I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1493 Under the gaze of the

After opening the door, Tang Ye saw the same empty room, but apart from the decoration inside the room, he didn't see anything strange at all.

"Eh? Did I hear wrongly?"

Tang Ye's face showed confusion. This scene seemed a bit familiar. It seemed that he had encountered it yesterday?

Moving his gaze slightly forward, he saw the door on the other side. Unexpectedly, the door on the other side of the room was open. Tang Ye also immediately realized that there was something strange here and pursued him without any hesitation. Passed by!

Quickly walking across the room, Tang Ye came to the corridor. Looking back and forth, he saw that there seemed to be a figure in the corridor on the right, running towards the front. Tang Ye chased after him again, but unexpectedly the other party turned around, opened the door, and moved In one go, he got into another room, and the creature that didn't know whether it was a human or a ghost disappeared from Tang Ye's eyes again.

However, the other party didn't seem to close the door, and it seemed as if he was luring him into a certain place, or guiding him to a certain place.

The next second, Tang Ye also got into the room, but when he entered, he only saw the other party's figure flashing past the door on the other side.


Tang Ye didn't think much and continued to catch up. Just like that, he followed the invisible figure into an unknown number of rooms and finally came to a rather strange corridor.

There were no more room doors in the corridor, only the walls were left, and in front of him were steel door checkpoints one after another. He chased each other and refused to give up, and the distance between these checkpoints became longer and longer. Suddenly, Tang Ye noticed something was wrong.

No matter how fast he went, he just couldn't catch up with him. It seemed that the distance between the humanoid creature in front of him and himself was always at a certain value. It didn't move away from him, so that his figure could be seen by Tang Ye.

And Tang Ye also saw clearly what that thing was. It was a human figure, just a human figure. The body was transparent, just like the ghost in the movie. It had no entity, but like a human being, it ran with its feet on the ground.


Tang Ye finally thought of the word "trap" in his mind. He slowed down a bit and couldn't help but feel angry on his face.

"What did I do!"

Now, Tang Ye just realized what he was doing here. He was going to the morgue where the corpses were stored in the black coat door, not to investigate the abnormality!

But now it was too late to react. He had followed that ghost for an unknown distance. If he went back now, he would not be able to find the way at all. There was no way to turn around, so Tang Ye had no choice but to chase after him.

As he followed the "figure" farther and farther, he gradually lost his sense of direction and could not locate his location at all. The corridor completely became a straight line, and he could no longer encounter forks or intersections. , the entire corridor became extremely straight.

He watched the "figures" in front of him open the doors one after another, revealing new darkness. The decorative patterns on the surrounding walls gradually became distorted. Gradually, Tang Ye heard some strange sounds, and the sounds also followed. Time became clearer and clearer, and he could hear every syllable clearly, but he just couldn't understand what language it was.

These sounds should be an innocent child singing a ballad. The voice is very innocent, but very ethereal. But in such an environment, it sounds like some scary children's songs I heard when I was young, such as "Sister Carrying a Doll" What's more, the voice is full of deep resentment, which makes the atmosphere here extremely weird!

The sense of the passage of time became more and more blurred as he continued to follow the figure in front of him. Tang Ye had now completely forgotten how much time had passed. In the end, Tang Ye even felt that what he was thinking in his mind the previous second was Everything is far away from me.

Gradually, I don’t know when, the ground under my feet changed. From the beginning, the red and black floor with exquisite patterns slowly turned white, while the surrounding walls were getting darker, little by little. Darkening and finally black, it blends in with its surroundings.

Not to mention the floor, the walls on both sides continued to change and turned into absolutely black! Its nature seemed to be the same as the pure darkness Tang Ye saw last night. It looked like an endless space, but even though it was just a wall less than half a meter away from him.

He reached out and touched it several times, and he could feel the cold touch on the wall, but without these touches, it would feel like being in a starless space, with a deep loneliness.

On the contrary, the color on the ground became more and more conspicuous as it continued to change, and finally turned into flesh pink, which formed a sharp contrast with the dark wall. Under this completely blackened wall, there seemed to be some The light allowed Tang Ye to see the ground clearly.

The "figure" in front is still running, as if it doesn't feel tired, it keeps running, keeps running, leading Tang Ye towards an unknown place.

Finally, under Tang Ye's gaze, the "figure" in front of him who didn't know how many meters away from Tang Ye opened the last steel door. As soon as he opened the door, Tang Ye saw the flesh-pink ground, and the road behind the door began to go up. It showed a wide range and had crossed the threshold. It was a huge platform. After Tang Ye crossed the threshold, the figure in front had already reached a farther place!

"Gan, what the hell is this place!"

As soon as he stepped into the last door, Tang Ye immediately felt a very strong aura, like the aura of a living creature, or the aura of a high-level zombie like himself. This aura was so strong that it was a bit too strong. It was difficult not to let Tang Ye pay attention, but the aura seemed to be everywhere, making it impossible to find the source of the aura!

He continued to chase the "figure", quickly crossed the huge flesh-pink platform, and walked onto the seemingly narrow road ahead. The "figure" in front of him still kept the same distance from himself, and he never got closer. Without zooming out, the other party seems to be maintaining the same speed as myself, or maybe...


What did Tang Ye think of? He suddenly stopped and looked at the strange figure. Although the other person was still running, the distance that he could feel visually did not seem to be far away?

PS: I don’t know how long it will take to write! It always feels like there is still a lot of time before the end, ahhhh! I don’t want to either, I just feel like killing another zombie king casually is a bit too casual and far-fetched. I want the protagonist to know the opponent’s weakness in advance. Please be patient. It should be over soon.

Maybe I was born with a talent for hydrology. I didn’t think it would be so long when I originally thought about it. Who knew that it would be half a hundred chapters long? Ahhhh! Gaia! ! !

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