\"Brent!\"Zane calls out.

Brent runs as fast as he could away to him,Zane huffs deeply catching his breath to inhale,he catches Brent's hand and the force from their run twists their legs to fall in the ground never knowing that they were in the middle of the forest alone.

Zane locks Brent both of his hands beside Brent's ears,his legs in between of his friend.

\"Look at me\"his throat letting a deep sunken voice

Brent avoid his friend's glare,he wanted him all to himself,he realises he loves his dear friend Zane from the moment he and Ranz's kiss,he avoided to know what he was feeling towards Zane,he just felt at first that he should not tool notice of it not right at that time.

\"I said look at me Brent!\"he touched his friend's chin to directly line their eyes up.

\"N-no.....\"turning his head but the grip was not letting it.

\"I may have done it over than it should be ,but I'm sorry okay!...I-i didn't mean it\"he grabs Brent's shirt on the collar bone leaning his head over to Brent.

\"No...no... that's not it... it's your life,I just cried\"

\"Then why cry huh?\"still leaning.

\"I do not have the answer\"he says.

\"Please tell me\"he begs.

Brent crosses his arms at the top of his head to cover his eyes hidden in sight,pursing his lips,his eyes looking to his left side,after being quite for a minute he answers.

\"I'm jealous\"blush flushed out to his face.


(He's Jealous?but I thought he is not,I thought that he was playing around about the jerking off when we moved to the dorm and now he says he's jealous?)

Zane feels butterflies in his stomach,his eyes sparkles,he could feel his heart flutter in joy, filling it with happiness and love.

\"I-i'm jealous god damnit do i need to spill it twice?\"

Zane smirked at the question he said,he looks up to Brent.

\"Really your jealous?\"he laughed.

\"Don't make fun of me jerk\"still covering.

\"But I'm not, I'm just happy you told me this\"

Brent blushes even more,he could feel his heart throb from the word happy in Zane's mouth.

(He is happy?how can that be?does he loves me too?well brain it is!)Brent thinks.

\"I'm happy you told me your jealous and because that my heart leaps\"he said huskily.

\"Shut up!\"he squints.

\"Cutie don't hold back now or else what am i gonna do to you\"he smirks.

\"Wha-what!no! Mr.Silvitus that ain't buyin it\"he shouts.

He pecked unto the cheeks of Brent pursing and closing his eyes to Zane's kiss ,he unlocks himself to Brent and stands up.

\"Only time can say that you're mine\"

\"Don't joke\"he pouts.

\"It's not a joke but the truth Brent\".

Brent stands up to his feet brushing off the dirt in his clothes,he looks around this place that looks scary and remotely far from the shrine in the deep forest of the Silvitus grounds.

\"Uhmmmm.....where are we?\"

\"Uhhh I don't know?\" Zane answers.

Then suddenly someone poked Brent's shouler ,never to be noticed, hair's from both men stands up at the fright they felt to this man standing in front them,he was really handsome bearing black eyes,pale white skin, whose hair is light brown like a cream,his natural features amazed these two.

\"Ahhhhh!\"screamed of Brent.

\"What are you two doing here deep in the forest?did you know that it's not good being in these place? it's full of strange things\"the man says.

\"Were just hanging out,t-then we got lost into the forest and tried to go back with no luck at all\"explains lying of Zane while scratching his back.

The clapped his hands with a tender smile.

\"Well why don't i guide you to the path right back to the shrine?\"he asked.

\"Really?sorry for the trouble letting us go home\"said Brent kindly appreciating the man.

\"Anything is fine as long as you go home,besides i know this forests landscape like the back of my hand\"

\"Ohhhh wow\"Brent says in impressed motion.

The man walks passed through them and both follows him,until a few minutes have gone by,these saw the stairs up way to the shrine.

\"Look! it's the stairs!\"

Brent and Zane runs near the stairs then turns around for the man that helped them through getting lost in the forest.

\"Yeah thank y-\"both startled why the man is not there anymoree.

\"Did he vanished?\"asks Zane.

\"I don't know,maybe he got home?\"touching his chin.

Zane holds Brent's hand tight,smiling down at him.

\"Well he helped us so we need just to go home yeah?\"

\"Hmmmmn\"he nods.


The thank you word does not end aye?

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