
Chapter 69

Elisha, who blinked in surprise, closed her eyes and accepted him.

Hot and moist lips gently but persistently intertwined their breath. His breath was so sweet, it made her mind dizzy. All of her senses made her feel like she was melting.

Richard held Elisha and laid her on the bed with their lips still pressed against each other. And then he buried his lips in the nape of her neck.

At the dizzying sensation of his touch, Elisha shivered and held her breath. His desire made him move until her belly touched Richard.

At that moment, something he had forgotten came to mind. A precious child growing inside her stomach.

Recalling the contents of the book that some people were extremely reluctant to even have light contact with their husbands during pregnancy, Richard parted his lips from her.

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Elisha took a deep breath and looked up at him with a puzzled look. Seeing the moistened eyes and her disheveled self immediately made him want to make a mess out of her. However, he couldn’t hold her just because he was drawn by desire. One time was enough.

Richard managed to suppress his desire and said,

“If you don’t want it… I’ll stop.”

Elisha just blinked, not knowing what he meant. He said so, but his fingers caressing her were really seductive. It was a contradiction.

He was the only one who could soothe the heat that was building up in her body. Her heart felt rushed. Elisha desperately clung to him, not sure what he was talking about.

“I want to do it.”

Richard’s eyes shook at Elisha’s desperate voice. Only when she saw his reaction did she realize what she had just said and blushed, but she couldn’t go back on her words.

Anyway, the shame was short-lived. Thinking that she had already said it, she came up with words that she had not been able to say the day before.

“These days… Just like the contents of the book you read yesterday, I keep having strange dreams and it hurts.”

Elisha, embarrassed by her honest words, added the most persuasive reason.

“And it is said to be good for the baby so…”

At her words, Richard’s brow twitched. However, Elisha, avoiding his gaze out of shame, did not notice the subtle change.

“Ah, is that so? Then one day won’t be enough.”

As he roughly unbuttoned his shirt, his eyes were filled with heat, but his voice was strangely cool as he mumbled, but just before Elisha could ask about it, Richard’s lips swallowed her words and encompassed her mouth.

It wasn’t before long that her top fell off the bed and an unbearable heat and pleasure engulfed Elisha’s body.

As if he was a beast swallowing its prey whole, Richard didn’t give her a moment of rest.

Richard woke up after feeling Elisha tossing and turning around. The morning sun was already shining into the room, but Elisha seemed to be still in a deep sleep.

Richard looked at Elisa, who was sleeping peacefully, with a grim expression.

“These days… Just like the contents of the book you read yesterday, I keep having strange dreams and it hurts.”


“And it is said to be good for the baby so…”

It was always the same. Baby, baby. The reason she tried to run away from him was because of the baby, and even when she was suffering from morning sickness, she laughed saying that it was okay because the baby was healthy. Sometimes, even when the headache was severe, she only suffered quietly, saying that taking the medicine would be bad for the baby.

And yesterday, too. It was because of her hormones that she wanted him.

His body, holding her, was faithful to his most inner instincts, but his heart was rather empty. Because he knew she wanted his body and not himself.

‘When will you see me as a man you love, and not as the baby’s father?’

He suddenly felt jealous of the child that appeared in their lives. Then he felt like a fool for being jealous of a baby who was barely present in their lives.

‘If I should blame someone… it’s my fault…’

Then, Elisha tossed and turned and dug into his arms. As her soft warmth touched him, his instincts trembled. Richard swallowed a painful sigh.

In the meantime, he had been suppressing his desires because he couldn’t force them on Elisha, but above all, it was for her and the baby in her belly.

Because he knew. Once he started, he wouldn’t be able to control his bursting desire. He was afraid of hurting her and the baby because of his greed.

Yesterday, he couldn’t overcome the temptation, but he had managed to stop himself at one time. Far from feeling satisfied, he felt distressed because he couldn’t fill even half of his greed.

Whenever he touched her, whenever she brushed his skin with the tiniest touch, he had to summon a monstrous amount of patience.

He huffed at the relaxed face that slept soundly without knowing of his pain.



Elisha’s eyes trembled slightly, her long eyelashes quivered like small butterflies, and she slowly opened her eyes.

His image was reflected in the bright eyes which gleamed in the morning sun.

Elisha looked at him, blinking her eyes as if to relieve the sleepiness she had not yet left her, and hid under the blanket, blushing in embarrassment. Still, she peeked out of the blanket and looked at him.

When Richard looked at Elisa acting like that, he consciously pulled down the corners of his lips that were slowly rising.

‘You, who eagerly stole my lips first last night, are you feeling shy right now?’

But the funniest thing about her was…

“Did you sleep well, Richard?”

With her eyes folded in a half-moon shape and a bright smile in her mouth, it was as if she felt as refreshed as ever.

His heart frozen from turmoil melted like snow in front of the sun. Once again, his feelings for her arose in full force.

