I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 325 Another Invasion 2

Not long after, the convoy finally stopped under the sand. When the people inside came out, the survivors above were dumbfounded.

"This...isn't this the army? This...is this the people there?"

The survivors panicked all of a sudden, and felt that their hopeful hearts were "cracking" into several pieces!

And Song Wuli became even more panicked. Wasn't it the army?

He can at least spare a small life because of the army, but if other survivor forces attack, he will be the first person killed!

In an instant, Song Wuli's face turned pale, and his body couldn't help but tremble. Although he was a powerful second-level new human being, he suddenly fainted when facing the barrel!

The new human being is not immortal. One shot will destroy him to pieces!

Everyone who got off the convoy was holding a firearm, and bullets were hanging everywhere. Moreover, this group of people did not look like soldiers, and the survivors did not look like survivors.

Everyone is wearing a military green body armor outside, but inside they are clothes of various colors. Some are even shirtless and just wearing a body armor.

Although the army green body armor brings a bit of sanctity to people, when they are worn on these people, they look like bandits!

The people who came down looked around on the sand and didn't know who was the boss here. They just whispered to their companions next to them.

Some people, taking advantage of the crowd on their side, shouted to the survivors whose heads were exposed above: "We are here for revenge! Who killed our brothers a few days ago? Come out!"

As he said that, the man raised his gun and fired several shots into the sky. Song Wuli frowned and suddenly understood, and the fear in his heart made him even more angry!

He knew that this was a fight between the young and the old.

That day, some of his subordinates came over and said that his companions had been captured by other survivors, so they put the entire gathering place on alert. Then when Xu Changchi and others came over, they opened fire without saying a word. Now thinking about it, he might have been too impulsive. Yeah, maybe the group that came before didn't have any bad intentions.

But now, it's too late!

Looking at the hundreds of heavily armed survivors who were getting off the car one after another, Song Wuli showed regret. He had long known that there was another powerful survivor force in the south of Yudong, but Song Wuli was suspicious by nature, and at the beginning The various crises that existed in the apocalypse made him even more cautious.

They did not take the initiative to provoke the forces in Yudongnan. Although the group that came a few days ago had firearms in their hands, they were still a little worse than our own people. They were beaten back after an attack.

At that time, Song Wuli had begun to despise the survivors' gathering place in Yudongnan. But now, so many people have come. It seems that the number of people has reached the sum of all the people on his side, and they are all equipped with sophisticated weapons, including tanks and cannons. !

What kind of power is this? Song Wuli suspected that they had robbed an army of such equipment!

So many people came here casually to avenge the dozens of people killed by me a few days ago. I am afraid that the total number of people in their base camp is twice as many as that of my own!

You must know that the end of the world is no different from troubled times. The root cause of troubled times is man-made. In troubled times, some people may feel pity for the old, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant and let them live.

But the end of the world is different. It’s basically zombies. Zombies don’t care whether you are old or young. As long as you are alive, you can only become their food!

Therefore, in the early days of the end of the world, those old, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant people were eliminated from the gambling table of the end of the world, and those who were left were all old fools. Okay, how many people are there in a survivor force, then at least 100% of them are People over ninety have fighting ability!

Thinking of this, the fear in Song Wuli's heart became more intense. He looked around and knew that if he didn't do something today, his life would be left here.

"Go and call everyone over and guard them. They are not an army. If they come in, all of us will die!"

Song Wuli shouted loudly to the survivors below. Seeing their uncertain expressions, he immediately became angry and took out a gun from his subordinates next to him. He pointed the gun at Bai Huipeng and the others who were coming down below, banging, banging, banging. Just a few shots!


Bai Huipeng hid quickly and hid his body behind the tank, escaping the disaster. However, the other brothers were not so lucky and were shot by bullets. One of them died on the spot, and the others fell to the ground without any vital injuries. The ground wailed.

He cursed loudly, anger rising in his heart, and shouted at Wu Zhanping next to him: "Hit me! Kill that son of a bitch!"

Suddenly, everyone below raised the muzzle of their gun, and with a crackle, they swept the sand and soil above them in all directions.

"I'll point the muzzle at them and kill them!"

Continuous gunshots rang through everyone's ears. Several survivors on the platform above the sand were hit in an instant and fell backwards. Everyone was startled when they heard Bai Huipeng's roar. Jumping down one after another.

"are you done?"

"You're in a hurry, let me take a look first!"

"Brother Peng said he was going to fire!"

"Wait, let me see."

In a tank, two people were bickering with each other. One was debugging something in front of the console, while the other was groping next to the output port.

"First this...then press this up. What is this? Forget it."

The person in front of the output port looked impatient, and simply didn't care about anything. He pulled the cover above the output port, then picked up an arm-thick cannonball and asked what was inside. Then he pulled the bolt and said to the other person. : "You try it and see if it works?"

"Are you sure?" The other person looked at him hesitantly.

"Oh, these tanks are equipped with safety measures. It doesn't matter if they make mistakes. At least they won't explode in the barrel."

"All right."

Listening to the words of the person at the exit, the other person didn't think too much. The cross on the display screen was pointed at the sand. He held the handle and pressed the red button at the top with his thumb!


The heavy and huge tank body shook back, the thick barrel shone with hot light, and a shell hit the sand hard.


There was a loud noise, accompanied by a ball of fire, and the pile of sand and sand exploded immediately. Yellow sand flew everywhere, as well as some cement blocks. Behind it, pieces of unknown debris flew everywhere, and a A black unknown thick liquid spurted out like a fountain!

I didn’t know what the fragments were. After some of them flew in front of people and saw them clearly, I realized that they were highly decomposed corpses.

A big gap was made in the three- to four-meter-high sand by a shell. Black liquid flowed everywhere. After a while, everyone smelled a stench that people will never forget.

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