I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1781 The closed grocery store

Ariana wanted to say something, but looking at Daria in the room, she simply shut her mouth. She discovered that the child did not just get into the small cubicle as soon as he came back like he used to do. Although she opened the door, she stood at the door and looked out. Ariana knew that she was not looking at herself. Maybe she found that the world suddenly became not very pleasant like herself.

"Daria?" Not long after, Ariana called her, but after this call, Daria directly withdrew her gaze and entered the compartment.

"Wait a minute! There are some..."

"Thank you aunt, I'm very sleepy now, I want to sleep."

"Sleep...?" Listening to Daria's words, Ariana was stunned for a moment. Her footsteps stopped at the door and she looked up at the sky outside. The sky was getting darker, but it was already past seven at most!

"Go to bed so early..." She said this angrily, but it was more like saying it to herself. Daria, who had already locked the door, ignored her.


The sound of the lock cylinder turning sounded, and Daria's figure was completely swallowed up by the darkness. Through the faint light coming from the crack in the door, she could see her own graffiti on the small wall, which was painted with a very simple In the forest outlined by the lines, there is a very abstract little man in the forest. Not far from this little man, there is also an equally abstract "adult". Who they represent, perhaps only she herself knows.

She hasn't finished the painting yet, but she doesn't want to continue it today. She remembers that Mr. Pillai promised her that the next time they meet, he will take her to the place she wants to go, the fairy tale world described in the book.

She was looking forward to it, but more than anything, she was afraid. She was afraid that this was really a trick played by adults to deceive children. Compared with the direct despair, she could not accept the despair after the misty hope, just like she had everything in her dream. Just when I was full of joy, I suddenly woke up from the dream, and I had nothing.

Putting her schoolbag aside and pushing the table away, she lay on the big spider leaning against the wall. Although the surrounding area was dark, it was very quiet, and such a small space gave her a sense of safety. Feeling, only at this time can her body and mind relax.

In the darkness, she looked at the neatly arranged plush dolls on the shelf. Suddenly, she said something to whom she didn't know who she was talking to: "Tell me, will Mr. Pillai open a store tomorrow?" ?”

After speaking, she pretended to listen, but there was no sound at all around her, and she looked extremely serious, as if there was really a sound!

After a while, she spoke to herself again: "...Is that so? Let's go to bed early."

"Good night, my friends." There was a smile on her face. After saying that, she closed her eyes, and the small space full of darkness became completely quiet. To her, it seemed like the endless starry sky, and the row of books on the shelf The row of dolls remained motionless, looking blankly at the place they were looking at before.

Time passed quickly, and dusk turned into night. As there were fewer and fewer pedestrians, the night became darker. The musician performing on the street did not appear today, so there was no beautiful music played by him. Only the sound of wind whistling by, like The sound of his piano was so cold and desolate.

Unknowingly, a heavy rain started outside, and the rain quickly wet the ground. The dim yellow light emitted by the street lamps cast hazy shadows on the road. A sudden thunder made her sleep in a daze. When she woke up, she wanted to continue sleeping, but when she remembered something, she opened her eyes, stood up, came to the door, and opened it carefully. The house was very quiet, except for the heavy rain outside, which was pounding on the room. In addition to the sounds coming from the roof tiles, there was Piccolo's snoring coming from the second floor.

Looking back, Daria remembered that she didn't do her homework, but...she didn't care anymore.

Picking up her schoolbag, she came to the door and gently turned the door handle to open it. It was still dark outside, but she knew that she could not stay here any longer. She turned to look at the umbrella behind the door. , she hesitated, but finally did not reach out to take it.

After walking out of the door, she carefully closed the door as before. Looking at the heavy rain outside, she stood for a while. Finally, she carried her schoolbag to the front and mustered up the courage to run out. She bent her body, her clothes were in the heavy rain. She soon got wet, but she didn't stop. She ran faster and faster, until she rushed into an alley and hid under the shelter of an awning.

She found a relatively clean-looking step and sat down, then looked at her schoolbag. Although she tried her best to protect it, it still got soaked by the rain in the end.

This should have been a small thing, but she couldn't help sobbing when she looked at the wet schoolbag. Too many grievances were accumulated together. The fact that the schoolbag was wet was like a cup completely filled with water. A drop of water fell into it, causing more water to spill out with a splash.

She didn't dare to release too much of her emotions. She just cried quietly for a while. She quickly stopped, touched the non-wet part of her schoolbag, and hugged it tightly.

She is just a child and does not have the pressure resistance that an adult can face in life. After being alone for a long time, she was forced to learn to make friends with everything, including the schoolbag in her arms.

She naively believed that these things also had their own feelings, but they couldn't speak and didn't know how to express them. Because of this, she was also afraid that they would hate her because they had been wronged with her, so she He repeated "I'm sorry" again and again to his schoolbag.

"I'm sorry...my friends...I will definitely take good care of you in the future. Please forgive me, I'm sorry..." Maybe she didn't sleep long enough. As she spoke, she closed her eyes and fell asleep again. Listen to the sound of rain falling.

She didn't know how long it had been, but it was dawn, and the rain stopped at some point, and she woke up. It was the footsteps of pedestrians outside that brought her back to reality from her dream.

She hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and put her schoolbag back again. She let herself go out like a normal person, but she didn't notice the wet clothes on her body. However, it seemed that no one would pay attention to what she was wearing. , because no one will pay attention to her at all.

Today's city has less fireworks than yesterday. She can't hear people's conversations. Everyone seems to have their souls sucked out, and their mouths seem to be covered by invisible hands, and their steps stagger. As she walked forward, the silence was a bit eerie, and she lowered her head and said nothing. Until she came to a familiar street, she finally heard the voices of others talking.

"Mr. Pillai didn't open the door today either..."

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