On the highway covered with heavy snow, a motorcade slowly stopped after seeing Tang Ye and the two of them.

"Stop, our car is broken down, please lend us a car."

In the dark, the only thing that can illuminate is the light on the car. This kind of light also blocks people's visual angle, causing other places except this beam of light to become darker.

Niu Xiaosan couldn't see how many people were in the car, so he could only point a gun in each hand at the large truck in front of the convoy and shout.

The people on the motorcade communicated for a while and seemed to be hesitating. However, Tang Ye did not see the motorcycle. The people on the vehicle were also dressed in dirty clothes. They did not seem to be speedsters.

In Tang Ye's zombie eyes, he could clearly see the expression of the survivor on the truck changed after seeing the gun in Niu Xiaosan's hand. The driver didn't know what he said to the people behind him. After a while, he saw An SUV drove up from behind.

Without saying a word, the people inside drove the car in front of Tang Ye and made a move. Then they stepped back step by step with their hands raised. After retreating ten meters away, they ran into another car, and then the convoy moved forward. go.

"Sir, these people are really obedient."

Niu Xiaosan put away his gun and looked up at the taillights of the convoy's retreating cars.

"Instead of being obedient, they are smart."

Tang Ye touched the car. There was no such thing as disobedience in the apocalypse. The reason why these survivors were like this was because they did not have guns in their hands. Although there were many survivors in the apocalypse, not everyone was lucky. Many people came from the apocalypse. I have been holding back since the beginning, and I have no chance to touch the gun. I have to surrender when I see someone with a gun.

This was the first time Tang Ye had seen such a decisive survivor. But if he thought about it carefully, it was not a smart move. When meeting a strong person on a narrow road, it would be better to lose his car than his life.

At the same time, their behavior also illustrates the truth, you can do without the sword, but you can't live without the sword!

Not using it and not having it are two different things!

"It's time for us to leave. How far is it?"

Niu Xiaosan looked at the road sign in the distance, estimated where he was, and then said, "It should be less than a hundred kilometers away."

Tang Ye also looked at the street sign. The place names on it were very apocalyptic. They were far away in a foreign country. He himself didn't know where he was now.

The two cleaned up for a while, got in the car and continued on their way, but what happened behind them was a bit strange. Not long after they walked forward, the light of two more car lights appeared on the dark road ahead, and There were other cars following behind.

The two of them were stunned. Tang Ye squinted his eyes to dilate his pupils and saw further. It was the convoy just now, and now it turned back!

"It's them."


"The convoy just now."

"Huh? It's them. Why are they back?"

Tang Ye looked at them, watching them approach him little by little. Different from just now, their speed at this time seemed a little hurried.

"Hey, why are you back again?"

Niu Xiaosan opened the car window and shouted to the motorcade passing by, but no one in front of the motorcade answered him, and they didn't even want to take a look. The anxiety on their faces made people tremble. .

However, when the motorcade reached the back, a woman holding a child leaned out and said kindly: "If you don't want to die, please leave as soon as possible."

Niu Xiaosan turned his head and glanced at Tang Ye, as if to get Tang Ye's answer, but Tang Ye did not nod. He looked ahead. He didn't know what the group of people saw, or whether they encountered something. .

The motorcade completely passed by. Tang Ye looked deeply and said, "Keep going forward."


Niu Xiaosan didn't bother to care what happened to these survivors. In his heart, as long as this great god was protecting them, nothing would matter.

In Tang Ye's perception, a strong consciousness continued to impact this area. Different from the will that wanted to control himself, this consciousness was a bit familiar. It seemed to be exactly the same as the consciousness on the city highway bridge last time, silently Allow yourself to attack people and arouse the violence deep in the consciousness of zombies. Likewise, this violence is so strong that zombies can sense where humans are!

At Tang Ye's request, Niu Xiaosan started the car. Unlike the military off-road vehicles of the 46th Division, this SUV was equipped with anti-skid chains and could drive safely on icy roads.

After walking about two kilometers forward, light spots appeared again in the darkness in the distance. There were dozens of these light spots. Tang Ye frowned slightly, and those light spots were quickly coming towards him.

When I got closer, I saw that there were more than a dozen motorcycles!

That's a speeding party!

The engines of the motorcycles ridden by this group of speedsters roared, and the whining sound made people's heads spin. However, they seemed to be running away. The ground was too slippery. Tang Ye and Niu Xiaosan saw motorcycles skidding and rolling over for more than ten people from time to time. rice.

"Sir, we..."

"With weapons."

Tang Ye drew out the blade of flesh and blood. As long as these speedsters dare to have any ideas, no one will be able to survive!

But what was unexpected was that these speedsters just glanced at Tang Ye and the others when they passed by him, and then left. Tang Ye also heard the voice of one of them.

"Leave them alone and leave!"

Watching the speedsters passing by at high speed, Tang Ye got out of the car. Within a minute, more light spots appeared in front of him, another group of speedsters with weapons in their hands, but there were more people than the previous wave.

Likewise, they just glanced at Tang Ye and didn't do anything, as if something was chasing them.

When passing by them, another motorcycle skidded, then became unstable and flew towards Tang Ye. However, he just put his feet back and the car flew out next to him and hit him hard. On the roadside billboard, a beautiful spark exploded.

"Get in the car and keep walking forward. I want to see what's ahead."


Tang Ye got into the car, and Niu Xiaosan stepped on the accelerator and sped out. In the darkness, their lights seemed a little lonely, shining on the white snowflakes falling from the sky. But what's strange is that after walking for half an hour, apart from encountering waves of speedsters, they didn't encounter anything strange at all. On the contrary, Tang Ye felt that the consciousness was getting stronger and stronger, as if A certain existence is getting closer and closer to me!

It was not until the eighth wave of speedsters passed by their car that Niu Xiaosan suddenly said: "Sir, the Qulongjiang Bridge is just ahead."

"Well, keep walking."


Niu Xiaosan didn't waste any words. He responded and drove forward silently. After arriving at a toll station in front of the Qulongjiang Bridge, Tang Ye finally saw something unusual.

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