My name is Serah,I am the one with this guy leaning to my shoulder sleeping deeply as he snores.His sharp black eyes,skin so perfect and white,lips are that of a human that is kissable and a

lil bit reddish,his nose is pointed, he is Zane.Well I'm not perfect such as he on the outside, I'm just an ordinary girl with bright green eyes,blonde hair,orange lips and a turned-up nose wait...(You call that ordinary?????You wouldn't call it right?!...sheesh talk about lame).He's black eyes shown up on me in my lap scratching his eyes.

Yawn.\"What are thinking about?\"he asked.

As I freaked out, my thighs let go of his head leaving it to bump on the bench \"Ow\"he said nonchalantly like this -_-.

His upper body stands up while sitting on the bench as he scratches his back head,he after stands in front of me as I stepped back a little.

\"I-i'm sorry!\"I bowed.

Zane moves closer to me as I bowed to him for apologizing for what I did (Is he going to do something?!argg! I don't know!),but instead of disciplining me,I felt a gentle touch on my head it was warm and full of care.

I moved my body back from bowing to lil bit straight.A single drop appeared in my eyes.

He touched my cheeks and I felt something is going to happen, footsteps of running are coming closer and closer by the second.A man in black hoddie with a mask on his face,little did i and he knows that man stabbed a knife in my back leaving me to lean unto Zane and throw up blood.I instanly closed my eyes,my breathing is not becoming normal but worsen.

His eyes widened in the shock of me getting stabbed,he holded my back and we both bends down.

\"Serah y-you can't leave me right?, please Serah....stay with me\"

He holded my hands tightly as he goes to it's pulse on wrist,the pulse was getting slower and slower.

As tears fell down to his cheeks,he clenched his teeth.

\"No...Serah! don't go on without me please don't!\".

*Spirit World*

The phantom of the world or it's twin are one,the only things that spirits could live in,those who have the third eye can see it's mysteries,I opened my eyes a little to catch a little glimpse of Zane before i die but a silhouette of light that bears the wings of an angel,the light more brighter than the sun,I witnessed to see an angel and die.

That particular angel is the angel of death,summoned by the heavens to carry out punishment and pestilence through the land.

It moved it's hand up with a sword like engaging in a war.

\"You who is the gifted,you who shall be

pestilenced by death and thou shall be alive again\"

Said the angel of death.A circle of holy light appeared in the spirit world there the seven archangels stands.Micheal,Jophiel,Gabriel, Raphael,Chamuel,Azerael and Ariel.

They pointed their index fingers directly to Serah,they teleported in the great heaven of God.

The throne of God in the middle and statues of the seven great archangels stood,the statue of Ariel on the top of the door and six on sides of the Lord. Walls are made of gold,many gems that cluster like emerald,ruby, amethyst,diamond,black and red diamonds everywhere filled with gold and gems.

God was sitting high and mighty on his throne,his face was nothing no nose, mouth,ear,eyes or any.but cladded in white robe.his body is made up of holy light that glitters.

He bends to pat Serah's head gently.

\"Is this the one I've asked for?\"he asked.

His voice was overwhelming even if it's just a word the warmth,the love and joy that came out to his by just asking.

The seven straights their bodies and bows like a prince.

\"Yes,Your majesty...she is the one\"they answered.

\"Well then why don't we start now?\"

\"Yes...understood\"they holded their chest then bows again.

Their hands points directly to her with God,the ever glowing of light showned whirling beside their hands giving Serah life force and spiritual strength.

\"The past shall be known again,the life of lovers shall restart again for these years have come,your colors will be again lively...Brent\"the seven archangels chanted.

Her body turned into a ball shaped of rainbow colour,her soul came outside the doors, traveling through tower to tower, temple,houses of gold, different kinds of plants and trees and people.

To edge heaven and clouds where the angels watch humans on earth.Her soul hit the earth like a meteorite finding it's body and owner.

But before that i also have to talk to Him.

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