I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 910 I am not Li Henian

"Forget it, you announced to the outside world that the guy named Yilong didn't tell us the information we wanted until his death. We are relatively empty internally now and are not sure we can win the mercenary guild. We need to stabilize them first and wait for me. Take a breath... Jie Jie~"

After saying this, Tang Ye laughed ferociously. This strange smile made Jiang Chentong's scalp tingle. At this moment, it seemed that the person sitting opposite him was not the overlord of the United Unified District, nor the overlord of this super power, but a head. A great demon who escaped from hell to the human world.

After Jiang Chentong left, Tang Ye watched him walk step by step to the door. A few seconds later, with a slight "bang", the door was closed. He stood up and walked to the bathroom.

He stepped forward unhurriedly, and in the mirror not far in front of him, his own figure was getting closer and closer.

Tang Ye entered the bathroom, closed the door, and returned to the mirror. He stretched out his hands and placed them on the sink under the mirror, staring at himself in the mirror.

Two identical eyes met in the mirror, and he saw the look on his face in the opposite world, which was one of confusion.

Why do I look like Li Henian now?

Unknowingly, Tang Ye remembered an idiom.

Love comes from the heart!

Is it because I have Li Henian's memory and part of his emotions and personality, and then he grew up like this?

Tang Ye looked at himself like this for a long time. He always felt that the person in the mirror was not him at all. This is an illusion that everyone has, but in Tang Ye's heart, he felt particularly panicked. He hated it. This feeling of being invaded by other people's emotions makes him very selfless.

However, it seems that Xu Haihai is like this. The reason why he is an intelligent zombie is because he has eaten at least three dominated evolutionary crystals. The experiences and cognitions of these dominated people have given him wisdom, plus his own The incomplete memories formed a person who is Xu Haihai but not Xu Haihai!

He didn't know how Xu Haihai ignored the impact of integrating into the memory of the dominated. Maybe he never cared about it, because he had no self. He could be any of the dominated people who were eaten by him. one person.

Even the names of these dominated people and everything they own belong to him and he can use them as he pleases.

And the reason why he calls himself Xu Haihaii seems to be because Xu Haihaii's memory is his own.

However, he still integrated into the memories of three or four dominated people. In Tang Ye's case, he only integrated into the memory of one Li Henian, but it was so affected that he can no longer tell who he is. No, that's accurate. It is probably because Li Henian's experience made him feel that it should not be discarded.

Because when all the memories that Li Henian still retained when he became a zombie came in, his emotions were deeply ingrained in Tang Ye's heart.

Only now did he realize that the memories that could be remembered by the dominated zombies were always the ones that contained the deepest emotions.

Just like this, the emotion in Li Henian's memory made Tang Ye think back on his memories. Although he knew that these memories were not his, the emotion was not just a joke. Tang Ye also felt that he couldn't throw away things that Li Henian felt couldn't be thrown away.

Just like Tang Ye thinks that the pink plush rubber band cannot be thrown away, because this thing is very important to him. It is the only proof of the beautiful events he has experienced. For Li Henian, a memory picture in his mind is the proof. !

Can't throw it away!

It is also these that make Tang Yehe feel depressed when he inadvertently recalls Li Henian's experience just now, just like if you open a movie, TV series, or book at random, you still don't feel anything when you read it. , but when a story comes to an end, the clarity of the story in the middle has a profound impact on you, making you feel empty and inexplicably depressed after reading it.

As for Tang Ye, this is the feeling, but the impact is much greater than watching a TV series.

In this way, Tang Ye looked at himself in the mirror for five minutes. At this time, he suddenly moved his head closer, and the self in the mirror was also closer to him, allowing Tang Ye to see his own face in the mirror. every detail.

Unlike others, Tang Ye had no pores on his skin and looked extremely smooth overall.

After a while, Tang Ye suddenly spoke up and said, "I am not Li Henian."

In the quiet environment, his voice seemed abrupt, but after Tang Ye said these words, his eyes continued to stare at himself in the mirror. After a while, he said again: "I am not Li Henian."

The eyes of himself outside the mirror and the eyes of himself in the mirror shone at the same time, and countless scenes were being replayed in his mind.

"I, no, Li Henian."

The sound sounded again, but it soon fell into silence, which was eerily quiet.

"I am not Li Henian."

"I'm not Li Henian."

Time passed quietly between his fingers. Tang Ye kept his gaze on his face, carefully observing the distribution of facial features on his face. He originally felt that he had become strange after looking at himself in front of the mirror for too long. It also began to slowly return to familiarity.

"I'm not Li Henian."

Once again, Tang Ye said these words, but unlike before, this time he said these six words "I am not Li Henian" in a very calm tone, as if he was lightly vetoing the identity given to him by others.

"I'm not Li Henian."

Tang Ye didn't know how many times he said the same words, but this time, his thoughts became clear in his mind. He wanted to find himself. Li Henian was just his disguised identity, not himself!

Li Henian's memories were mixed with his original memories, making his emotions a little confusing. He just wanted to clearly separate the memories of two different life experiences so that he could remain himself and not confuse himself and not be able to tell who he was. who.

Suppressing all the memories of Li Henian and Li Qingtian in his mind, Tang Ye recalled his life.

"I'm not Li Henian~"

When he said these six words again, his tone was no longer as energetic as before, and his voice was not so loud. It became much quieter and more casual.

This is the eighth time he has said that he is not Li Henian.

After saying the six words again, Tang Ye closed his eyes and kept turning back the memories in his mind. The people and things in his memory seemed to make some sounds ring in his ears. These sounds were very noisy, just like It seemed like countless people were standing around him muttering something. It felt very clear, but he couldn't hear clearly what they were saying.

The image after the memory emerged in my mind was surrounded by a layer of white mist, making it hazy.

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