Who is the one?

Tang Ye didn't deliberately care. Tang Ye was the master of the Liantong District. In a sense, he could be said to be the emperor and king here. He had supreme rights and could enjoy things that ordinary people could not enjoy. Even in the last days, the meals delivered to Tang Ye every day were the most expensive and the best.

In order to ensure that each of his meals is freshly cooked, the food delivery time is never fixed. Food is always prepared and delivered after confirming that Tang Ye is in his rest area.

Tang Ye has been here for more than ten minutes. It may be a little early to deliver it at this time, but it is not surprising.

It can be done very quickly. With the sense of smell of Tang Ye's seventh-level zombie, he could not smell the familiar spicy and numbing taste of the food.

He was a little strange, but he quickly thought that he might be the person outside who was dealing with the "thieves" who secretly sold the equipment of the Peace Society and later reported on their work.

Soon, there was a knock on the door, and Tang Ye said casually: "Come in."

Following his words, the people outside seemed to be stunned, and there was no sound for three or four seconds, while Tang Ye continued to look at the information file in his hand. Soon, the door handle made a "click" sound, and then the door was pushed open.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Tang Ye asked casually. He closed the information file in his hand and placed it on the table. He looked forward, but the woman who came in from the door didn't say a word. Tang Ye was a little strange. He couldn't help but look towards the door.

When he saw clearly who the beautiful and graceful figure was standing at the door, his body suddenly froze.

The visitor turned out to be Li Qingtian!

Tang Ye's mind went blank, his eyes were dull for a moment, and the other party looked at him without speaking, very calm.

"You...why are you here?"

During this period of time, Tang Ye had not seen Li Qingtian. He seemed to have suddenly disappeared. This also made him think that he had seen the truth clearly. He was not Li Henian, but a fake, so he was heartbroken. He left the Joint Unified District.

However, when Tang Ye thought of this, he relaxed and no longer worried about running into this woman who made him overwhelmed again one day.

But what he never expected was that this woman, Li Henian's sister, suddenly appeared again!

From her eyes, Tang Ye couldn't see any expression. She just looked at her face without saying a single glance, as if someone she had missed for a long time looked at each other speechlessly when they met.

When Tang Ye finished the previous sentence, he didn't know what to say next. Li Qingtian didn't reply to his words. The two just looked at each other. In her bright and dark eyes, Tang Ye saw his figure and The appearance is so clear and thorough.

There was an embarrassment in the air and an extremely strange intimacy to Tang Ye. In Li Henian's mind, the innate closeness to Li Qingsheng spread crazily in his heart. That kind of missing and the joy of seeing his relatives made Tang Ye a little uncontrollable. He wanted to shout out what he called Li Qingtian's relationship, but Tang Ye knew very well that this kind of family relationship did not belong to him. The other party was just a stranger to him, and his age was much smaller than his own. Li Qingtian is older. According to Li Henian's memory timeline, Li Qingtian was nineteen years old before the end of the world, and five years after the end of the world, the other party was only twenty-four, and his real age is already in his thirties now.

It's just that maybe because of evolution or because he is a zombie, his age cannot be seen at all. He looks only twenty-one or twelve years old, or even younger.

But there is one thing Tang Ye is sure of. Let’s not talk about zombies, but after humans evolve into new humans, their levels will increase, and some of their lifespans will also be lengthened. Li Qingtian now and she before the end of the world have not been corroded by time at all. There are traces of it, and she looks even younger than that time, just like a young and beautiful girl.

Their ages don't match at all, so how can I call her sister?

I spent most of my life alone and had no interaction with Li Henian.

In this way, Tang Ye seemed to be pinned down by someone. After saying a word, he didn't know what to say next. The same was true for the other party, but in her eyes that had no emotion at all, Tang Ye suddenly looked at her. A touch of vulnerability.

He also saw that Li Qingtian's body began to soften, as if she had lost all her strength, her calm eyes were gradually filled with longing, and mist began to condense in her bright eyes, as if she was about to cry.

"Wait!" Tang Ye shouted quickly.

Li Qingtian was stunned and looked at him with misty eyes. This made Tang Ye feel guilty. He was very confused now. He knew clearly that he was not Li Henian, but he had Li Henian's memories and his emotions. Maybe he could He lied directly and admitted that he was Li Henian in front of Li Qingtian, but he was not sure whether the other party knew that Li Henian was dead, or whether she was not sure that Li Henian was dead.

After all, when he killed Li Henian, the other party was at the scene, and everything was in full view.

If the other party knows that he is not Li Henian, and the reason why he came to him is to ask what all this is for, then what should Tang Ye, who has all the memories and emotions of Li Henian, do? No matter what the other party said or what he was asked to answer, Tang Ye was sure that he would not be able to answer anything.

Tang Ye's sudden shout made Li Qingtian a little dazed, and the mist in his eyes stagnated for a moment.

Tang Ye was a little helpless. He pointed at the sofa in front of him, took away the things on it, and threw it aside casually. He turned to look at Li Qingtian again, his voice was a little weak, and everyone could tell that Tang Ye was speaking at this moment. The mind of karma is so complex.

"You sit here."

Li Qingtian didn't speak, she didn't nod or shake her head, and she didn't respond in any way. She just proved everything with her actions. After Tang Ye's words fell, she walked out towards the sofa that Tang Ye pointed to, but she didn't sit down. , and then said something that almost made Tang Ye jump up.

"You've grown so big, why are you still throwing things away? Are you worried when I can't find them?"


Listening to Li Qingtian's words, a picture emerged in Tang Ye's mind. It was several memories of Li Henian. However, in these memories, Tang Ye found that he seemed to be similar to Li Henian. They were all missing each other. Every time he went to something The thing is, things that are not used at hand will be thrown away casually, and when you need to use them, you can't find them even after digging three feet.

Li Qingtian's words made Tang Ye's heart beat, and he also felt unprecedented warmth.

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