I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1941 The fish is dead and the net is broken

The elevator made a soft ding, and as the elevator door opened, what came into view was a hall. Dozens of soldiers stood on both sides with serious faces, holding laser weapons that could kill people.

Tang Ye saw Su Sigui's back immediately. She looked at the picture projected on the white wall in front of her and turned her pen. When Tang Ye came to her side, she realized that Su Sigui's face was more serious than ever before!

"Why are you here?" Sensing Tang Ye's arrival, Su Sigui turned his head and looked, but the other party didn't make any move. He just said with a joking smile: "I said I came to you to play when I was bored. Do you believe it or not?" ?”

"Hmm... I don't know."

"Okay." Tang Ye licked his dry lips, looked at the projection screen Su Sigui had just seen, and asked, "What's on it?"

The content in the projection is similar to some kind of topographic map, with multiple lines of different colors on it, and the front end of each line is marked with some incomprehensible symbols.

"Well, that's just the route map of some zombie waves." Su Sigui replied without thinking.

"The route map of the corpse tide?" Tang Ye was confused. If it was what Su Sigui said, would there be less corpse tides marked on it? In detail, there are only seven malicious ones, but the wave of silver-armored zombies gathered in the north has exceeded dozens of clusters!

Tang Ye thought at first that Su Sigui was bullying him for not studying well and deliberately deceiving him.

However, Su Sigui seemed to have noticed Tang Ye's doubts and scolded him with a smile: "What are you thinking about? You idiot, there is no mark on the silver-armored corpse tide."

"Oh, that's it." Tang Ye nodded clearly, and at the same time glanced at Su Sigui with a strange look. The other party seemed to have regarded the Silver Armored Corpse Chao as belonging to his side. Although he was a little prepared, he Tang Ye still felt a little strange.

But instead of asking, he told Su Sigui another doubt in his heart.

"You can see these things anywhere, why do you have to come here?"

Hearing his question, Su Sigui smiled mysteriously, and then said: "It was just a small test, but..." As she said that, her brows furrowed and her expression became solemn again.

"What's wrong?"

"They seemed to be reacting a little too much, which I didn't expect."


"Those corpse kings."

"An overreaction..." Tang Ye was also stunned for a moment: "What did you do?"

Su Sigui did not answer directly, but looked at Tang Ye and asked: "If there was something in this world that could directly kill you and pose a serious threat to you, what would you choose to do at that time?"

There was a hint in her words, and Tang Ye quickly realized that there was something else in Yunxia Base that could directly kill him. Tang Ye was not sure, but now the only trump card in human hands seemed to be The former can deal with zombies at the eighth level of the Dead End Departure and the Divine Rain Project, unless they have an advantage in numbers.

But this is a complete joke to the Corpse King. It is just a little more effort to deal with the eighth level, but the latter...

That thing could even decompose his own corpse king. Tang Ye was really not sure whether it could kill him.

"Of course I will do whatever it takes to destroy the thing you are talking about." He replied.

"The answer is correct, so those corpse kings behaved in a manner consistent with your answer."

"Then what?"

"Then..." Su Sigui looked at the projection screen on the white wall not far in front of him: "At about three o'clock last night, we lost the whereabouts of the Abyss Corpse King. It seemed to have left behind its tide of corpses. I don’t know where it went, but at the same time, the Extreme North Corpse King wandering in the East China Sea came ashore and moved westward at a speed of two hundred kilometers per hour, with the target being the city where we are now."

"Why didn't I get the message?"

"We suppressed this news. Many people don't know about it. If you hadn't come to me, you might not know about it either." Su Sigui reached out and operated on the instrument next to him, and soon the projection on the The content has changed, and it seems to be a coastal city from the old era.

The picture remained still for more than ten seconds. Suddenly, the seawater receded and the earth collapsed. Then the seawater rose sharply at the low tide, forming a terrifying tsunami and crashing on the shore. The waves surged wildly on the land, and the buildings left over from the old era were instantly torn down, proving that How terrifying the power of this tsunami was!

Not long after, the dead buildings in the old city were submerged, and an indescribably thick tentacle loomed in the waves, carrying a terrifying storm and slamming hard on the ground. In an instant, there were countless buildings and evolved plants. Smashed to pieces!

It was such a huge thing that the whole thing couldn't be seen clearly. In the picture, Tang Ye could only see the wrinkled skin surface like the bark of a thousand-year-old tree!

This is the Zombie King of the Far North!

The body is as huge as the terrifying ancient god from the Cthulhu novel. According to the reference points that could be achieved before the gadget appeared, the body of the Far North Corpse King is about 500 meters high, so terrifying!

Even through the screen, the strong sense of oppression seems to be suffocating!

"This is a video left by one of the investigation teams in ZH City. Now all members of this team have been killed. At the moving speed of the Zombie King of the Far North, the fastest will arrive at Yunxia Base at four o'clock tomorrow, and the slowest will At five o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow." At this point, Su Sigui took a breath with some mockery on her face. She continued: "The situation has gotten worse. It seems that the corpse king is like most living beings. , also has the most instinctive resistance to death."

Tang Ye looked at Su Sigui. He didn't know whether he should say that to Su Sigui. To be honest, Su Sigui was a little bit suicidal. To put it more clearly, those corpse kings were here to beg for food. Who? I don’t want to beg for food and be slaughtered first, right?

Also, the reaction of the corpse kings was indeed a bit unexpected. Even Su Sigui did not expect this. It seemed that her plan was completely disrupted.

"Then what will you do next?"

"What else can I do? Let the fish die and the net is broken. Since Yunxia Base will bear the brunt, this is just an opportunity for me."

When he said this, Su Sigui showed a murderous look on his face, and Tang Ye immediately understood that he wanted all those involved in this war to be buried in Yunxia Base!

The previous plan was too conservative, because the popularity of siphon towers was not that large, and some places without "eyes" might have just built siphon towers and then been destroyed by zombies, so it was more of a gamble.

But the Yunxia base is different. The scope of influence of the Siphon Tower covers the entire base. As long as the four corpse kings dare to gather together, they will take them all. However, this approach will damage the enemy by 10,000 and damage themselves by 10,000. Su Sigui What needs to be done next will be left to chance, but so far, this is the best way, although it has not reached Su Sigui's most ideal situation.

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