I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 517 The light at the end of darkness

Tang Ye remembered who this room belonged to. It belonged to Chen Chaoyang. He had heard his crying and growling from inside more than once. It must have been the death of a loved one that made him miserable.

Maybe it was because the emotions in his heart were almost released, and the crying inside gradually subsided.


The door was opened, and Chen Chaoyang's figure emerged from inside. He was startled when he saw it was Tang Ye, but soon a smile appeared on his face, and he called "boss" as usual, but his eyes were ashen.

"How did you..." Tang Ye frowned. Chen Chaoyang's hair was dyed white at some point. One of his sleeves was stretched out like a dead snake. What made people feel shuddering was that he was hacked by Liang Hanyang. The mouth has not healed on its own.

It's not that it didn't heal itself, but every time it healed to a certain extent, it would be torn open by Chen Chaoyang himself. Now there are still traces of the fresh tear on both sides of his mouth, and blood keeps leaving on both sides.

"Hey, isn't this because I admire you, so that's all."

After combing his hair, Chen Chaoyang said as if nothing had happened.

"Okay then, you can do it yourself."

"People always need some pain to remind themselves that they cannot forget certain things." Chen Chaoyang opened his mouth and said. The torn flesh and flesh on both sides of his mouth were sticky with disgusting saliva, and there were threads drawn out. It looked like the person didn't look like a human or a ghost.

Tang Ye didn't reply to his words, and turned around and walked towards the stairs. Chen Chaoyang became more and more strange. When he got downstairs, Ah Fu saw that Tang Ye was going out and wanted to follow him, but Tang Ye waved him away. Now I just want to be alone and quickly get rid of the boring emotions in my heart.

Outside the gate of the Peace Conference, survivors in tattered clothes were sitting in rows, and some were even sleeping here.

They had not taken a shower for a long time, and the strong smell of sweat seemed to be the original smell of the Qinshan base. Human beings have their own advantages and disadvantages, so they got used to this disgusting smell.

I don’t know why, when the Peace Society was founded, people regarded this place as a forbidden place because of the two new sixth-level humans inside. But as time passed, more and more people rested here.

The terrifying force of the Peace Society is the only one in the Qinshan base that has issued rules that prohibit killing people on their territory, forming a certain order. Because of this, the survivors in every corner of the Qinshan base regard this place as their second place [Part 1] Three blocks].

All of these survivors have a good impression of the Peace Society. Here, Peace will be their patron saint, and no one will take their lives at will.

But in the eyes of other forces, the Peace Society is the most brutal force. Not long ago, a second-level new human killed a person on the street managed by the Peace Society. But not long after, this second-level new human and the forces behind him No one was left alive by the sixth-level new human Tang Fu.

This incident also gave countless ordinary people a sense of security that they had not experienced for a long time, just like the soldiers who protected themselves in the early days of the end of the world.

However, such soldiers have never been seen after the end of the world, only those soldiers who have done many evil things!

When those people saw Tang Ye coming out, they stood up one after another, with respect and envy in their eyes. Some even shouted crazily: "President! I want to join the Peace Association!"

"I also want!"

"Me, me, me! President, look at me! I can be a cow or a horse!"

"I want to join the Peace Society. From now on, I will live as a member of the Peace Society and die as a ghost of the Peace Society!"


People crowded towards Tang Ye crazily. He frowned and said indifferently: "Get out!"

As soon as the word "Go" came out, everyone was startled. Li Henian, the president of the Peace Society, was like a mythical existence at the Qinshan base. Every time he opened his mouth, people felt unparalleled pressure, and their bodies involuntarily made way for Tang Ye.

Walking out of the street managed by the Peace Society, Tang Ye suddenly felt a lot quieter. He looked up and saw that the weather was cloudy today. Dark clouds could be seen everywhere in the sky, and the sunshine was intermittent.

He looked towards the north, where there were the fewest dark clouds. The sun shone through the gaps in the dark clouds, forming beams of light that shone on the ground. Such weather seemed not suitable for relaxing, but Tang Ye still walked towards the place with the most sunshine.

There are very few people on the streets of Qinshan Base. No one would come out idle and bored. There is no green at all in the green belts before the end of the world. They are all bare branches and withered leaves. The big trees on both sides of the road do not have a piece of bark. The hungry survivors stripped it off. Occasionally, a few red-feathered birds would fly by, and a piece of feather would fall to the ground, but it would soon be eaten by countless survivors.

Tang Ye has eaten the red-feathered bird's feathers. It is a bit sweet and a good snack. It is also the favorite of the survivors. However, there are too many survivors, and the red-feathered bird can only give out a little.

The greedy survivors want to prey on those red-feathered birds, but the strange thing is that these red-feathered birds do not have the characteristics of evolved creatures, but they are very fast. Unless new humans of the second level and above take action, there will be no one. I can catch one.

He didn't know how long he had been walking, and he didn't know where he had gone. Tang Ye couldn't see the high wall that separated the new humanity from the old humanity, nor could he see the zombie wall to protect against zombies, but the annoyance in his heart had never been eliminated.

He came to the end of a road. On the left was a dead end, blocked by countless collapsed buildings. He could only walk more than ten steps. But on the right side of the dead end was a intact building, and a dilapidated residential building stood there. .

Behind him were the survivors who were passing by sparsely. They came over and glanced at Tang Ye curiously, but didn't say anything. No one wanted to go through that dead end, and they couldn't do anything. It was just a waste of energy.

In other words, few people walked on this dead end road. Tang Ye originally wanted to go back, but he saw a beam of sunlight shining behind the residential building, and there was an inconspicuous alley below the residential building.

Tang Ye looked at the beam of bright sunshine and walked over by mistake. At this time, the dark clouds in the sky slowly dispersed, and another ray of sunshine shone on him.

Originally, this ray of sunshine would dispel the haze in my heart, but unfortunately, it did not. Everything in the Qinshan base seemed to have no color, only black and white, forming a depressing gray. Even the sunshine could not drive away this strange feeling.

The sun slowly illuminated the place where Tang Ye was, and he also walked to the entrance of the alley. The alley was very long and dark, but at the end, Tang Ye saw a spot of light.

The light spot drove Tang Ye to walk over step by step, kicking away the rubbish thrown randomly on both sides, "Crack!" He stepped on the dark brown sewage beach, and walked in, his figure covering up the light spot.

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