I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1613 The self that died in the past

The reporter who stood up again continued to report on the on-site situation of the defense line of the second area of ​​​​Dangerous Asylum City, but Brother Shi was not in the mood to continue reading and retreated directly.

[The battle between Dangerous Asylum City and royal zombies is about to begin. Can humans win this time? The Dangerous Asylum City will be the gateway for the corpse tide to enter China. Once the Dangerous Asylum City fails, the Demonic Sound Zombie Tide will completely gain a foothold in the Chinese mainland. Maybe starting from tomorrow, the Chinese mainland will be the first to have two zombie kings. Mainland, how long can human beings maintain their sense of luck? 】

[During this period, many survivor bases and shelter cities provided a large amount of military supplies to the dangerous shelter city. Of course, some of them were indifferent to this. In their minds, they may have thought that the dangerous shelter city had fallen. It will not affect them. When the royal corpse wave covers the entire Chinese continent with its shadow, maybe they will regret it, but by then it will be too late. 】

[As for the scene of the defense line in the second area of ​​Dangerous Asylum City, I am sorry that I cannot feel the scene due to the distance. This also prevents me from paying tribute to every soldier who participated in this battle. May the glory be with you! I believe that the millions of years of human history are not the end of our generation. I believe that we will definitely overcome this difficulty, and our civilization will shine again in a decaying world! 】

[There has never been any god. The so-called miracles are just ordinary people like us stepping forward. The world will not move according to human will. All hopes and opportunities need to be created and grasped by us humans. Rather than blindly waiting for others to work hard and enjoy the results, I just want to tell everyone here that our time is running out, and it has come to a time when everyone needs to step forward. 】

[I know, it is useless for me to say this here. There is nothing in this video. In the entire industry, I have been doing it for a lifetime, whether it is before the apocalypse or after the apocalypse. I have been tired of it a long time ago. Before or after the apocalypse, this is all about living. 】

[This may be my last video. After the video, I will no longer be the Linglingqi you know. I will be myself. For this career, I will say goodbye to it. I will never see you again. , I will start a new life, put on the exoskeleton suit, pick up weapons, and fight for the continuation of mankind in the future! The video is here. Those familiar nicknames, every time I see them, it is like seeing an old friend, which makes me burst into tears. Thank you for your company. This video ends like this. Goodbye...]

When the video ended, the three of them looked at each other blankly, unable to say a word. Brother Shi didn't know what the other two were thinking, and Yong's attention was not focused here at all. Maybe he didn't understand what was said in the video. He reflected in his mind, was it the right thing for them to become deserters?

Everyone has the right to determine their own life and death. If they choose to be deserters, no one is qualified to blame them. He can't forget the sentence [Dangerous Sanctuary City is the last hurdle for the Demonic Corpse Wave to enter China].

They can escape to Bai Ling to start their own lives again, or they can escape from Bai Ling to other places. They can keep running and running, but running to the end will always come to an end. At that time, where can they escape to? Other continents?

One day, they will also face what they should face!

Thinking like this, a sense of shame arose in Brother Shi's heart, causing his thoughts to become confused. He quickly stopped his thoughts and muttered silently: "If you don't run, you will die. If you don't run, you will die. Living is better than Everything matters!"

After reading this for a while, he felt better. At least the guilt was relieved a lot. He quickly quit this video and clicked on another video. The video was released half an hour ago. , the side of Danger Shelter City was dimly lit by the afterglow of the setting sun.

The content in the video is different from the previous two. It is not that some announcers are understanding the situation at the scene, but a dozen soldiers standing together. A non-commissioned officer standing in the middle is holding a selfie stick in his hand and pointing everyone behind him. face reflected in the video.

[Well...here...is the defense line of the second area of ​​Dangerous Asylum City. Behind me are my brothers who have been with me for many years. You all live for me, do you hear me? When everything is over, I will take you to the karaoke bar to pick up girls and have a big meal! 】

[Our luck has always been very good. Being alive this time is not a big problem. Come on, everyone laughs. After this battle is over, we will take this video out and hang it in the multimedia room for three days and three nights! At that time, the baking basket was full! 】

At the request of the noncommissioned officer, the soldiers behind them all burst out laughing. However, their laughter did not make people feel relaxed, but rather heavy, because the smiles on each soldier's face looked very forced. Even the smile on the sergeant's face looked very stiff.

This video continues to stir the hearts of people outside the screen. In the last ten years, they have seen any bloody thing. After getting used to it, they have become accustomed to it. But this video, although there is no bloody scene, makes people feel extremely cruel. Again, everyone involved in this battle is in bad luck!

Before the video ended, Brother Shi couldn't help it anymore and turned off the video. He looked at Guitouzi and Wainneck. There was nothing strange on their faces, but their expressions were a little dazed. It seemed that their psychology was The activity was the same as his own. Brother Shi sighed. The battery of his mobile phone was still more than 30%. If he didn't use it sparingly, it would shut down at this time tomorrow. He opened his mailbox and looked at the message. Unfortunately, His brother did not send him a message.


Brother Shi turned off his cell phone and said to Guitouzi and the others, "Go to sleep and get up early tomorrow."

The two nodded without saying anything. After Brother Shi leaned his body against the wall, he closed his eyes. Among the three of them, except Yong who looked out the window and didn't know what he was thinking, only Guitouzi had his eyes open. Looking at the darkness in front of him, his heart was filled with regrets that were difficult to eliminate. He felt that he could no longer see the beauty in his memory. The narrow paths he once walked on, the fields he once disturbed, and the fields he once disturbed. The flowers and grass that he broke, as well as the people in the past, are all gone from him. The past has been covered by the sickly greenery of the last days. In the moist soil, the rotting body of the person he once knew is buried.

The faces of the soldiers in his mind appeared in front of him, and he began to feel fear. The fear came out of nowhere. It was not zombies, nor the terrifying corpse king, but fear of himself who had died in the past.

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