"Looks like that's the one."

Among the crowd not far away, Lin Jie was holding a mobile phone in his hand. A green dot on the interface was not far away from him. He looked forward and saw a familiar person among them. He was wearing underwear embroidered with the shelter logo. Shirt was the person he implanted with the slave bug.

But then, Lin Jie became confused. The other two people he didn't know next to the shelter soldier should also be from the shelter. However, because they were out, they were not there when he invaded, and they were not implanted with slave bugs. However, Judging from the appearance of the three people, it doesn't look like they have defected to the Peace Society. They must have had some conflict with the soldiers of the Peace Society.

Looking towards the side of the aberrant body, Lin Jie became even more confused.

"What are those?" After just a glance, Lin Jie's eyes were attracted by a woman.

"Hehehe~ That's great. This woman should be Li Henian's sister? What an unexpected bonus."

Smiling sinisterly, Lin Jie didn't notice at this time that the people around him were scared away because of his strange expression.

"Damn it, this guy must be sick."

The little boy who broke out of the defense line was crying while running towards the area where large groups of aberrant creatures existed. The people behind the defense line were all sweating for him. Wei Ba and the others also stopped arguing and did not dare to show their anger. Watching this child running forward perfectly.

"Sister, you won't die. I'm going home to save you."

The boy sped up with a cry, and the aberrant creature beside him made a "wuwu" sound, and gave birth to a hand that was so rotten that it had no palm, and grabbed the boy, and the wriggling tentacles on it tied his arm, trying to pull him in. However, the flesh and blood on its body was too loose and it could not hold the boy. The boy ran forward desperately, and with just a gentle tug on its rotten tentacles, a load of rotten flesh was thrown away. on the ground.

Most of the body was torn off by the little boy and dragged forward. He had no idea what the consequences of direct contact with these disgusting creatures would be.

Wei Ba and others all breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the little boy was not injured, but they did not notice that the Peace Society soldiers could not help but shake their heads.


A soldier sighed, which immediately made Wei Ba unhappy.

"Why are you sighing? You don't want to see others alive, do you?"

When Wei Ba said this, the soldier also felt unhappy.

"What's your name? A bunch of rubes coming out of the shelter, take a good look."

Wei Ba snorted coldly and looked over. Soon, the expression on his face became dull.

"How... is this possible? What happened to him?"

"That kind is not a zombie. The human body will be infected if it comes into direct contact with it. New humans are not immune. Now you know that we are here for you. In the past, you would be infected if you were touched by the blood of those disgusting Zira things. "

The soldier next to him said, Wei Ba didn't say a word, the little boy was just an ordinary person, and the disgusting aberrations that were holding him were easily torn to pieces by his power.

Even ordinary people could tear apart their loose flesh. Wei Ba really couldn't figure out what was so powerful about these weird zombies, but soon he discovered that he was wrong. Although the little boy was not caught by these zombies, He was injured, but before he could be caught up by the stumps and broken arms behind him, he suddenly fell to the ground and screamed in pain!

Wei Ba saw that the boy's flesh and blood was rotting at an alarming rate! Finally, it turned into a monster that could no longer look human, stood up, and rushed towards the defense line with other monsters!

However, no one noticed that Lin Jie's ears moved.

"Can new humans also be infected?" He thought in his heart. When the child quickly turned into a deformed body among the corpses, he saw everyone watching, and his heart skipped a beat. On his phone, among them The location of the slave bug is in the area where the aberration is located.

Following the boy's tragic situation, Wei Ba and the other three were also stunned on the spot. Now they still dare to say that they ran to save their companions. With such a terrifying infection ability, they can go in, but it will be difficult for them to come out.

"But..." The two of them hesitated. They didn't dare to go in now. Everyone wanted to live. If they faced a group of zombies, they might have the courage. At least their new humans would be a little injured among the zombies. , you can still go in to confirm the casualties of your companions or rescue them, but this kind of infection is a bit...

In short, no one is an absolute saint. People are just people. One can only be judged from their deeds. Deeds do not matter the heart, and there is no saint in the heart. Although the three views of Wei Ba and the others are similar to those before the end of the world, the views before the end of the world are not the same. People cannot achieve the great consciousness of sacrificing themselves for others.

Therefore, Wei Ba and the others were full of hesitation at this moment. The life and death of their companions at this moment was really ridiculous compared to their own lives.

"Stop them!"

Li Qingtian stood on the corpse cart and shouted. The silver-armored corpses in the group of aberrations immediately roared and launched a fierce attack on these disgusting guys. Their silver and steel-like bodies were like high walls, surrounding all the corpses. The monster stopped him.

Seemingly sensing the hostility of the silver-armored corpses, the aberrations also went crazy and pounced on these silver-armored corpses one after another. After a while, every silver-armored corpse was covered with disgusting aberrations. Their bodies are full of pus-yellow fluid left behind by the aberrations.

"Oh, what happened inside."

Suddenly, one of the two people following Wei Ba was tapped on the shoulder. The man looked at it and didn't care. He just shook his head and said, "I don't know, there's a zombie virus breaking out inside."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"We have friends inside. I don't know what's going on. Alas, you are..."

After saying a few words to the person who patted him on the shoulder, he suddenly felt something was wrong. Why was this voice so familiar? He quickly turned around, and when he took a closer look, he realized that this person turned out to be Lin Jie!


He was startled, and his screams aroused confusion among the people around him.

"What's wrong?" Wei Ba asked, looked at Lin Jie and frowned. He didn't recognize this person.

"No! I'm fine. I'm fine. Don't worry."

The man was horrified and looked at Lin Jie with unconcealed fear. Wei Ba and the other man didn't know Lin Jie, but he did. Even now, he still has that damn slave bug on the back of his neck!

Lin Jie looked at Wei Ba with a harmless smile on his face.

"Sorry, this brother was startled by his sudden appearance."

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