I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1411 The final difficulty

An eighth-level powerhouse from the Capital of the Moon glanced at Su Sigui hesitantly, and finally left the conference room under the leadership of Xu Tianyu. Not long after, only Su Sigui was left on the scene, and she was not there. She left, but looked down at the streets dotted with dense buildings. No one knew what she was thinking. After she escaped death again and opened her eyes, she just wanted to walk down one street without that person. A path traveled.

People cannot lose hope, and hope may be an opportunity. She wants to give everyone a chance and a new life, instead of washing everything with blood.

Everyone makes mistakes, but not all mistakes are irreparable.

She stood in front of the viewing wall, looking at everything below, like a god looking down on the entire human world. She also thought of a statue, motionless, looking at everything that happened in front of her with cold eyes. Maybe for a moment, she had an affair with that person. The same psychological activity resonated with that person in a different time and space for a moment.

About half an hour later, the door of the conference room was opened, and six people walked in. It was at this time that Su Sigui finally made a move. She turned around and looked at the door of the conference room, her eyes scanning the faces of the six people. Then, a smile appeared on his face, and from now on, this meeting really begins.

Among those six people, there was a Japanese named Kimura Youjiang, a Korean named Zheng Yanqi, two Caucasian foreigners named Plauka Edwin and Tiramia Fred, and two Chinese The people are Ji Jinchan and Zhang Linglai.

Su Sigui was slightly surprised by the appearance of the two men. She did not expect that among the gentlemen mentioned by Hideto Nakama, two of them were Ji Jinchan and Jiang Ping.

But they didn't raise their hands before.

"Okay, now we should call Mayor Su a comrade. Forgive me for being disrespectful before. Master Ye is right. Among our group of people, you are the only one who has truly made efforts for mankind. Thank you. "Ji Jinchan was the first to speak when he came in. After the last two words were spoken, his tone became very heavy.

"Hahaha, it seems there is one more person among us!"

Pluoka on the side made a pleasant sound, and it was his voice that made the atmosphere in the conference room lighter.

"Mayor Su, I am here to express my gratitude to you."

"Me too, but I didn't raise my hand before in order not to arouse others' suspicion. Mayor Su, don't mind. I am very willing to make efforts on this matter."

Several people talked to each other, Su Sigui smiled and said nothing, pointed to the seat next to him, and several people took their seats one after another.

"Hideto Nakama has already told me, Mayor Su, this is what he gave to you. None of us have seen the contents. It all depends on your decision. If what Hideto Nakama said is true, the six of us will I personally obey you unconditionally, and I just say on my behalf that this is the first time I have been noble, but I don’t want it to be the last time.”

Ji Jinchan didn't waste any time. He took out a white unopened letter and handed it to Su Si before he left. His attitude was serious and his tone was sincere.

"We are the same. Before the end of the world, I thought that I would have no future. Just like normal people, I would marry a wife and have children, and live an ordinary and busy life. But the result is very surprising. I am standing here. , it’s really sad to think about it, that day is unavoidable. If we make efforts earlier, we will have a better chance of success. If I sacrifice in the end, of course, it is also possible that our efforts will not achieve any results, but! If it succeeds, even if I die in the end, I will not regret it, because my name will leave a heavy mark in the history of mankind in the future."

"Let me introduce you first. I, Ji Jinchan, am H's Mr. No. 1."

"Zhang Linglai, I am Mr. Second."

"Zheng Banqi, Mr. Three."

"Just call me Pluka, Mr. Fourth."

"Kimura Yujiang, Mr. Wu."

"Tiramia, Mr. Six."

The six eighth-level experts in front of him seemed to have just met and began to introduce themselves. This scene made Su Sigui smile from the bottom of his heart and introduce himself again, just like when they first met, it was a fresh start and a new life.

"From now on, if you want to find us, come to Alan's Tavern on No. 19 Street in Shanhe T71. If you can ask a person named Huang Gui there, he can contact us."

"Yes, we usually meet there."

"Okay, I understand, and I thank you for doing all this."

"It's harmful. It's nothing. It was all for ourselves in the beginning. Although we all look like fools, we all think clearly. We are afraid of being tricked by others, so no one dares to take the lead."

"that is!"

"I believe we will definitely succeed. Human beings have been developing for millions of years. How can we just stop talking and play? Why do you say this..."

"There is always a way out."

"Yes, yes, there is no perfect path, and there is that..."

"all will be good."

"That's it! It's natural for the ship to reach the bridge. Our civilization has developed to this day and has never seen any big winds and waves, but the result is the same. We will have the last laugh! Although... this may be a bit difficult."

"Believe me guys, it is the most glorious time for me to be involved in this matter in my life. We will be the greatest great men in endless years!"


"If our efforts are rewarded accordingly, this damn apocalypse is over, and none of us die, maybe everyone will get married and have children, and then gather in this place to have a good drink."

"Yes, yes! Haha..."

Pluoka laughed heartily again, but he couldn't laugh out loud. The laughter began to become awkward. Only then did the atmosphere at the scene return to a very heavy state. Pluoka's face He couldn't help but feel sad.

Yes, maybe their efforts will not be in vain, and mankind will overcome the final difficulties and end the apocalypse, but this is not a fairy tale. Sacrifice cannot exist. Who knows, maybe at some point, among them One of them is stuck in yesterday.

Among them, Su Sigui felt the deepest. The only ninth-level new human being was torn into pieces under her own eyes. All ninth-level new humans would die, not to mention theirs and herself. Although she had overcome the most difficult One pass, but there is still no guarantee that one will always be alive.

Moreover, it was far from the end when the Corpse King destroyed Yunxia Base. After passing the White-haired Corpse King, there is still a more difficult level to face for all mankind!

In that way, how many people now can gather together in the future to recall everything they have experienced during this period?

PS: Brothers, the new year is here, do you need some luck? Hehe~

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