the top immortals and gods who broke through to the heavenly immortals, all exerted their own power, showing the power of destroying the world in Canglan Realm.

In an instant, it was like the catastrophe of the end of the world.

The Canglan Realm also took action to resist at the first time. The strength of the Canglan Emperor increased several times compared to before, and he also punched the people of the Tianwu Realm.

The other nearly 100 people with top status blessings, comparable to the existence of true immortals and Xuanxian, and the hundreds of slightly weaker half-step Xuanxian also took action together.

The infinite immortal light penetrated the two worlds, the space collapsed again and again, the laws collapsed, the Taoism did not exist, and returned to silence.

But the immortals of the Tianwu Realm turned a blind eye to this terrifying energy that seemed to be able to annihilate everything. After a pause, they rushed into the Canglan Realm camp.

It seemed that they did not take the strong men of the Canglan Realm and the trillions of troops into consideration.

It also made the strong men of the Canglan Realm furious.

Because of this moment of confrontation, they actually had the upper hand under the dual blessing of heaven and earth, but the immortals of the Tianwu Realm actually achieved real results.

Not only did it disrupt and delay their arrangements, but it also caused the death of a large number of weak people.

Having the upper hand, the strong men in the Heavenly Immortal Realm can protect themselves in the aftermath of the battle, and even rescue others.

But the Heavenly Immortals of the Heavenly Martial Realm attacked too quickly.

A large number of weaklings could not react at all, and the strong men in the Heavenly Immortal Realm could not block all the destructive energy and protect everyone.

True Immortals and Human Immortals are not only stronger, but also have faster consciousness and reaction, so not many died in the aftermath.

But the casualties of the mortal army were huge.

Blood rain filled the sky, and there were wailing.

In this level of battle, if the army formation was not formed in advance, a trace of aftermath would be enough to kill countless people.

Even though the Canglan Realm was the party that had the upper hand, more than tens of billions of troops were crushed or directly turned into dust in the aftermath.

The advantage in numbers is not as good as the infinite power gathered in one person.

The war did not stop, but just began.

The immortals of Tianwu Realm were surrounded and besieged by tens of thousands of immortals and above from Canglan Realm, and they had to resist with difficulty.

Even if they broke through to the level of immortals, they still could not do whatever they wanted in the extremely unfair environment of blessing and suppression in Canglan Realm.

This is the war between the two realms of living beings.

But they are not fighting alone.

The goal has been achieved.

Thousands of late-stage true immortals, who are one level weaker than them, have already arrived, without any pause, and launched a powerful offensive against Canglan Realm.

The attack was so powerful that it could kill immortals and destroy the mountains, rivers and land for thousands of miles, and it was like raindrops falling.

Then, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, the strong men of Canglan Realm were divided and could not integrate and burst out the most powerful strength, which also eased the situation of the top strong men.

Then the remaining more than 30,000 true immortals, tens of millions of human immortals, and hundreds of millions of armies successively set foot in Canglan Realm.

The war really began.

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