I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 648 Water Glass Head (Take a day off)

T-shaped Vulcan cannon? "Chen Zhouquan scratched his head in confusion and looked at the muzzle car. At this time, the strange car was retreating to the rear, and everyone ran back as if fleeing for their lives. The zombies behind were chasing after them like crazy!

"Hurry up!"

The commander waved his hand and asked the soldiers to retreat to the left and right sides, clearing the road. The tanks were annihilated and retreated in an orderly manner. retreat.

"What's going on? That T-shaped Vulcan cannon is awesome?"

Fu Yangyang was about to say something when suddenly there was a loud "bang" sound, attracting all the attention.

On the street ahead, a huge fire exploded, waves of flames flooded along the street, and countless zombies suddenly ignited with fierce flames!

"Get ready for the corpse-pushing chariot! Enter!"

The commander raised his sword and gave the order. The corpse-pushing chariot he was talking about was the Big Mac! Following his order, the corpse-pushing chariot roared "boom-boom-boom", and the horizontal saw covering the wide front of the vehicle came down with a few "clicks", aiming at the countless burning zombies in front!


The roar of the engine starting up made people's ears ringing, and they slowly pushed towards the group of corpses!

"Is it like a T-shape here or there? Isn't it this?" Chen Zhouquan climbed onto the roof of the corpse-pushing chariot and looked towards the area where the flames were burning.

But no matter how you look at it, you can’t call it a T-shaped Vulcan run!

"Don't look, that's the T-shaped Vulcan Cannon. The reason why it's called this is because when this incendiary bomb was just developed, it was tested for its power in another place in Yunchuan City. At that time, it happened to fall on the street and exploded. A place is T-shaped, and then it is called this name. If the Vulcan cannon shell falls on the intersection, it may not be called this name."

"Oh." Chen Zhouquan nodded, and then continued to look at the flaming hell not far away.

The T-shaped Vulcan Cannon was extremely powerful. The moment it fell on the street, flames erupted, forming a huge flood of flames that flowed into every street, with a range of about one kilometer!

Looking at the power of the Vulcan Cannon, I'm afraid all the zombies within this range will die.

"Hey, by the way, why didn't you use this thing earlier?"

Chen Zhouquan thought of another question. Fu Yangyang next to him glanced at him helplessly and continued to explain: "I just wanted to create a movement to attract all the zombies around, and then kill them all in one shot."

"Oh~oh." Chen Zhouquan suddenly understood and nodded his head vigorously.

The corpse-pushing chariot was so huge that even a road could not fit its body into it. When it was moving, the street lamps or buildings next to it were hit by it and collapsed one after another!

When approaching the group of corpses, the corpse-pushing chariot stretched out its muzzles three meters down from the front and pointed them at the howling zombies.

No, the muzzles of these guns did not shoot bullets, but sprayed out large amounts of water to douse the zombies, extinguishing the fire on their bodies, and slowly moved forward, and the giant beasts entered the group of corpses!

The jet of water emitting white smoke is obviously boiling hot water!

When he found that the flames on his body were extinguished, the zombies let out bursts of roars and heat rose. Although the flames on their bodies were extinguished by the scalding hot water, at this moment, these zombies were like black coal, rushing towards the corpse cart without fear of death. The soldier who was controlling the corpse-pushing chariot had a cruel look in his eyes when he saw this scene. He pushed forward with his hand on the lever, and the cross saws on the saw shovel began to operate, stirring one end after another into the meat grinder!


At the same time, soldiers from the logistics team trotted up in two rows carrying pesticide spraying equipment, shaking the nozzles to spray the pungent white liquid.

This is a corpse-disturbing agent, used to interfere with the taste of zombies. The soldiers spray it like this so that the zombies on the left, right and behind cannot find them, and then push the corpse chariot to open the way. Everyone can follow with peace of mind and intercept them faster. The fifth-order Water Guanyin ashore on the other side.

The corpse-pushing chariot is like a god, its roar is deafening, just like its roar, pushing tens of thousands of zombies with its divine body!

The cross-cutting saw in the front kept pulling the zombies in, and then sent them into the wildly rotating meat grinder. After a while, the three in the back were huge enough to fit four people, and lumps of rotten meat poured out of the discharge port, squatting on the ground and snapping. It spread out, still steaming, and emitting a disgusting stench.

Many soldiers started to pick their noses. They didn't know whether it was the pungent smell of the corpse-disturbing agent or the strange smell of barbecue.

"Quick! Go at full speed!"

The commander roared, Chen Zhouquan looked at him disdainfully, and then jumped down after being drunk by a soldier.

The corpse cart moved forward at full speed, and everywhere it passed was the minced flesh of the zombies. When the soldiers stepped on it, there was disgusting pus and blood squeezed out everywhere.

Two rows of soldiers carrying pesticide spraying equipment sprayed corpse-disturbing agents every few steps, causing zombies coming from other directions to stop when they heard the smell and turned around to leave.

They had started fighting when they entered the city before. The noise caused by the gunfire had already attracted most of the zombies. A T-shaped Vulcan cannon had already killed most of them. At this moment, the soldiers did not see that many zombies. Other streets The zombies on top were even burning with flames, and they fell to the ground after a while.

I don’t know how long they walked. When the convoy turned a corner, many people saw a five-meter-tall animal with scales all over its body. The bone spurs on its head were longer than its body. It was slowly dragging on the ground. Its body was slender and its head was like a monster. The zombies in the water glass strode and roared towards the army, but no one paid attention.

[Beep~Level 5 zombies discovered! 】

The sudden mechanical sound from the command vehicle startled everyone, and all the soldiers immediately became alert, thinking that the fifth-level Water Goddess of Mercy was not far away, but after scanning for a long time, they never saw the Water Goddess of Mercy.

Finally, someone noticed this zombie with a water glass head.

"No, that's the fifth-level zombie!"

Everyone looked at it and breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the corpse-disturbing agent was working, I believed that the fifth-level zombies would leave after smelling the smell.

But surprisingly, this fifth-level zombie crossed the spraying range of the corpse-disturbing agent in a few steps and was not affected at all. The soldiers' expressions couldn't help but change!

"No! It's not affected!"


The soldier reacted quickly. Countless laser bullets intertwined and bombarded the fifth-level zombie. However, its body defense was amazing. The scales on its body shone with a hard luster and bounced away bullets. The powerful laser weapon It can only leave a burned black spot on its scales!


It roared repeatedly, and every step it took had a full sense of power. What was even more frightening was that its speed was not satisfactory!


In a flash of lightning, this zombie came to the rear of the army in a few steps, picked up a car with its huge palm and smashed it out!

PS: Dear gentlemen, my mentality is a bit broken. I’m going to take the day off tomorrow. I’m sorry.

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