I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1438 A normal world?

At 8:40 p.m., the city seemed to be bustling for the last time in the day. The mobile phone he took from the spirited guy's pocket suddenly rang. Tang Ye walked over and saw that it was an alarm clock. It also reminded: [ It’s close to the ban time...]

He raised his head and glanced at the ceiling. Not only was this cell phone ringing, but there were also ringing tones of cell phones all around, all seeming to remind his owner. The sound was a bit sudden for Tang Ye. He could hear the ringing tones of cell phones coming from all directions, but After a while, they were closed one by one. The lights of the few houses that were still on outside were all extinguished at this moment. The lights of the room on the seventh floor of the hotel were also extinguished. He might be the only one in this city, or this world. There is light now.

The sound of footsteps from someone walking around reached his ears, and he heard the sounds of someone getting on the bed, covering himself with a quilt, adjusting his slippers, and other actions.

Tang Ye also turned off the lights, and the whole room fell into darkness, and there was no longer any light in the outside world. Only the shadows of the mountains in the distance stood under the drifting night sky. At the same time, in this piece of The city under the night sky, or all human cities in the world, looked very clean to Tang Ye, without the industrially polluted atmosphere of the world before the real apocalypse. However, this kind of cleanliness is also a bit strange, because the night sky The stars are very dim, and there are obviously not a few clouds visible.

Even the conspicuous crescent moon gives people a cold feeling.

He didn't know what the people in the next room were doing. The restricted time officially started after nine past ten, but after dark, he couldn't hear any noise from the next door, even a little bit. Dispensable footsteps are okay too!

what are they doing? Why is it quiet? Humans are not like this!

This is a social advanced creature, not a dark poisonous snake that hides in the dark and gives its prey a fatal blow at will!

In the dark room, Tang Ye held his mobile phone again, while paying attention to some easily overlooked corners with his peripheral vision to see if something abnormal would suddenly occur at a certain moment.

But everything in the room was normal. On the contrary, I felt like I was surrounded by grass and trees.

Opening the picture on his phone, Tang Ye opened the photos he had taken before, and every item in the regulations appeared in front of him again.

Article 4: The sound insulation effect of the walls of this hotel is not good. If you hear any strange sounds, please do not take it seriously. Please ignore it and do not try to hear the content of the sound.

The first few articles in the regulations are all about the local regulations of Mingjiang City and related to this hotel. It can be seen here that the regulations of each place are different. In China, the third and fourth , every article starting after May, Six, Seven, and November is basically the same. The differences are just slight changes, but the meaning is the same. Except for China, the regulations in other countries are different. , but no matter how different they are, there is no change in seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty!

Of course, the number of quasi-trading regulations in each region is also different. For example, the quasi-trading regulations in Xijiang City have a total of 20, which are quite satisfactory. The least quasi-trading regulations that Tang Ye has seen are in a certain state in the United States, which is only There are only thirteen regulations, and the largest number is in Lanou. Basically every city has more than twenty-six regulations! Tang Ye, who had the most, even saw fifty-six of them!

It is more than twice the size of Xijiang City!

But getting back to the subject, there is an article in Xijiang City's regulations stating that the sound insulation effect of hotel walls is not good. Tang Ye suspects that this is a lie, but if it is a lie, what does it really want to express?

Time always flies by very quickly. After pondering half of the twenty regulations, Tang Ye looked at the time. It was already past nine o'clock, but he did not notice anything unusual happening around him.

"Do strange things only happen after nine-ten? In fact, nothing happens before nine-ten? People here are too vigilant and make all preparations after dark?"

Tang Ye thought in his heart. When he saw the time displayed on his mobile phone jumping from 9:8 to 9:9, Tang Ye knew it was time to close his eyes. He didn't know why he made this choice. It might be because of the person who would The words spoken by the young man who thought he was a fake time traveler.

Before it develops, it must first grow up.

He now knows too little about the situation in this false world, and he may need more knowledge to allow him to better use the rules to make choices that are beneficial to him in sudden situations.

Afterwards, Tang Ye closed his eyes, as if he was really asleep, but he was feeling everything around him all the time.

Closing his eyes, darkness engulfed everything and he couldn't see anything. This feeling was very familiar, not because Tang Ye felt familiar with the darkness he saw when he closed his eyes while sleeping, but because of this feeling. Darkness has rarely been experienced by oneself, but at least I have experienced it!

Soon, he remembered the darkness behind the fire door! When he entered it, he felt exactly the same as he did now, as if he had his eyes closed, but the reality was that they were not closed. He had his eyes open and saw the black in front of him. The situation was reversed at this moment, and he had his eyes closed. I saw the darkness in front of me, this abnormal darkness!

Everything he heard and heard in the quiet environment was normal. He didn't hear any sound or smell any weird smell. His room was the same as before, without any change.

The feeling of forgetting something began to come over him one after another. He kept thinking of actions he subconsciously wanted to do, but they were blocked by unknown "walls". Occasionally, a little inspiration suddenly flashed by, but he couldn't catch it no matter what. Can't live.

There is only one word left in this whole world, and that is quiet! It was so quiet that he couldn't even hear the wind. Although Tang Ye didn't know if there was wind outside, there was nothing wrong with him on such a night.

Time passed slowly under his careful feeling, very slowly, just like you watch the second hand of a clock ticking second by second, and Tang Ye, who closed his eyes, had no idea how much time had passed in this state. , As for counting, Tang Ye is not the kind of zombie who looks for things to do for himself. If this is the case, he might as well sleep peacefully.

It was this feeling of clearly feeling the slow passage of time but not knowing how long it had passed that made Tang Ye, who was in the dark, start thinking wildly. So far, he had not felt anything unusual. After passing through his mind one by one, Tang Ye finally said silently in his heart: "Is this a normal world?"

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