I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 184: The World Is Shocked

"Father, that father doesn't want his children to become dragons and phoenixes. It's very simple to want me to become a dragon. As long as you teach me your skills, father, I will be one step away from becoming a dragon."

When Huang Tianqi saw his father scolding him again, he became thick-skinned and got used to it.

In order to learn that kind of swordsmanship, he is willing to be beaten by his father 10,000 times.


The one who greeted Huang Tianqi was his daddy's slap on the head again, causing him to hug his head and yell in pain.

"Do you know why I hit you? It's because you're too stupid. I've taught you that kind of swordsmanship a long time ago.

"Tiangangjue, you have a white back, Tiangangjue covers everything, Fist Technique, Shenfa, Qinggong, etc., and swordsmanship is also in it."

"There are several kinds of swordsmanship in it. If you memorize it, you forget it, and you haven't studied it carefully."

Huang Dongjie looked at Huang Tianqi with a look of hating iron but not steel.

"Uh, this,"

"Father, I was wrong. I will definitely study the contents of Tiangangjue carefully in the future.-"

Seeing that his father wanted to beat him again, he quickly admitted his mistake and said.

"You, you don't understand the importance of strength at all. When you do, it will be too late."

Huang Dongjie shook his head and said.

"Father, please don't worry, I actually know that Tiangang Jue is so powerful, I will definitely practice seriously in the future, and try to achieve the level of Sword Qi."

When he knew that Tiangang Jue could achieve all kinds of magical methods of his father after cultivating to the late stage, he became more and more interested in Tiangang Jue, and decided to practice hard in the future.

It is obvious that he regards hiding things in his sleeves as a means only available at the late stage of Tiangang Jue.

"Father, can I also teach Yun'er the Tiangang Jue?"

Huang Tianqi asked directly.

"My modified Tiangang Art is only effective for my direct descendants. Others have practiced it, and the effect is not very great."

"You can teach it if you want, but she may not be able to practice at the late stage level of Tiangang Jue."

Huang Dongjie said indifferently.

When Huang Tianqi heard it, he didn't believe that the Cultivation Technique should be practiced separately, but thinking of the legends of his father, he felt that it was not surprising that the father had the ability to modify the Cultivation Technique to this effect.

"Father, is there any other Cultivation Technique suitable for Yun'er to cultivate?"

Huang Tianqijue's father has a great supernatural power, maybe the father has the magic secrets of women's cultivation in him.

"You have to know one thing, Cultivation Technique is a dead thing, but it is human beings who create miracles."

"The Cultivation Technique inherited by Canglong Deva is already the best in the world, what she needs now is not other Cultivation Techniques, what she needs is hard work and understanding."

Huang Dongjie suddenly said with a correct attitude.

Huang Tianqi didn't say anything anymore, and immediately handed over the solitary medical books he had collected with him to his father.

"It's not easy for you to collect so many."

Huang Dongjie flipped through a few books and saw that the content inside was all new, so he knew why this little son didn't have time to practice.

Ganqing spends most of his time looking for Dr. Lu and searching for lonely medical books.

"Father, with these medical books, how sure are you of treating Yun'er's terminal illness?"

Huang Tianqi asked expectantly.

"I've looked through the rare medical books you found, and they rarely talk about how to treat terminal illnesses, so I'm still not sure.

Huang Dongjie just made his son anxious, he was just playing!

"Then, with your current methods, father, how sure are you of curing Yun'er's terminal illness?"

Not only Huang Tianqi looked at Huang Dongjie expectantly, but also Ren Yun'er. If she could survive, of course she wanted to live well.

"About 20 to 30%"

Huang Dongjie casually replied with a probability.

"Twenty to thirty percent?"

Upon hearing this answer, Huang Tianqi and the others were greatly disappointed, the success rate is too low. If it is not the last moment, they will never ask the father to treat him.

"I should leave!"

"Father, where are you going?"

Huang Tianqi asked with a blank look.

"Of course it's to play around the world. Do I want to stay by your side, be a nanny, and watch you loose dog food?"

