Chapter 72

“Count Asna, if it’s okay with you, would you like to stop by my house for a while?”

“When was the last time you told me not to come around again?”

“A few days ago, a very precious wine came in. Aren’t we friends with each other? I thought I’d show you some rare alcohol.”

“I appreciate your feelings, but I can’t this time. The birth date is coming soon, so my mother-in-law is here. If I go in smelling like alcohol, I’ll be hated to death.”

“Oh, my.”

The two noble shared daily life stories and laughed while walking away. Richard thought about what he had heard.


Richard had no mother-in-law. Because Viscountess Lohengrin passed away early on. However, the woman he thought was his mother-in-law was actually not his mother-in-law. The identity of his ‘real mother-in-law’ was unknown. Recalling that fact, he felt mixed emotions. Meanwhile, Richard arrived at the entrance to the Main Palace and was about to get on the carriage straight away. At that moment, a knight who was waiting for Richard approached and delivered the news.

“Your Grace, Sir Aaron was found.”

At the news, Richard’s footsteps stopped. It was the news he had been waiting for.

The cemetery, rich in greenery in midsummer, created a sentimental atmosphere rather than a gloomy one thanks to the colorful bouquets left by the mourners. Aaron laid down a bouquet in front of the grave and looked down. At that time, with a faint wind, a presence approached him. When he raised his head and looked in its direction, he saw Richard approaching.

“Is it family?”

“We’re close friends like family. Twenty years ago, when there was a problem with the northern canyon, he died there. I stop by every time I come to the Imperial capital.”

Those who went to the North Canyon Incident 20 years ago had a high probability of being a member of the Holy Knights.

“You have a proud friend.”

Richard murmured and paid a brief silent tribute. It was a courtesy for a dead hero. Aaron, who had been watching Richard, spoke first when his silence ended.

“I have heard the news about madam. The news that Rubellin had a successor was heard even in that small village.”


“Congratulations. I’m sure your ancestors would be pleased in heaven.”

At Aaron’s words, Richard frowned. Last winter, after Albert’s funeral, he recalled the words he had told him about how he would never have an heir. Yet, Aaron’s words were not mocking him, and he didn’t want to pour cold water in the matter either. If he reacted negatively to his congratulations it would be like denying the child’s existence. Instead, he immediately brought up the subject.

“Let me ask you straightforwardly.”

“Please ask.”

“How much do you know about the Viscounty of Lohengrin?”

“It’s the madam’s family from before marriage.”

“No, I’ll ask again.”

Richard corrected his question.

“Where did the elders bring Elisha in from?”

Aaron stared at Richard at that question. It seemed that he had already noticed that Elisha wasn’t part of the Lohengrin family and was asking about the matter.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know the details either.”

“Grandfather’s closest aide doesn’t know?”

“The late Lord suddenly went somewhere and came back with the madam, unconscious. I just created an appropriate identity as a disguise for her as commanded.”

“There must have been a knight with him.”

“Some knights and I followed him to the Divine Tree Forest, but His Excellency went alone for the most part.”

One of Richard’s eyebrows went up. The Divine Tree Forest is a forest that is said to have a ‘Divine Tree,’ a mythical tree that has existed since the birth of this world. Located at the southernmost tip of the Arencia Empire, in the very center of the continent.

“Why would he go there?”

“At that time, Your Excellency was looking for a sage living in the Divine Tree Forest.”


“You must have heard the story of one of the ancestors of the Esther family who realized the principles of the world and became one with the divine tree. In books, he’s called a sage.”

“But I know that neither the Divine Tree nor the Sage exists, it’s all just a myth.”

“That’s what I know.”

Richard swallowed a laugh. When Elisha came to Rubellin it must have been two years after he entered the family. ‘In a situation where your son died and an unknown grandchild who rolled in from nowhere will inherit the title, were you following a false myth?’ However, Richard understood, the man he knew wouldn’t blindly follow such an absurd story.

“…Why was he looking for him?”

“He didn’t tell me the reason. I worked for His Excellency for a long time, yet he rarely trusted anyone.”

“So? Did he meet the sage?”

“I don’t know about that either. However, he mentioned something the day he brought the unconscious madam.” Aaron, who seemed to be groping for memories of the past, added in a soft voice. “I got the answer, he said.”

In other words, it meant that Elisha was the ‘answer’ that Albert was looking for. He always treated Elisha as if she was a pawn that could be discarded at any moment as if she wasn’t an unfortunate piece to lose, but in fact, Elisha was an ‘important piece’ to him.

‘I don’t know why Elisha was an important piece…’

Richard had found Aaron as planned but he couldn’t figure out which family Elisha was from. Anyway, he, who had finished his business, made a suggestion to Aaron.

“If you plan to stay in for a while, I’ll prepare a room in the mansion.”

“I’m grateful for your feelings, but it’s okay. I happened to stop by the Imperial Capital because I had something to do.”

Aaron politely bowed his head slightly.

“If you need my help, please call me anytime.”

Richard turned around leaving Aaron behind and headed for the carriage. He didn’t get the information he was looking for, but he did get one thing for sure. The person who manipulated Elisha’s identity was Albert, and he knew the truth. The problem was that he, the only one who knew the truth, had already died.

Suddenly, he remembered the conversations he had heard from the nobles at the Imperial Palace a while ago.

“I appreciate your heart, but I can’t this time. The birth date is coming soon, so my mother-in-law is here.”

If Elisha’s family was still alive, he wanted to find them.

‘Where should I start?’

Richard got into the carriage and, while rubbing his temples as if frustrated, he recalled Aaron’s words. ‘Divine Tree Forest. Albert brought Elisha from there. There must have been a clue in that area.’

When he arrived at the Duchy, Richard called some trustworthy subordinates and gave them an order.

“Eight years ago, there was a girl with blonde hair and green eyes who lived in a village near the Divine Tree Forest, and find out if anyone knows of such a girl.”

“Love, Dad says he’s a little late because he has some documents he needs to see urgently.”


“What book are you going to ask Dad to read today? What about “A Triangle In The Circle Town’?”


“Umm… if not… what about ‘The Adventures of the Three Brothers of the Sea Kingdom’?”

On the side table next to the bed, there were several fairy tales that Richard and Elisha had chosen to read to their child. Talking to a baby without knowing if they were listening properly felt as if she was talking to herself, so Elisha was a bit embarrassed. Then, suddenly, she remembered what she had read in a book.

‘It said that if you lay down after eating sweets you would be able to feel the fetal movement better. And if the mom is thin it would feel even more.’

Elisha took candy from the side table drawer. She had put it in there when she had morning sickness. She ate the candy and lay in bed with her hands on her belly.

“Love, if you hear my mom’s voice, move.”

However, even after waiting for a long time, there was no response. Elisha felt disappointed for a moment but then felt sorry, thinking she was rushing her child just because.

“No… you can move whenever you want. Mom is just wondering if you’re growing healthy.”

Once again, no answer came back. Elisha slowly sucked on the candy, leaving her regret behind.

‘I’m sleepy… When is Richard coming?’

She was tired from the tea party and was slowly feeling sleepy. As she slowly blinked her heavy eyelids and yawned, she felt something move in her stomach.


Feeling an unfamiliar sensation for the first time in her life, Elisha suddenly woke up.

‘No way, that just now…’ Elisha blinked in surprise and touched her belly. And again, as if convincing her of her thoughts, she felt another movement in her stomach.

Pop~ it felt as if tiny droplets were popping inside her stomach.


Elisha called the child with a trembling voice, but no response came. Yet, she was sure that what she had felt just now was the baby’s greeting.

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