Su Sigui fell into the group of corpses and became what he was before. If there were no zombies, he would rush forward. If there were zombies in front, he would kill them!

As if crossing an uninhabited territory, Su Sigui's forward trajectory alternated between left and right, specifically picking out the side with huge zombies.

Since she is a Rester, the zombies will not attack her actively, and they hide among the corpses. This obviously means that the zombies' bodies cover her petite body, and also block Tang Ye's view of her. If the zombies deliberately let the zombies hinder her, then again Don't know how to give orders.

Under the transmission of the Corpse King's will, the zombies roared uneasily. They didn't understand the order given by the Corpse King. Whether they were resting people or zombies, they were all the same in their eyes. Attack? Where to attack?

In desperation, some zombies actually attacked other zombies, trying to complete the zombie king's order. Tang Ye saw blue veins popping up, and he kept holding a small grass in his hand.

He also tried to sense her aura, but after Su Sigui entered the group of corpses, the aura became extremely small, presumably hidden by her.

Black mist rolled in, and Corpse King Tang Ye fell into the group of corpses. His nose was twitching as he smelled Su Sigui's scent. After confirming the direction, he rushed towards that direction.

That direction was where the thousands of soldiers were. After Su Sigui entered the group of corpses, they no longer pushed towards the group of corpses. The soldiers behind them turned their guns and got out of the way. From back to front, one by one, The tank turned around in an orderly manner and drove back. The zombies at the front roared crazily and tried to move forward again, but they were all blown to pieces by the ruthless shells!

"You must die!"

Time passed by, Tang Ye was anxious, he no longer looked for the corpses, but soared into the sky, killing towards the soldiers. If Su Sigui walked in this direction, wouldn't he be returning to the soldiers? Wait here.

But Tang Ye underestimated his speed. Before he could get in front of the soldiers, he saw Su Sigui already among the crowd, looking at him with a smile on his face.

Unconsciously, all the soldiers retreated to a "Y"-shaped intersection. A brass-colored cylinder appeared on both sides in front of them, with yellow light spots on it and white mist emitting from the top.

I don’t know what this mist is. After smelling it, the zombie’s face suddenly twisted, turned around and left. Tang Ye swooped down regardless of it, but Su Sigui had already been prepared and pulled a black man from the hands of the soldiers nearby. A long stick, the front part is aimed at Tang Ye.

The front part of the long stick split in half, revealing a dazzling red light spot. Tang Ye was stunned for a moment, and then he felt the surrounding air gathering towards the long stick. Then there was a "swish" sound, and a beam of red light shot at him. A cloud of brown mist burst out from his body.

This beam of red light is extremely lethal. Facing Tang Ye, it has no intended blow at all. Regardless of its function, it does not stop there. When the brown mist breathed into Tang Ye's nose that day, he felt that I was forced to drink a bottle of water, which made me extremely uncomfortable.

"Back off!"


Su Sigui said calmly to the people behind him. The soldiers left one by one to the right. When they left, someone gave Su Sigui something.

Tang Ye breathed hard, letting out the uncomfortable feeling. He looked at Su Sigui with an expressionless face.

Su Sigui wrapped up the torn clothes on her body to prevent the large area of ​​snow-white skin from being exposed. She still looked at the corpse king not far away with a smile, but that smile was a bit scary.

The zombies next to him advanced and then retreated. The white mist seemed to be specially designed to control the zombies. Tang Ye could smell it a little and couldn't help but frowned.

This do I put it?

What the human Tang Ye smelled was a sour smell, but what the corpse king Tang Ye smelled was an indescribable feeling of nausea. There was no smell, it was just nausea!

This kind of nausea is like burying your nose in someone's socks that haven't been washed for several days. The disgusting feeling... tsk tsk.

The two sides looked at each other for several seconds, and finally the Zombie King snorted coldly, glanced at Su Sigui, turned around, and left with tens of thousands of zombies.

Wait, why are you taking away the corpses?

The group of corpses receded like a tide. After the Corpse King, the Tyrant Pseudo-Dragon, and all the other zombies disappeared, Su Sigui seemed to be exhausted and crumbling.

The soldiers had all left. At this time, there was only Xu Tianyu next to Su Sigui. He reached out to help, but she waved him away.

Xu Tianyu could only pretend, and the air froze for a few seconds. Finally, the young man asked Su Sigui: "Mayor, how did you become a person of peace?"

Su Sigui didn't speak, and looked at a building in the distance. There was a person standing on top of the building!

After half the payment, she said: "Do you understand people?"

Xu Tianyu couldn't understand what he said, but he still nodded.

"have no idea."

"Humans are the most powerful race, but their strength is limited and needs to be unlocked bit by bit. Those street lights, cars, and buildings are all evidence that humans are getting stronger step by step, and then... "

"Then what?"

"Have you ever seen people who are paralyzed or have congenital muscular dystrophy? Their sorrow is actually caused by brain problems. When we touch something with our hands, its texture, feel and experience given to us are all caused by the brain. When the brain is no longer transmitting any information to us, we become weaker."

"Mayor, I don't understand."

"You will understand that how car lights came to be is the result of countless fantasies in people's minds. With fantasies, there is a certain blueprint. Even if the blueprint is inexplicable, yes, people are like this, they will Realize it bit by bit based on the original foundation. Fantasy is the foundation for people to become stronger."

"It is precisely because of fantasy that human beings have entered the era of hot weapons from the age of cold weapons. Although they are all external objects, it is undeniable that human beings have become stronger and surpassed other races on the earth by a large margin! Human beings can control the situation in their minds You fantasize about what you don’t have, so you work hard to get it, but you can’t fantasize about unknown things, and these unknown things are the limitations of human beings. In addition to humans, we can think of other creatures that humans don’t have organs, such as birds and electric eels. For example, can humans imagine the flying wings of birds and the power-generating organs of electric eels without seeing them?"

"Many things in the world that we think don't exist actually exist, but many are hidden by superiors. Just like the Corpse King just now, his abilities are unprecedented. This world is too wonderful. How can such a huge universe be possible? There is no such thing as human beings say it doesn’t exist… Tianyu.”


"Want to become stronger?"


"It's easy to become stronger. As long as you imagine a color that we have never seen without a name, then you will become stronger..."

"I haven't seen the color before, so the mayor imagined it?"

"not at all."


Weight Loss Plan Day 5 (Completed)

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