Huang Dongjie walked outside after speaking.

"Father, if we have something to do, how can we find you."

"Our family's intelligence network, if you have something to tell them, I don't care about it, it depends on my mood.

"By the way, don't show your face in public, the Devil's Cult and Buddhism are already eyeing me."

"They will definitely plan to kill me, so you two keep a low profile and don't get caught by them.

After Huang Dongjie finished speaking, he shook his body and disappeared.

"My head hurts. At first I thought that my father was just joking. Who would have thought that I would really introduce this ferocious beast like my father into the world."

Huang Tianqi knew that he would act more cautiously in the future. It was really his father who made the matter too much, and he didn't want to be his father's drag, so he could only act in a low-key manner.

When the Cangbing Pavilion was destroyed, everything that happened on the scene of the Cangle Pavilion was spread.

The world instantly became a sensation.

The destruction of the Cangbing Pavilion was a major event, but in the event of the Grand Great Master falling, it was not so important.

Wu Qitian is dead!

The aloof Grand Great Master died, he didn't die at the end of his life, he was the first Grand Great Master to be killed in the past two or three Hundred Years.

The person who killed him is simply unpredictable!

It turned out to be Martial King, the number one conspirator in the ages!

Dong Martial King is also a Grand Great Master, a Grand Great Master who is less than sixty years old.

For a time, everyone in the world was shocked by this matter.


"What, Uncle Wuhuang is the Grand Great Master, he killed Wu Qitian."

Huang Minglong jumped up from the dragon chair when he got the news.

After confirming that the news was true, his eyes were filled with shock and shock, and then his face was full of excitement.

He knows that the Great Xia Empire is stable!

Immediately he brought the news to Patriarch Huang Tianshi.

"What are you talking about, the junior who holds the title of the first holy seeker in the ages is a Grand Great Master, a Grand Great Master who is less than sixty years old, you are sure you are not kidding me."

Huang Tianshi couldn't sit still when he heard it, and flashed directly in front of Huang Minglong, grabbed Huang Minglong's arms with both hands, and asked for proof with his eyes full of light.

"Old Ancestor, it is absolutely true that the Fifth Emperor Uncle is really the Grand Great Master, and he also killed Wu Qitian, the left protector of the Demon Cult."


Huang Minglong replied with great certainty.

"Hahaha...God bless me Daxia, really God bless me Daxia, with him, even if my life is on the verge of eternal sleep, the Yinxia Empire will not be able to reach it."

"Where is he, where is he now?"

Huang Tianshi is eager to know Huang Dongjie's whereabouts.

"Old Ancestor, Fifth Emperor Uncle has gone missing again, and our people can't find him at all."

Huang Minglong couldn't help it, the Grand Great Master wanted to hide, no matter how many people he sent out, he would never be able to find him.

"Find, we must find him back, he broke through to Grand Great Master before he was sixty years old, he definitely has the hope of becoming a new person.

"It's not safe outside, the Devil's Cult, Buddhism and other restless forces don't want to see a strong Deva appear in the court, and they will definitely try to strangle our hopes.

"So we must get him back, he is the hope of our Great Xia Empire."

Huang Tianshi knew that Huang Dongjie could kill Wu Qitian, and his strength might be similar to him, or a bit stronger than him, but two fists were no match for four hands.

If multiple Grand Great Masters join forces, Huang Dongjie may have nowhere to escape.

He was eager to get Huang Dongjie back, not only to prevent Huang Dongjie from recruiting other transcendent forces outside, but also because Dong Dongjie would be the pillar to succeed him in protecting the Dazhong Empire.

"Yes, Patriarch, I will let all the intelligence personnel find Uncle Wu Huang."

Huang Minglong also knew the importance of Uncle Wuhuang to the court, so he directly mobilized the power of the court, vowing to get Uncle Wuhuang back.

Demon Cult

"Dong, Wu, Wang,,,,"

Author: I have been busy these two days, so I will update it every day first, and I will make it up when I have time.

Thank you for your support~


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