She put her hands around Tang Ye's neck, and as Tang Ye rushed into the bedroom, the door was slammed shut, and soon there was a burst of rain and clouds.

While the spring scenery was blooming here, the four Chuzha brothers who were rushing here in the distance suddenly stopped.

"What's going on, boss?"

"How would I know?"

"The boss said so, we just do it."

"Then I won't bother you, just leave here and go find Ha Zhen and the others."

"Oh, I hope I won't meet other corpse kings along the way..."

"Shut up, you cunt."

After the brief exchange, Hu Ji looked at Xu Haihai and asked, "Brother Xu, do you want to come with me?"

Xu Haihai thought for a few seconds, and finally shook his head and refused.

"You go ahead, I still have my own things to deal with here."

"That's it. Then you can go and do your business. We'll take the first step."

Xu Haihai nodded and watched the four zombies walking past him. As they walked, they discussed Tang Ye's affairs.

"By the way, what is the relationship between Chen Bieli and the boss..."

Xu Haihai stood there and pondered for a while, without saying anything, and walked away in a certain direction.

Because of Tang Ye's intervention, the Shen Shen Yu plan is now in ruins, but for Xu Haihai, this does not mean that everything is over. He still has to find a way to remove his sister from the group army. The longer she stays, , the more dangerous it is!

Outside the defense line in the southeast of Yunxia Base, as dozens of Dead End Departures entered the battlefield, the zombie tide that was originally so large that it seemed extremely troublesome at first glance began to retreat. One after another, high-level zombies were killed by the last. Kill the direct way!

Without the control of high-level zombies, the entire zombie tide became more and more chaotic. Those low-level zombies only had fresh flesh and blood left in front of them. How could they care whether their lives were in danger? Keep rushing forward!

Even if there is a steady stream of zombies coming in from behind, it is still difficult to hide the disadvantage.

The soldiers on the wall looked at such a scene and couldn't care less about their sore and numb arms. They cheered loudly. It seemed that the battle was certain. However, Chi Biyi, who had just taken over Xu Tianyu's command, could not be happy. He looked at The sky in the distance is getting redder and redder, and the expression becomes more and more alert as time goes by!

What does it mean that there are more and more radiating clouds of radiation in the sky? He knew it all too well, but among the tide of corpses outside, there was no more radioactive species to be seen!

At first, there were still a few that could be seen, but now the corpses of those zombies have almost piled up into a mountain. Not only have there not been more radiated species, but they have become less and less!

This made him feel vaguely uneasy.

"What kind of trick are you playing again! Damn it!" He cursed in his heart, intending to quiet the cheering soldiers, but when he thought that these people in front of him had a narrow escape from death in this battle, he finally gave up.

It’s no big deal to be happy, maybe you won’t have this opportunity again in the future…

The dark green light emanating from the fuselage of the Dead End looked a little weird when it shone on the ground. A pair of pairs of big steel feet trampled back and forth on the ground, leaving behind pits and completely adhering to the rotten debris in the pits. Meat!

More and more zombies died and lost their ability to move. Chi Biyi waited patiently. He didn’t know how long it had been. He saw that there were fewer and fewer zombies added to the zombie tide at the end, and he felt slightly relieved. One breath.

Maybe I’m overthinking it…

He comforted himself in this way and prayed that nothing would happen. If nothing unexpected happened, victory would definitely belong to them!

But at the moment when he just thought this, the contact device on his waist suddenly vibrated. He rubbed his still aching shoulder. He took off the contact device and opened it to check, but when his eyes glanced over it After reading the content, his expression immediately became puzzled.

"Why?" He couldn't help but ask, and looked at the zombie corpses everywhere outside the zombie wall. All the zombies above the seventh level on the battlefield had been killed, and the number of sixth-level zombies was also very small, but why? At this time, Su Sigui actually ordered them to abandon the southeastern corpse wall?

In a short period of time, he couldn't figure out why. The order above did not give anyone any room for detours. He was very decisive and told them to take people out of here immediately!

Not following the instructions immediately, Chi Biyi was ready to contact Su Sigui directly to ask for clarification, but when he just walked out of the command room, he heard soldiers around him exclaiming: "What's going on with those zombies!"

Chi Biyi turned around to look, and his brows instantly wrinkled.

The crazy zombies in the zombie tide suddenly stopped charging forward. There is only one possibility that can cause such a strange scene, and that is that new high-level zombies control the zombie tide!

But, where is the high-level zombie?

He looked towards the old-era city that looked like a gray silhouette in the distance, but could not find the new high-level zombie yet.

After the corpse tide was controlled, it did not continue to approach the corpse wall. Instead, it spread to both sides. It seemed that it was making way for a certain existence.

This scene made Chi Biyi's heart beat wildly!

The tide of corpses dispersed to both sides and then retreated. Not long after, a vague figure in the distance attracted everyone's attention. He walked slowly in the middle of the tide of corpses. He was neither impatient nor impatient. It was this person. The moment he appeared, the air became heavy!

A dozen mechas on the battlefield turned their mechanical heads at the same time, and their shimmering vision nets locked firmly on this man.

He is wearing a black cloak, and his short white hair can be faintly seen under the cloak, which is particularly conspicuous among the black!

As he walked, he drew out a slender bone knife. The blade dragged on the ground, drawing a shallow line.

"This is..." After seeing this man clearly, Chi Biyi's pupils shrank suddenly!

The other party was dressed like a certain Corpse King. At first, he really thought that the other party was the Corpse King, but the real Chinese Corpse King was definitely in Yunxia Base, and his current position was a bit unclear.

And that guy is just a fake! The identity is also ready to be revealed!

The ninth-level rester who appeared at the Mengjiao base, Chen Chaoyang!

Unexpectedly, before the Corpse King arrived, this guy came first!

Chi Biyi's hands were trembling a little. If the other party took action, they wouldn't be able to stop him!

But this also made him understand why Su Sigui asked him to abandon the southeastern defense line.

It’s impossible not to give up!

He no longer hesitated, took out the communicator and connected to the public channel, and said decisively in a low voice: "Everyone, listen, leave here immediately, retreat to the north entrance A7 and wait."

After receiving his order, all the soldiers on the scene immediately took action, no one dared to delay, and evacuated from the anti-corps wall as quickly as possible in an orderly manner. As for the mechas on the battlefield, they also began to retreat cautiously, but There is one exception.

He actually controlled the mecha and rushed towards Chen Chaoyang!

Such a scene made Chi Biyi stunned for a moment. After he came to his senses, he couldn't help but cursed: "Damn it, you idiot, come back here!"

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