I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 524 Making Peace with Zombies

This group of soldiers is the product of Xu Haihai's brainwashing, and now they regard what this logo represents as the spiritual support in their hearts.

The brainwashing method he used was very simple and common, and it focused on people's weaknesses.

Although humans are intelligent but single-thinking creatures, they are social animals. Although they are very adaptable, after experiencing good things, they will not be able to tolerate the bad things before.

If a person breaks away from the group and lives alone for a long time, he will lose the ability to communicate with the same kind and his behavior will begin to become beastly. This is the importance of society to human beings and is indispensable.

The early human tribe was a kind of society. There was no so-called hostile relationship between people. It was all due to the perspective of their intelligence. When two people had different opinions, they would fight.

When two groups of people have different opinions, they will fight each other. One group of people is called A, and another group of people is called B. People A and B compete for an apple, and they both say that the apple belongs to them. If the issues are not unified, conflicts will arise, and those in the group insist on their own opinions, and this apple belongs to them.

So the question is, does this apple belong to our side? In fact, there is no answer to this at all. Humans are social animals. Once they get used to living in groups, they will be unable to escape. In peacetime, no matter whether they are hermits or wealthy people at home, they are not separated from the human world. group.

Real detachment is to go to a place without people. That is true detachment. If you were asked to go to an isolated island without people, would you really want to? Everything needs to be done by yourself.

There are no mobile phones, no food that can be bought with money, and no bathrooms where you can take a shower by turning on the faucet.

They all still rely on human society to survive.

As for it, it doesn’t matter which group of people Apple belongs to, but the group’s opinion. People’s thinking is unique and will be assimilated by the group’s thinking.

In simple terms, this assimilated thinking is a sense of belonging. When a hero appears in this world and helps humans resist alien attacks, his behavior is a hero. But to aliens, this hero It's evil!

For example, if two countries are at war, a general from country A is brave and good at fighting and kills soldiers from country B one after another. Then this general is a god of war in his country A! A hero, but to the people of country B, he is a murderous demon!

There is no right or wrong in the world, there is only a human perspective. Your perspective is from the group you are in. When everyone says that this hero is good, then your mind will also think that the hero is also good.

Group thinking has the power to override individual thinking. This is the weakness of human nature.

Xu Haihai took advantage of this and borrowed the Peace Society founded by Tang Ye at the Qinshan base, where he designed the Loog and special salute gestures belonging to the Peace Society.

Then we will focus on these to imprint the spirit of the Peace Society into people's minds bit by bit.

It is very common. All religions on the continent of Oran use this method. This is how the so-called fanatics come from.

Xu Haihai used this method to make the Peace Society deeply rooted in people's hearts. In addition, he is a spiritually evolved zombie and can weakly change the direction of people's thoughts, which always makes the brainwashing effect even better. .

As for how to get deep into the hearts of people, it is to make people feel a sense of belonging to peace, and then amplify this sense of belonging to become everything about a person!

That is faith! Xu Haihai turned the Peace Society into a spiritual pillar, stuffed it into people's minds, and assimilated everyone bit by bit.

On the first day, he gathered everyone and announced the peace meeting in public, and tied the World Irrelevant Base to the peace meeting.

It roughly means that we are members of the World-Irrelevant Base and members of the Peace Society, and the World-Irrelevant Base is managed by us.

Don't underestimate this sentence, it is this sentence that makes everyone see the bright future of Shijiangjiang Base!

Although nothing was done that day, a seed was planted in people's hearts.

The next day, he talked about the honor of the Peace Society over and over again. Some people would definitely sneer at the beginning, but there will always be a few who listened and gradually gained a certain sense of belonging to the Peace Society. After having them, later on There will be more people like them.

Even if there are some very smart people who still disdain it, under the assimilation of thinking, they will slowly regard the Peace Society as everything to them, because the general environment determines everything!

As time passed, Xu Haihai would ask these people to carry out some activities every day, such as hunting down the speedsters, and at the same time, he also asked them to pay attention to the fact that there was not much ammunition in the organization.

The first time, as expected, someone sacrificed his life for everything in the organization in order to save ammunition! There were also people who didn't want to give their lives, but were killed by those "believers" who fell into madness.

When these things happen, people see it, some feel scared, and some become even more crazy, thus assimilating more people's thinking!

In this way, for the honor of the Peace Society, they became people of faith.

This belief is not a certain person, nor is it God, it is that logo!

The face beneath the mask showed a sickly smile.

"The effect was an unexpected success..."

"You are great. You are worthy of being the elite of the Peace Society. So, the last question...why are we called the Peace Society?"

Soldiers below, look at me and me at you. When Xu Haihai founded the Peace Society, he didn't say the reason. He just gave him a "loog" and then followed him in a daze.

"Don't you know?" Xu Haiwei smiled and looked out the door. People also followed his gaze and were shocked by this sight!

I don't know when, a dense crowd of zombies gathered outside the gate, but they all stopped and did not attack anyone.

"Did you see it? They are zombies! Why is our organization called the Peace Society? That is the wish of our marshal. Do you know what the marshal's wish is?"

"I don't know!" Everyone shouted in unison, very simply.

"Then let me tell you, those are the zombies. Did you see them? They didn't attack you! Because they are also a kind of life and know peace! Everyone has been here for a long time. May I ask, after you enter the world, the zombies Have they attacked you?"

People were a little confused. They had already guessed something, but they couldn't believe it. Making peace with zombies?

Isn't this nonsense?

But they don't know how to refute it. Some people may think of it, but their hearts don't allow them to do so.

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