I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 653 The arrival of the corpse king

The shadow was like a flood without a dam that quickly covered the buildings and streets of Yunchuan City. Suddenly, the soldiers felt that the sky was getting dark, and the area they were in was covered by the shadow that blocked the sky and the sun.

Everyone's mouth was wide open and could not be closed, and their eyes showed a look of extreme horror that was difficult to hide. Even though they had already known that Shui Guanyin would be very big, knowing it was one thing, and seeing it in person was another thing.

The two cannot be discussed at all.

Fu Yangyang also stayed where he was, holding the evolutionary crystal in his hand at a loss. Gradually, the owner of the sun-shielding figure appeared. It had skin as thick as bark and had three tentacles that were indescribably thick. When it reaches the end, it splits into countless roots. From a distance, it looks like three tentacles, with four crab-like legs under its feet. With each step, the sharp feet will poke a big hole in the ground!

The body is like a fallen gourd, thick at the top and thin at the bottom. There is a crown on the top of the head, like a woman wearing long clothes standing with handrails.

"It...it's coming towards us!"

Fu Yangyang said in a daze, "This Water Guanyin is a hundred meters tall and towers over the sky!" Giving people an unparalleled sense of oppression!


The bell-like roar came from nowhere on its body. With such a size and such a strong sense of oppression, the soldiers suspected that it was an old god from the Cthulhu mythology. It was wild and vast. .

"How...how to fight here?"

"That's right! The fifth-level zombies just now were so difficult to deal with, and now there's another one. I don't think this guy is any easier to deal with than Water Glass Head."

The soldiers' guns kept spitting out flames. Fortunately, they were well-equipped and their ferocious firepower was well placed to temporarily block the zombie wave's offensive, but the situation was not optimistic.

"We might die here."

"I don't want to die here! My wife and daughter are still waiting for me at home! I can't die!"

"I'm not dead...because..." A soldier hesitated for a long time, but he never thought of a more appropriate reason.

"Haha~" Fu Yangyang laughed miserably, glanced at everyone with sarcastic eyes, and then burst into laughter.

"You...you...hahahaha, you're laughing so hard. Do you think everything will be fine if you escape? Let's not talk about where we are going. Look, there are zombies all around. We are already surrounded by zombies, hahahaha... …”

Fu Yangyang laughed out of breath: "I ran away, then where should we go? Will we go to the base? If we become deserters, we will become deserters for the second time! This Shui Guanyin failed to be killed here We, when it comes to the base, will we still be deserters? How many times can we be deserters? "

His laughter stopped and his face became solemn: "You can run away, but I don't want to run away. Like many people, I am alone. Something worth remembering has been reported to me. My coat, My glasses... But I don’t want to die either, I’m sorry... Everyone, I’m really tired. If I had a choice, I would also want to live. My parents’ spirits in heaven don’t want me to die like this, but can I escape? Just ask Who of you can escape?"

"When all the bullets are fired, why don't you run away!"


As he spoke, Fu Yangyang slammed the evolutionary crystal in his hand on the ground, pulled out the corpse-slicing knife that had begun to bend, and roared at Shui Guanyin, who was walking towards here with great force step by step.

"You are afraid! I am not afraid. After all, no one will collect the body after death, and no one will think about it. Instead of dying of old age, it is better to die here in battle!"

Bang bang bang...!


It happened that a soldier had used up the energy of the weapon in his hand. Instead of changing the ammunition, he threw the weapon away, pulled out the corpse-killing knife, and roared the same way: "Yes! Instead of living in peace, it is better to die heroically, and I have nothing to do with it." There is nothing to worry about. When you come in, you will be empty, and when you leave, you will be empty!"

"What a coward! Fu Yangyang is right. If you can't escape anyway, you might as well fight to the death with the zombies! It's been so long, and I haven't had a close fight with a zombie!"

"Me too!"

"Go to hell, you coward!"



For a time, less than 300 of the remaining soldiers reorganized their ammunition. Most of them took out their corpse-killing knives, buckled their armor, and rushed into the zombies.

"Heavy Armored Corps, obey the order! Come with me and kill the zombies!"


In a matter of seconds, hundreds of people would throw away their long-range attack weapons and attack the zombies with all kinds of cold weapons. The mobile heavy-armored soldiers were the first to bear the brunt. The zombies could not scratch them due to the thick armor, and they were killing all the zombies. !

Seeing this scene, Fu Yangyang shed tears. He didn't know how many tears he had shed today. It wasn't so much that it didn't matter anymore.

"Brother, should we..."

"Ready to fight."

Chen Zhouan twisted his shoulders and made a crackling sound all over his body. He picked up two corpse-killing knives from the ground and waved them. The power of the fourth-level new humans exploded, blowing into the corpses like a storm.


Chen Zhouquan was also excited. He also picked up two corpse-cutting knives and rushed into the group of corpses. However, in a tacit agreement, no one attacked Shui Guanyin.

Now every soldier is determined to die. What he wants in his mind is to kill one without compensation, kill two to make a profit, and take away a few more zombies before death. If faced with Shui Guanyin, it will not even make a sound when it steps down. It will die when it comes out, just let it come this way, even if everyone knows that when it comes, the whole army will be wiped out.

The low morale was unprecedentedly high at this moment, but this was just a flashback, the last dazzling light burst out when the oil ran out.

Most of the soldiers gave up the thermal weapon attack, and the zombie wave was able to move forward. The zombies in front jumped on the corpses of their companions, roaring and rushing towards the incoming soldiers.


The gunshots rang out, and the tank cannons fired shells one after another, blowing up the zombies and their corpses. Dozens of armored vehicles rushed into the group of corpses, bumping into each other, followed closely by a man with a cold weapon. soldiers, attacking zombies crazily.

The soldiers' sudden madness caught the corpse group off guard. The dense sea of ​​corpses were killed, and the remaining soldiers all gathered in the gap and launched the next blow with all their strength!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The huge Shui Guanyin was getting closer and closer. Its mouth on its belly slowly opened, and its excited roar of "buzzing" became louder and louder. But at this time, a sudden change occurred!

The zombies that formed the zombie wave suddenly stopped and stopped attacking the soldiers. Everyone was stunned and stopped too.


Someone looked at Shui Guanyin and saw a black light suddenly appear above its head, slashing horizontally towards Shui Guanyin's head as big as a mountain!


The world before people's eyes lit up. The black light passed through Shui Guanyin's body, and half of his body fell down, revealing bloody tissue!

"How is this going?"

The soldiers were confused, and then, with horror in their eyes, they saw a figure in black robes floating in the air, with long white hair flying in the wind!

His face was so clearly visible that black gas was constantly coming out of his body!

"This is... this, this... the white-haired corpse king!"

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