No matter what, if this sacred pinnacle is really a zombie brood, its size has exceeded Su Sigui's knowledge of other broods, and this brood is located in the center of a city where humans live!

wrong! This seems to be a city where zombies and humans live together! Building such a city on the "sacred peak" is not what people should think of at first glance.

How could a normal person think of building a city on the Brood Nest?

Su Sigui's mind was filled with thoughts. The soldiers outside the car had already extended a hand to them. The meaning was very obvious, which was to pay a certain amount of gold.

Without thinking, Su Sigui grabbed a handful from the pocket next to him. The soldiers who saw this scene were stunned, thinking that this woman would throw this handful of gold directly into her hands, like them. People often encounter bribes from some people, asking them to work hard on something. Generally speaking, as long as they do not threaten the safety of the royal court and just seek some benefits for themselves, soldiers will not refuse such bribes. In addition to the monthly remuneration, the other part of the economy is the bribes of those people.

And so much Yajin couldn't help but make this soldier think about it, thinking that he had met a "rich woman" that he could only dream of!

He looked expectantly at Su Sigui in the car. The next second, Su Sigui took out two gold coins from the pile of gold in his hand and placed them naturally in the soldier's hands. This made him uncontrollably tremble. A few twitches, followed by a melancholy sigh.

After Su Sigui paid a certain amount of gold, the vehicle they were riding in followed other vehicles into the space inside the Sacred Peak. This place was different from the one they entered yesterday. It was a large square with people chatting around it. , there are soldiers in military uniforms and ordinary people in civilian clothes chatting with their companions, and when they talk about funny things, they will let out a laugh of unknown meaning.

It was much busier here than when they came yesterday. In addition to the huge crowds of people outside, there were also a lot of busy people inside. After a while, they were arranged to arrive in front of an iron gate. The iron gate was very big, and there were people in front of them. I clearly feel my own insignificance, as if this is a giant door that only a giant can open.

After about ten seconds passed, the door opened to both sides, revealing a wide platform. The red floor light on it quickly turned green after the iron door was fully opened.

Under the command of the soldiers inside, Yan Xing drove the car and entered it together with other vehicles. After about twenty cars were accommodated, the huge iron door behind slowly closed.

"Go up, go up!" Flora's sister Jinna made an excited voice when she felt the platform began to rise. Everyone around them looked at each other and smiled.

During the ascent, Yan Xing asked the two sisters if they knew Tian Khan's palace, and everyone was relieved after receiving the corresponding answer.

The process of ascending to the "Holy Peak" did not take too long. Su Sigui could feel the speed of the platform rising. In three or four minutes, the door in front of them opened, not the door behind them.

After going out from the gate, they saw the scenery of the inner city on the "Holy Peak" as they wished. Compared with the outer city below, this so-called inner city is more prosperous, comparable to the devil's capital before the end of the world, and it is very lively!

They saw many people wearing clothes made of expensive fabrics. From time to time, they would take a look at people passing by. Flora's sister even said excitedly: "Look, they are the people living in the inner city."

The streets in the inner city were much wider than those in the outer city, and they felt smoother than ever before when driving on them. From time to time, they saw stalls on the street, and the vendors selling snacks on them were shouting and mingling. , making yourself feel like you are back before the end of the world.

At that time, human cities were also bustling and bustling like this.

Under the guidance of Flora's two sisters, Su Sigui and others walked through the streets like locals. When they finally reached a fork in the road, they heard Flora say: "Sister, we are here. You are going to the Khan's palace." Just keep going forward and when you see a crossroads with a big blue stone, turn left and keep walking."

Yan Xing stopped the car smoothly. Flora took her sister's hand and jumped out of the car. She said gratefully to Su Sigui. She could feel that the five people in the car seemed to be based on Su Sigui. Become the first.

After telling them about the next journey, the two Flora sisters were about to leave, but Su Sigui stopped them the next second.

"Wait a moment."

"What's wrong?" Hearing Su Sigui's voice, the two Flora sisters quickly turned around, and saw Su Sigui getting off the car and walking in front of them, looking towards a stall, where it was Flora's sister Jinna who was watching This little girl was very interested in food. After coming from the outer city, Su Sigui could always see her looking at the food stalls passing by outside the car window.

"Do you want to eat that?" Su Sigui said. Her eyes could see very far away, and she could naturally tell what was being sold at that stall. It seemed to be papaya water, but it was different from what was sold before the apocalypse. Papaya water, the finished product of papaya water sold by the stall owner, she saw many fruits that only appeared in the apocalypse.

Jin Na swallowed her saliva. Like other children, they are playful and greedy at this age. However, Jin Na knew the living conditions of their family. Although Ye Genyali and his wife were new humans, they had only reached the extraordinary level. According to the Su Sigui’s understanding of new humanity is the corresponding second level.

Although they are much stronger than ordinary people, it may be because they lived a life of avoiding danger like mice in the post-apocalyptic life. They were disgusted, so they chose to do odd jobs in the royal court like ordinary people, or do fixed and stable jobs. Life is very tight. When they came to the inner city this time, the sisters didn't have much money on hand to squander. No matter how much they wanted to taste the delicacies, they needed to be patient.

Jin Na nodded, but quickly shook her head. She guessed what Su Sigui was going to do, and she was very much looking forward to it. However, Ye Genyali and his wife had taught them not to take benefits from strangers, let alone What's more, Su Sigui and the others came from a city outside the royal court, so they couldn't be trusted.

Su Sigui didn't know what Jinna and Flora were thinking. She smiled, took out a few gold coins from her pocket, and put them in Sekina's hand.

The two sisters glanced at each other and felt happy but also frightened. Although these six pieces of gold were not much, saving a little money was enough for their family's living expenses for nearly a month. For them, it was a huge sum of money. payment!

"No! You can't have it. Sister, please take it back."

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