I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 929 The generosity of a stingy friend 1

"Why are all the people from the Peace Society retreating?"

On the edge of the central ruling area, the mercenary guild divided its forces into three groups and gathered in a defense line left by the soldiers of the Peace Society. For a while, the surroundings were full of strong men with strong blood.

Where they are, except for themselves and their companions, there are basically no outsiders.

"Don't let your guard down, it may be some dirty trick played by Heping."

"That's right, proceed carefully."

The strong men communicated, holding the weapons in their hands tightly, never relaxing for a moment, and watching everything around them vigilantly, especially those corners where it was easy to hide people.

At this time, something floated in the sky above the heads of the strong men. When they looked up, they saw that it was a person flying into the air on a flying skateboard, suspended above their heads.

"The leader of the mercenary guild."

"Tonight's boss!"

Seeing that person's appearance, the people below immediately cheered, and the vigilance in their hearts was relieved a lot.

The sixth-level new human being is the ceiling in the United Area, and tonight is the sixth-level new human being. With him here, what danger can there be?

Even if the president of the Peace Society comes in person, it will be 50-50 at best!

However, for those powerful men below who were calling for adoration for him, he ignored them tonight and looked ahead.

The outline of the Peace Society building was reflected in his deep eyes.

"What tricks is Peace playing?"

He murmured doubtfully in his heart, but at this moment, a hearty laughter sounded, and he shouted to himself: "Brother tonight, hahaha, actually we don't need to be so nervous. Come down, let's have a drink."

Hearing the sound, I looked down tonight and saw a RV speeding towards me. A group of strong men from the fourth-order and fifth-order new humans in front of me quickly ran away. At first, these strong men were still very angry, but when they saw it, When I saw the three words "Sanqi Dao" written on the RV, I immediately closed my mouth and chose to remain silent.

Today's Sanqi Dao is not comparable to the past. A sixth-level new human being is enough to suppress other underground forces from raising their heads! He even has the strength to compete with the Peace Society!

Seeing the RV, Tonight smiled. The rotation of the closed wings on the four sides of the flying skateboard under his feet slowed down a bit. The strong man below could clearly see the swirling airflow ejected from the wings of the flying skateboard, carrying Tonight towards it. Lu Jinyu left in his RV.

"Lao Lu is really in great spirits."

The flying skateboard slowly stopped on the large balcony on the roof of the RV. Tonight looked at Lu Jinyu who was sitting under the umbrella and drinking a drink and said with a smile. At the same time, he stepped off the flying skateboard.

Lu Jinyu has a Chinese character face, and the first impression he gives is that he is upright and a good boss. Maybe he is also a very easy-to-get-together person when dealing with him, but those who know him know that , the heart hidden under this face has become extremely dark.

The other party looked at Tonight with a smile on his face. He smiled and said, "What's the interest? There will be a fierce battle in a moment. You and I don't know what the strength of Li Henian and Abomination is. After all, they are both sixth-level newcomers." Human beings, at this time, who can evolve to the sixth level is a simple person?"

"When I start taking action later, I can't guarantee whether I will be injured or not. It is very possible that I will die at the hands of Li Henian or Hatred. Not to mention more, if I am not dead, but I am seriously injured, I will be in the hospital. Lie there for a while, brother, you know tonight, the hospital is boring, so instead of being nervous right now, it’s better to enjoy it."

Although the content of Lu Jinyu's words sounded sad, the expression on his face was not nervous at all, but very comfortable. It seemed that what they were going to face later was not two new sixth-level humans like themselves, but just a group of people waving their hands. Can be exterminated like ants.

And when facing ants, why should we feel nervous?

The RV Lu Jinyu was in looked as if he was on vacation rather than on a battlefield.

"That's right."

Tonight didn't care about this. He nodded and agreed with Lu Jinyu's point of view.

"Oh, brother, please stop standing tonight, come on, come in with me, and we'll go to the room to talk."

Lu Jinyu invited Tonight, and at the same time he stood up from the recliner, walked in front of Tonight, pulled his clothes and walked to the stairs leading to the second floor of the RV.

Before he got off, Lu Jinyu came in front of a gun-wielding soldier in the RV, put his mouth to his ear, and whispered: "Keep your eyes open, don't let anyone approach the RV, only if there are people approaching, Give him a shot immediately, you don’t have to hit him, at least you have to force him away.”

The soldier nodded quickly, his eyes became sharper, and he and several other fourth-level new human soldiers looked around the RV.

Among the powerful people, in an inconspicuous crowd, there were two new fourth-level humans who seemed to know each other walking side by side. One was talking and laughing, and the other was replying to each other from time to time. Listless.

"Hey, who would have thought that your boss would evolve into a new sixth-level human being all of a sudden? Damn it, one person can truly ascend to heaven."


"Hey, do you want the things they gave you to share with me?" One of them grabbed the back of his hand, as if he was a little proud of it. His words were just casual, and he didn't hold out hope that this companion would agree. Own.

This companion is a member of the Sanqi Dao. As the leader of the Sanqi Dao evolved into a sixth-order new human being, the status of the members of the Sanqi Dao among the underground forces in the United District has also increased. Not long after, some strong people came for In order to please this companion, I gave him a lot of good things, just to make friends with him.

Although these things were very common before the apocalypse, in the apocalypse, these common things have turned into gold comparable to that before the apocalypse, and even if you don't look at it with envy, you won't believe it even if you say it.

"You want it? Come on, I'll give you some more."

Surprisingly, his companion readily divided out one-third of what he had collected and threw it to him. This move made him somewhat surprised.

"Hey, Ma, you are so generous to me. You are in a good mood today. You are so generous."

"That's right." Lao Ma replied casually. Although he said this, his face didn't seem to be in a good mood at all. His face was expressionless, and he probably had something hidden in his heart.

"If I had known, I would have entered the Sanqi Dao like you, hehe."

"But you're too late now."

"Yeah, it's too late, too late. When it comes to choices, I'm still not as good as you. If I were with you, I wouldn't be like this. Following these beasts is like a soldier, with no sense of existence at all."

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