“Wield, Dragon Fist!”

With the words of the first commentary, the slashing knife burst out with an extremely dazzling light.

At the same time, Moskeda’s momentum continued to rise, and the spiritual pressure originally sealed in the slashing knife quickly exploded, bursting out like a tide, almost reaching the level visible to the naked eye, as if ripples continued to spread in circles.


Even he himself roared wantonly, and the skyrocketing power gave him an unprecedented sense of expansion, which was the first time that Moskeda had gone all out since he broke his face.

After liberation, the image of Moskeda became very different.

He wore a giant gold-striped armor wrapped around his back and held blades at the ends of his hands. Even judging from the appearance, it can be seen that his combat effectiveness has greatly improved. What’s more, he has a unique combat skill after returning to the blade, that is, he can suppress his spiritual power into a bullet-like attack.

In fact, Moskeda is a great void with gratitude. He has a grateful mindset for those who have helped him. Because of this, he will go all out at the first time, in order to repay the power that Uchiha has given him.

Only by completing the task well and attracting the attention of the God of Death to the greatest extent is the reward for the king of the void circle!

“What, is this your image after returning to the blade? It really looks more fierce. ”

Genmu Jianba’s gaze swept back and forth on the other party, and when he felt the huge spiritual pressure in Mosdaq’s body, the ecstasy in his heart was even stronger.

“Come on, let me see the true power of breaking the face!”

Gengmu Jianba roared angrily up to the sky, and he took the initiative to attack like a bloodthirsty madman. The sharp blade slashed straight at Mosdaq’s body.


The slash is fast and sharp, slashing unmistakably on the giant armor on Mosdaq’s back. However, the previous scene happened again, and Mosdaq blocked the slash unscathed.

Mosdaq was not surprised by this, he sneered: “Death… I forgot to remind you. The so-called slash is actually one of the manifestations of spiritual pressure. After returning to the blade, my spiritual pressure has skyrocketed, enough to offset the spiritual pressure you gave on the slash. Therefore, with your power you can’t hurt me at all! ”

Gengmu Jianba withdrew his blade and laughed maniacally: “Is it? It seems to be this path. But… You think too much, it’s probably just that I haven’t been out for too long, causing this knife to temporarily dull. ”

Although Genmu Jianba’s words were plain, they contained an absolute confidence, as if he could break Mosdaq’s armor at will if he wanted to.


Mosdaq’s pupils contracted suddenly, and he did not doubt the words of Kenba More. It is a captain-level figure, and the strength will definitely not be so weak.

Sure enough, after throwing out some cruel words, Genmu Jianba swung his blade again.

This time, Mosdaq still did not choose to dodge, and he relied on the advantages of steel skin and spiritual pressure to rise to the top.

But… The result was beyond his expectations


With a crisp tearing sound, a huge blood slit appeared on Mosdaq’s body, which meant that he was finally injured!

Tick… Tick…

Looking at the blood that was constantly falling, a smile rose at the corner of Jianba’s mouth, and he said casually: “But that’s it… As long as I get used to the strength of the knife, I can easily break your steel sheet. ”


Mosdaq clenched his fists viciously, and was instantly slapped in the face just after throwing a cruel word, which made him angry. He decided not to fight with the madman in front of him for physical strength, and instead used spiritual pressure to defeat the other party.


Mosdaq clasped his hands together, and a red flash condensed in front of his fists. A strong flash of light rushed towards Kenba Gengi, suddenly exploding all around him.

Before Genmu Jianba could react, his figure was already drowned out by brilliant red light. Not only that, but even the ground where he was collapsed and turned into ruins.


Madara Corner, who was watching the battle in the rear, and Ayase River Bow saw this scene, and they were worried. At a close distance, they could naturally feel the terrifying energy contained in the virtual flash. If it were their own words, I am afraid that they would have disappeared long ago.

It’s just that Genmu Jianba is not an ordinary person, and a single virtual flash naturally can’t defeat him!

“Flash? It’s a very good move. But it’s not enough, broken face…”

When the red light dissipated, the figure of Genmu Jianba reappeared. Although he did not fall, his clothes were shattered, especially the white captain Haori was even more miserable, except for the conspicuous “Eleventh Team”.

“Damn it… This madman, really tricky! ”

Whether it was Mosdaq or the other two broken noodles, they felt incredible, obviously they had eaten a false flash, but they did not fall. Could it be that Genmu Jianba really possessed an immortal body?

In fact, the more injured and bleeding he was, the more he could make Mu Jianba excited.

For a good fighter, being able to die in battle is the best place to go!

Genmu Jian Yamori sneered, and the bloodstained image combined with his hideous face caused the three broken faces to have an illusion: as if the other party was a truly fierce demon, and the three of them were just lambs that fell into the clutches of the devil.

“How many years… Except for when I fought with Uchiha, I have never felt this crisis of death again. ”

The wooden sword raised its head to the sky and roared, and the spiritual pressure in his body continued to explode.

However, when they heard the name “Uchiha Ban”, the faces of the three broken faces appeared a strange look.

“This guy used to fight with Madara-sama, no wonder it’s so tricky!”

The three suddenly realized, and finally understood that Genmu Jianba was not an ordinary character.

At this time, the spiritual pressure of the Wood Sword Eight suddenly skyrocketed, and its richness even covered up the spiritual pressure of Mosdaq! _

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