I am the Way of Heaven: Creating the Strongest Chaos World

Chapter 98 The Road to the True Supreme World

In the past, the energy level of the energy of creation was too high for the world to be used directly.

At this time, after the Tianwu World was upgraded to the Great Thousand World, it could act on the original rules because of its compatibility.

Perhaps this is the real way to use the energy of creation!

How could Qin Yu not be excited?

Immediately pull out a trace of the air of creation and enter the original space. After dilution, it begins to strengthen its own original rules.

There was no big movement as expected,

But it is indeed absorbed by the original rules, and at the same time it is strengthening it a little bit.

It should be similar to the transformed source energy.

There seems to be no difference...

But there is a special feeling that is indescribable...

It's unclear, the way is unclear.

The Tianwu Realm seems to have become more vibrant, like a dead tree slowly regaining its vitality.

The original rules of the Tianwu Realm are becoming tougher and strengthened by the air of creation, and the effect looks similar to the original energy.

It did not speed up the process of strengthening the Tianwu Realm. The strengthening effect seemed to be the same as the original energy.

But Qin Yu felt completely different.

Just like what he had eaten in the past was just chaff, but the air of creation gave him a feeling of delicacy, which was completely different.

More than just "taste\

,"There is also the "nutrition" in it!

They all feel completely different!

And when the energy of creation is used to strengthen the original rules, the entire infinite particles of consciousness are cheering, as if encountering the supreme creation.

There is no fierceness when the world is upgraded,

But the impact on Qin Yu's instinct of heaven was even greater, giving him the feeling that he was growing into the supreme world!

The true supreme path!

Real, real, real on the way to the highest world!

It's not like the world was upgraded overnight, but it seems extremely real and has a completely different essential difference!

In this process, Qin Yu also had a clear understanding that this is the supreme path that truly belongs to the world!

Just like before, you can upgrade step by step, small upgrades, and big upgrades, but you cannot achieve the highest world.

In other words, even if you upgrade to the end step by step, it is still not the supreme world...

Strengthening with the air of creation is the real supreme. What about the creatures strengthened with the air of creation?

Thinking of this, Qin Yu couldn't help but look forward to it.

However, this cannot be seen for the time being...

He has arrangements in all places of creation, and even in many auxiliary spaces, He has certain arrangements.

But it is not something that the powerful people and creatures in the Tianwu world can touch at this time.

Because, at this time, they are weak and do not have this qualification!

Not everyone is qualified to bear the fate of nature.

He could only use the diluted air of creation to strengthen it after upgrading the Tianwu Realm to the Great Thousand World.

How can those creatures who are currently in the Mysterious Immortal Realm at best meet the requirements for integrating the Qi of Creation?

This minimum requirement, according to Qin Yu's derivation, must at least be in the Daluo Golden Immortal realm!

And you must be an extremely powerful being among them to have this qualification.

This is because he was born in the Tianwu world and has been growing up to adapt to the Tianwu world.

In addition, He is using the energy of creation to strengthen the original rules, making them more qualified.

Otherwise, even if the Evergreen Immortal Realm and Lingxu Immortal Realm are allowed to reach the ultimate level, and the strongest men from the Twelve Heavens come, it will be in vain.

It is also the energy of creation that cannot be fused and is of extremely high grade.

Being a creature of the Tianwu Realm, you are lucky.

Perhaps their greatest blessing is to condense self-awareness in the Tianwu world...

Let the air of creation be diluted, continue to strengthen the original rules, and then let the larger air of creation be transformed into original energy and return to the ocean of origin.

Qin Yu then turned his attention to the entire Tianwu world.

At this time, the world is full of blood...

Not all creatures can bear the great fortune.

In other words, under the great fortune, if you can't make yourself strong enough, you just don't have enough blessings...

The Tianwu world has been upgraded, the chains of world rules have once again been hidden, and extremely terrifying pressure has descended on every place in the world.

The territory that should have increased by a million times did not increase under the suppression of Qin Yudu, and was all used for strengthening.

It is also compressing the entire Tianwu in disguise.

The pressure increased thousands of times, making those below the eighth level of immortality almost dead in an instant.

The smell of blood permeated the entire world.

The reason why I didn't tell everything is because the luckier ones happened to be beside the strong ones and were protected by the strong ones who had experienced it twice.

The eighth level of immortality was not much better. The existences in the early and middle stages were also unable to resist, and they were crushed to death almost instantly.

Only those at the late eighth level, or even those at the peak, were still not dead, but were crushed to the ground unable to move at all.

Most of them had their bones shattered and were seriously injured and dying.

Only those beings above the ninth level of immortality have not experienced a life-or-death crisis due to the sudden increase in pressure.

But the situation is by no means a good one.

Their strength can cross the barrier between immortals and mortals, and they are powerful enough to kill people in the immortal realm. At this time, they have become the lowest level of beings in the Tianwu world!

The power of the past is completely gone. It was once able to soar into the sky and even cross the infinite void to the battlefields of the two realms.

At this time, it can only be like the ordinary people who failed to practice tens of thousands of years ago in the end of the Dharma era in the Tianwu Realm.

No more warrior attitude.

The true energy cannot leave the body, and every move and every move is a manifestation of the ordinary world. It is difficult to even cross a foot in one step, and its influence on everything in the world is like an ant shaking the sky.

The power in the past was like a dream.

However, most of them were no longer the previous batch of ninth-level immortals.

Instead, they broke through from the eighth-level, seventh-level, or even lower, in the supreme fortune of the Tianwu Realm being upgraded to the Great Thousand World.

Those who failed to become strong returned to heaven and earth.

Most of the original ninth-level immortal warriors have now become immortals, raising their cultivation to the human immortal realm.

They have reached the power that Qin Yu had deduced before, with a step of ten feet, a punch that can break rocks, and the immortal essence barely leaving the body...

It doesn't seem like a step of immortals, but rather like falling into the mortal world...

Some beings also began to doubt themselves, suspecting that all their previous experiences were dreams.

Or what they are experiencing now is an illusion...

Of course, only a few have fragile minds.

At a higher level, they fell into ecstasy.

The true immortal realm has some deep understanding of heaven and earth. Even if their own divine power is severely suppressed, they know that this is a good thing, and there is no panic or negative emotions.

The Tianxian Realm, at the peak of the level of the Small Thousand Worlds, has an extremely clear perception of the changes in the world, and at this moment, they are all in ecstasy.

The world is upgraded!

This word occupied their minds!

After encountering the Canglan Realm, when they caught the opponent's weak and searched their souls, their cognition was greatly improved.

It is extremely certain that it was the Tianwu Realm that was upgraded before!

And it was upgraded to the Great Thousand Worlds!

Although it is unknown why the Tianwu Realm was upgraded at this time, it is not important.

Anyway, this is not the first time, they have already adapted...

The important thing is that they can clearly feel the great changes in the world, as if there is no limit to cultivation!

Among them, the elders, the strong ones who still exist from the beginning, can feel the changes and differences of the three upgrades, and then they are more certain!

If you still doubt,

then see how many Xuanxians there are in the Tianwu Realm at this time...

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