‘How can I beat you?’

‘No matter how many times you hurt me, I would have no choice but to love you again.’

“Yeah, how about you?”

Richard asked, arranging Elisha’s messy hair.

“I slept well, too.”

“How’s your body? Does your stomach feel uncomfortable?”

Elisha, who had been admiring his handsome face as always, finally looked at her body. Her whole body ached from muscle pain, but she didn’t feel any discomfort in her stomach.

“Mh. I’m fine.”

At the same time as she replied, her stomach rumbled clearly.

After a brief embarrassing silence, Elisha added shyly.

“…Except that I’m hungry.”

At that, Richard burst into laughter. Then, he pulled the rope twice. It meant for the servants to bring them a meal.

Embarrassed by his laughter, Elisa pouted her lips with a sullen expression.

“Our baby is hungry.”

“Yeah. It’s not you, but this guy who is hungry.”

Richard replied in a playful voice and laid a hand on her stomach. Elisha, who had been fiddling with his large hand on her stomach, looked back at him as if she had suddenly remembered something.

“Richard. How about giving our baby a pregnancy name?”

“Pregnancy name?”

“I mean the nickname one gives to the fetus while it is still in the womb, with the hope that it will grow up healthy.”

“What do you want to call it?”


Elisha frowned with a serious look plastered on her face, as if she was quite troubled. Then glanced at Richard and his hand on her belly. His large hand covering her stomach as if protecting it felt warm and reliable. It was rough, but it was a strong hand that would protect the child and herself no matter what. Whenever he held her in his arms, she felt as if she was in the safest place in the world.

However, Richard from the original novel hated the child in her stomach and hoped that the child would die. He even tried to kill the child with that same hand.

Even knowing that the current Richard was different from the original, the thought alone made her heart sink.

Elisha held his hand tightly and said,

“I’d like to call it Love.”

‘Unlike the original, I want you to receive a lot of love from mom and dad and grow up healthy and happy.’


“It means it will be loved as much as the name and to be born healthy. How about it?”

“I think it’s good. Let’s do it.”

Richard happily replied. Just in time, they heard a knock.

“My Lord, Madam, I brought your meal.”

Anne and the maids entered the room, they quickly set the food they had brought on the table, and left. The table was full of various foods. He usually had a light breakfast, but right after Elisha’s morning sickness symptoms were relieved, Richard instructed everyone to prepare a generous breakfast every morning.

“It looks delicious…”

Richard chuckled as he saw Elisha’s eyes sparkling as she looked at the food.

“I’ll help you.”

He put some food on a plate and placed it in front of Elisha.

Perhaps she was very hungry, and as soon as he put down the plate, Elisha grabbed a fork and began to eat eagerly.

Richard looked at her, and he was only placing food in front of his wife.

‘So cute.’

It was lovely to see her diligently chewing with her small mouth and eating food.


Hearing a cough that came out of her mouth, Richard’s heart sank.

“Elisha, are you alright?”

He hurriedly patted her back and gave her some juice. Even after the juice, Elisha kept coughing for a while.

“Thank you.”

“Eat slowly or you’ll get indigestion.”

Richard, who was patting and rubbing Elisha’s back, was relieved only after seeing her start eating again. At that moment, Elisha’s eyes saw Richard’s plate. The fork was still in place and the food had not been touched.

“Richard, why aren’t you eating?”

“I’m not hungry, so I’m going to eat later. Don’t worry about it and eat a lot.”

“You can eat now and then eat later again. You need to eat a lot to increase your stamina.”


Richard tilted his head. Whenever they ate together, Richard couldn’t eat because he was focused on watching her eat, but it wasn’t to the point it would worry her. Also, according to the words of the Rubellin Knights including Thompson, his physical strength is like a monster’s.

‘So why is she worried about my stamina?’

“So last night… hmp!”

Elisha, who was talking with a serious face until just now, covered her mouth with both hands as if she had realized something.

“I, I didn’t mean anything bad. I’m just worried because it looks like you’re not eating properly…”

Richard’s eyes widened as he looked at Elisha, who spoke vaguely as if embarrassed. He immediately understood what she meant by the last words she omitted.

It seemed that Elisha was thinking that he lacked stamina and that was the reason why he put her to sleep after one round. Richard’s face, who had misunderstood her meaning, distorted.

‘You have no idea how hard I had to endure it…’

Even at this moment.

Richard looked at Elisha as she ate and as soon as she put her fork down, he lifted her up. Her eyes widened, and she looked at him in surprise.


“I have to clear up my wife’s misunderstanding.”

“It’s kind of unfair leaving it as it is,” Richard added, and headed straight to the bed.

(e/n: In the last part, she thought he might be hungry after their escapades the night before but he thinks she meant that he’s a one round and done kind of guy because he has bad stamina so now he’s going to prove her wrong lol)


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