I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1278 The danger hidden in the darkness

After entering the boulder, the soldiers inside seemed to be guarding the place and did not drive them away. They just said some precautions and then left.


A mechanical door was opened from the distance to their left, and a large group of people walked out, walking bustlingly outside. However, after seeing Su Sigui and his party, one of them turned his eyes and looked at them. For a moment, but he didn't stay long, and then left with the crowd.

And Su Sigui's eyes also collided with that person! She moved with the movement of the other person's eyes, but after the other person moved away, she stopped focusing on him. If she continued, it would be a very impolite behavior.

However, I don’t know the other person, but the other person seems to know me. Who could it be?

Su Sigui suppressed the doubts in her heart and walked forward with Yan Xing and others. She knew that the mechanical door that had just opened should be the elevator that ascended to the "Sacred Peak". However, she didn't want to go up yet. She wanted to Learn the secrets inside this "big rock".

Surrounded by steel punk style decoration, the seamless connection of pieces of steel gives people a wonderful feeling of being in a science fiction world. The floor lamps on both sides and the two rows of lamps on the ceiling emit a pale yellow light, illuminating the road ahead.

No one organized their exploration, and even the passing soldiers only glanced at Su Sigui and the others. It seemed that there was no secret hidden in this boulder, and as they went deeper, they could no longer see anyone passing by. Steel The punk-style "decoration" gradually disappeared, and the light no longer illuminated the road ahead. The single passage turned into several, making people wonder where to go.

The steel decoration no longer existed, and they also allowed them to see the original inner wall of the boulder. It was strange that there were many stripes on it, which looked like fibers of flesh and blood, but they felt the same as the texture of stone. This made Su Si Gui became more and more confused.

She felt more and more that she had seen this huge rock somewhere, but she was not sure and could not verify whether it was that thing. If it really was, it would be incredible for someone to live here!

The boulder was very big, and Su Sigui had a very keen sense of distance. After walking for such a long time, he probably didn't even get through one thousandth of the diameter of this "boulder".

The surrounding environment was completely engulfed in darkness, but Su Sigui and the other five people were all high-level new humans. No one was lower than the eighth level. Their extremely strong night vision ability allowed them to wander freely in this dark environment. , not afraid of getting lost.

But within a short while, there was a blockage in front of them. It was more like a warning sign than a blockage. If someone forced their way in, even ordinary people wouldn't be able to stop them with that warning sign.

The bright red warning sign gave people a shocking feeling. When Su Sigui and the others came to the warning sign, the road ahead began to extend downward, and the darkness inside almost blocked their sight!

"Mayor? Do you want to go down?"

The big man named Yao Gong said hesitantly. He didn't want to go down. They couldn't see the end of the downward path. There seemed to be some dangerous monster lurking in the darkness, which made people feel unknowingly. .

Not only did he feel this way in his heart, but the people around him, Yan Xing Xu Tianyu, also felt this way.

Similarly, their sixth sense kept sending them information about danger below. It seemed like there was a hoarse voice telling them not to go down. Combined with the blood-red warning signs, it was even more terrifying!

Su Sigui didn't speak for a while. She looked directly at the narrow road that extended downwards and had no end. Her eyes seemed to see the monster hidden in the darkness below!

They opened their eyes, and their red eye whites and blood-red pupils collided with their own eyes!

After a moment of silence, Su Sigui nodded and said, "Let's go back."

Her tone was very light, but after hearing her words, everyone else breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Indeed, the unknown will always make people feel scared, even if they are the strong ones of the eighth-level new humans, unless the ninth-level appears , it is still very difficult to grasp the strong person of the eighth level.

Several people began to walk back, and the blood-red warning sign at the rear slowly disappeared until it was completely gone.

When they came to the first fork in the road they encountered before, Su Sigui stopped. She faced the stone next to her, raised one hand, and kept stroking its surface, as if to determine something.

The narrow road that extended downwards with no end gave her a very dangerous feeling. She was extremely familiar with this feeling. There were only two reasons for this situation. The first reason was that there were many people down there. The existence of powerful new human beings of the eighth level can be threatened, but there are extremely many of them. The second reason is that there are terrifying creatures inside that are more powerful than the eighth level!

What other existence could there be that was more powerful than the eighth level?

Of course it is a corpse king level existence!

Su Sigui narrowed his eyes, showing an extremely dangerous state!

The movements of her hands did not stop. Looking at the stone wall in front of her that looked like flesh and blood fibers, she murmured: "It's incredible..."

After making such a sound, the atmosphere between the few people became terrifyingly silent. In Su Sigui's mind, a voice sounded. That voice was very far away to her, both in terms of time and distance. It was far away, as if a radio with a very chronological feel was emitting "Zizzizi" content in vague language but barely audible.

[After reporting from the Changyuan Mercenary Group, the Divine Corpse King appears again! The first location that was discovered was Chulai City in northern Tsarist Russia. Could it be that the Corpse King has been hiding in the north for so many years? 】

[Does the Northern Empire really exist? This problem once again attracted our attention. 】

[After various investigations, the Chinese White-haired Corpse King is heading west, and its route has been initially confirmed. 】

[Yunxia Daily, multiple survivor bases in Province A were attacked by Lan Ou Corpse King. After investigation, Chenghong, Fu Ji, Chicheng Jianghan, Xuzhi, Yulong Lake, Xu Changyan, Julian Yiyi, Nancheng, Hongxue, etc. A total of twenty-one bases have fallen. It is impossible to confirm the route of the Lan Ou Nightmare Corpse King. Please prepare nearby survivor bases in advance. Even if you retreat, go to the nearest survivor base to seek help. 】

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